
Bold is Na'vi translated.
Regular font is English.
Italics is John's thoughts and narration.

John and Neytiri rode side by side as they trailed behind the reef people. A commotion had stirred up in the water, prompting the group to investigate. John's eyes grew wide as he observed the lifeless tulkuns floating in the water.

Ronal dismounted her creature, gasping for air as she gently caressed Ro'a's head, observing the lifeless Tulkun. She leaped onto Roa's flipper and scanned her surroundings, tears welling up rapidly.

"Her name is Ro'a." Tonowari revealed." She was my Spirit Sister." She shared with them, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing the heartbreaking scene, John and Neytiri bowed their heads in reverence for the fallen, feeling a pang of guilt knowing the humans were behind it.

"She was the composer of songs!" Ronal cried out, sobbing for the loss of her spirit sister, "Much revered. We would sing together." She looked to her side, and spotted Ro'a's young child, crying out even more seeing this.

"She waited many breeding cycles to have this calf." With tears streaming down her face and her voice quivering, she shared with the two," The whole clan was so happy for her."

Ronal couldn't stop crying, her hand resting on Ro'a's head." What is this Tonowari?" She glanced at her mate and Jake, her voice filled with confusion. "What is this!" Tonowari felt his mate's pain and exhaled shakily as he looked to the side, trying to keep his emotions calm.

John's face twisted into a frown as he glanced at Ro'a. It was clear that neither she nor her son deserved such a cruel fate.

Shifting the sea creature towards him, Jake suddenly caught sight of the vivid red pouches and a beeping tracking device attached to Roa's flipper. It dawned on both him and Beyral in an instant. The sky people had returned, and this time, they were even closer.

The rain was pouring heavily on Pandora, accompanied by thunder that echoed through the surroundings. However, it was more quiet than the chatter of everyone huddled together under the main area.

"My spirit sister, and her baby have been murdered by the sky people!" Ronal told everyone gathered, gaining noises back from them and a hiss from Tonowari.

"This war has come to us!" He looked at everyone in the crowd, holding his spear up high in one hand, "We knew about this hunting of our Tulkun people, way over the horizon, far away! Now, it is here!" He declared yelling, slamming his spear down onto the ground as he and the people of the clan started to hiss and hold out their tongues.

Jake attempted to soothe their nerves, realizing that if they didn't take action soon, more Tulkun would lose their lives, "You gotta understand how the sky people think! They don't care about the great balance!" Beyral cast a concerned look at the aggressive Metkayian, keeping Kiri close to her side.

Neteyam also tried getting people to quiet down, and hear his father's words. "Listen! Listen to him!"

"The sky people are not gonna stop!" Jake motions with his hands, and brings them down slowly, "This is only the beginning. You guys gotta tell your Tulkun to leave!" He turns around to them all, raising his voice," You gotta tell them to go far away!"

"Leave?" Ronal whispers, her eyes fixed on him with disbelief." You live among us, and you learn nothing!" A Na'vi from the Metkayina tribe stands behind Ronal, brandishing his spear, "We will fight to protect our brothers and sister!" he shouts, making strange noises and sticking out his tongue, while the rest of his clan mimics him.

"No, no, no." Jake said as more Na'vis kept snarling around more and more of them hissed." If you attack, if you fight, then they will destroy you! They will destroy everything that you love." Jake warned Ronal, who instinctively placed her hand protectively over her belly while Tonowari watched her intently.

You hear my words!

We will fight!

We will fight!

Hear my words!

Jake was fed up with no one listening to him, so he swiftly snatched the red tracker from Neteyam's hand and leaped to the highest spot in front of everyone. "You tell the Tulkun that if they're hit by one of these, they're marked for death."

With a heavy heart, Ronal turned to her mate, their expressions filled with sorrow and sadness upon hearing the announcement.

"A call for me. I'll silence it." Jake assured the massive group, taking a moment to collect himself before speaking again.

"Saving their lives, that's all that matters. Right? Saving your family." His eyes locked onto the leaders, capturing the attention of every member of the Metkayina clan.

Tonowari looked down at his mate, who was holding onto his arm, and she nodded her answer to him. He turns back to Jake and his people, motioning out to sea with his spear, "Tell the Tulkun."

"Go. Go." Ronal orders, her voice on the edge of cracking with her emotions all over the place from all these recent events. Her people listened to her, and all started to rush towards the water, going to find their Tulkuns.

John walked away with Neytiri following as he walked to their hut." We need to do something. Ma John." she urged, clutching his arm tightly. Startled, John turned to meet her gaze. "I won't simply stand by and do nothing," she affirmed with determination.

"And I understand if you don't, but at this moment, we really need a solid plan. The Navi people underestimate the intelligence of humans." He expressed, and she cast her gaze downwards.

"Then we must get the children." She said and looked up at him. Jake nodded before looking around." Kids! Sylwanin! Spider!"

"Tuk! 'Angao! Hipawo!"

With worry etched on their faces, they called out for their children, their voices carrying across the village as they scoured every corner in hopes of finding them.

John and Neytiri scanned the village for their kids, only to find everyone rushing into the water armed with spears and weapons. John caught sight of Tonowari and intervened just in time to witness the chaos.

"Hey, what's happening?" John asked, noticing the frown on Tonowari's face. Tonowari's response sent a shiver down his spine.

"The demons on the ship have taken the kids. Your children are among them." As realization dawned upon him, John's eyes widened. "We must act now," he exclaimed, before darting off in a hurry.


"Let me go!"

Tuk began to hiss at the avatars surrounding them. "Hipawo!" Tsireya shouted as she was forcefully pushed down and handcuffed to the rail.

"Now I remember you," Quaritch said as he glanced at Lo'ak. Upon reaching his brother's family, he merely looked at them. "I never knew my brother had such a big family," Quaritch commented as the kids struggled to break loose.

"Let us go," Sylwanin shouted at him, her voice filled with urgency. Quaritch humbly knelt down in front of her, his gaze meeting hers.

"You bear an uncanny resemblance to your Savage mother," he observed, eliciting a strong reaction from Sylwanin. In a fit of anger, she spat in his face, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Regaining his composure, Quaritch swiftly grabbed a towel to cleanse his face before standing tall once again.

"Lead my brother's family to the room and confine them there. I have important business to attend to with his father," Quaritch ordered, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at Jake's son.

Tuk's piercing screams echoed through the air as she, Sylwanin, and Hipawo were forcibly separated." Wait!" Tsireya's voice rang out, but it was drowned amidst the chorus of terrified children.

After being thrown into a room, the three found themselves trapped as the door was firmly shut. Hipawo, determined to escape, resorted to forcefully pounding on the door in hopes of opening it.

Meanwhile, Sylwanin swiftly secured masks for herself and Tuk, ensuring their safety as she observed her brother's relentless attempts to break free.

"It's no use brother, they're not letting us out." She said and Hipawo sighed before sitting down. Sylwanin gave him a mask and he thanked her before breathing into it.

"Will Mom and Dad find us?" Tuk questioned, tears streaming down her face. Sylwanin's brow furrowed before enveloping her little sister in a hug." They will find us." She comforted as Tuk nestled in her arms.

The members of the Metkayina tribe eagerly engaged in the action, ascending above the water on their skimwings. Tonowari, leading his clan, took charge with John and Jake at his side.

Neytiri, high above them, raised her arm and let out a series of cheers and yips, which Ronal heard and responded to with a fierce scream. Beyral flew next to Neytiri on her Ikran, shouting as well.

As they caught sight of the ship, Jake, who was at the forefront with Tonowari, instructed him to halt their progress. Tonowari raised his spear, signaling his command, and the other warriors obediently ceased their advance, patiently waiting in the water.

Quaritch removed the communication device from Lo'ak aboard the ship and took his earpiece. Placing the earpiece in his ear, he prepared himself to speak by holding the speaker to his mouth.

Looking through the eyeglasses of his gun, Jake's heart rate increased as he saw Lo'ak on the ship." They got our kids-" He moved the scope right, "Your daughter-" Tonowari expressed her distress with a sound. Ronal hissed, releasing some strained breaths.

John scanned the boat, but his kids were nowhere to be found, causing him great concern. He glanced up and noticed Neytiri wearing a worried expression, unable to locate her own children either.

Suddenly, Quaritch began speaking into the mouthpiece, "Jake, tell your friends to stand down. If you want your son back, you come out alone." He then revealed his gun, holding it up to show Jake, "You know better than to rest my resolve." Lowering the gun to the back of Lo'ak's head, he sent a chilling sensation through Jake's veins, causing him to tense up.

Jake's lips went into a straight line, clenching his jaw angrily seeing the situation and releasing an upset noise, removing the gun from his eyesight.

"I took you under my wing, Jake, and you betrayed me." Jake hears the Avatar's voice through the comms, "You killed your own. Good men and women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid."

Watching the scene unfold, Jake's eyes locked onto the ship where Lo'ak was in danger, his two children by his side. "Make sure to reassure my brother that his little ones are safe, at least for now," Jake looked at John who had heard what was happening.

Jake pressed the comm around his neck, "Just wait one." He answers Quaritch, before exhaling shakily and turning to the Ronal, and Tonowari.

Looking behind him, he saw all the ready warriors for the fight as he made up his mind, and turned back to Tonowari, holding up a hand to signal stop, "Hold here."

"They are killers of Tulkun." Tonowari reminded firmly, as he turned to him and held up spear forward, "They must die. Here, today."

Jake looked back at him, "It's me that they want. That's what all this has been about, right?" He speaks to him strongly, shaking his head, "The hunting of the Tulkuns. The taking of our kids."

Tonowari held a conflicted face, as his blue eyes flicked back and forth from the ship to Jake, and remained quiet. Ronal on the other hand, was not, "You brought this upon us!" She hisses with venom, and turns to him with a scowl, "You!"

Jake nods with a solemn face, ears flat against his head as he looks down for a second, and then back up to her," Then, it is me who has to do it." Tonowari released a puff of air out of his nose, giving Jake a look he didn't understand, but he held up his spear and signaled once more for the warriors to stay where they were.

"Offers to fix to expire. What's it gonna be?" Quaritch questioned through the comms, gun pushing against Lo'ak's head more as he hissed under his breath, anxiety growing by the second.

"Check your fire. I'm coming out." Jake simply replied to him through the comms, as he placed his gun behind him and made his skimwing move forward.

Up above in the air, Beyral saw her mate going forward out of the group, alone making her grow worried, "Ma Jake, what is happening?" She asked through the earpiece, but he didn't answer.

"Ma Jake?" She tried again, but he didn't answer making her release a scared noise. Jake looked down, a heavy frown on his face as he couldn't reply to her, as he knew Quaritch would hear too.

Out of nowhere, a tulkun surfaced from the water and landed on the ship. John made eye contact with Tonowari, who signaled before shouting.

As Jake witnessed the scene, he couldn't help but let out a loud cry. Without wasting a moment, he swiftly advanced on his skimwing, with the other warriors right behind him. Ronal joined in, emitting a yipping cry and brandishing her spear, while the remaining warriors also cried out, joining the chorus.

Payakan then plunged back into the ocean, emitting a final roar as his tail swiped away the last of the sky people's machines.

The Metkayina warriors all let out cries and charged forward upon noticing this, only to be met with a barrage of gunfire from the Matador. The warriors swiftly dove into the water, narrowly evading the incoming bullets.

Neytiri and Beyral moved about, shooting their arrows at every human they came across. John skillfully directed his spear towards a human, instantly taking their life. In return, a human fired a shot at John, causing him to quickly dive into the water to avoid it.

John glided with his Skimwing beneath the surface, then leaped onto the boat. Tsireya and Lo'ak were tied to a rail.

"John!" Tsireya exclaimed, thrilled to see him. John scanned the area before rushing over to them. He retrieved his knife and freed them.

"Where did my kids go?" He asked, and the two pointed in a direction. "They were taken inside the ship," Lo'ak explained to John. "Hurry back to your parents," he said, and the two immediately left.

John went off to find his kids.

"We need to find a way out and fast." exclaimed Hipawo, scanning the surroundings in search of a solution to pry open the doors. They began scouring the room, hoping to stumble upon an escape route.

They glanced around and suddenly heard a loud bang on the door. Quickly, they each reached for their knife, preparing to protect themselves from whoever was on the other side. The door suddenly swung open, and just as they were about to attack, they realized it was their dad.

"Dad!" Tuk exclaimed while running to hug him. "Are you alright?" He asked, to which they both nodded. "We have to leave now! The sink is leaking!" He urgently informed as he ushered them out of the room and began leading them outside.

"Hey, do you guys know where 'Angao and Spider is?" he asked. "We have no clue, they was never caught, so their most likely still somewhere in the water," Sylwanin informed her father, who simply nodded in response.

John quickly shielded his children against the wall when he noticed people rushing past. "Hurry," he urged, leading the way. After a while, they managed to reach the outside. "Go find your mother and stay safe," he instructed, and Tuk hesitated. "What about you?" she asked, reluctant to leave her father's side.

"I'll be alright. I'll double-check to ensure there are no humans tailing us. Let's move!" He informed them, prompting the kids to immediately dive into the water and speed off on their ilu. Meanwhile, John sprinted around the ship, eliminating any humans in his path.

John glanced upwards and noticed that the sky was gradually turning dark. Curiosity piqued, he scanned his surroundings and suddenly heard the sound of gunshots.

Intrigued, he instinctively followed the noise, only to stumble upon a shocking sight - his own brother engaged in a fierce altercation with Jake. As if the chaos wasn't enough, the ship they were on began to sway violently, teetering on the edge of flipping over.

As the sinking ship pitched and rolled beneath their feet, Jake and Quaritch engaged in a brutal hand-to-hand combat amidst the chaos. With makeshift weapons in handโ€”chunks of metal, broken pipes, anything they could findโ€”they circled each other, their eyes locked in a deadly dance of determination and defiance.

The clang of metal against metal reverberated through the air as Jake and Quaritch clashed, their blows fueled by years of animosity and rivalry. Each strike echoed with the weight of their shared history, a tangled web of betrayal and redemption that stretched back to their days on Pandora.

Quaritch, his face twisted in a snarl of rage, lunged forward, wielding a jagged piece of metal like a deadly spear. But Jake was quick to parry, ducking and weaving with the agility of a jungle cat as he countered with a swift kick to Quaritch's chest.

The impact sent Quaritch staggering backward, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to regain his footing. But Jake was relentless, pressing his advantage with a flurry of blows that rained down upon Quaritch like a monsoon.

With a primal roar, Quaritch surged forward, his fists a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of strikes aimed at Jake's head and torso. But Jake was no stranger to combat, his reflexes honed by years of training and experience.

Ducking and dodging with lightning speed, Jake evaded Quaritch's onslaught, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced around his opponent. With a fierce cry, he delivered a devastating uppercut that sent Quaritch reeling, his vision swimming as stars exploded behind his eyes.

But Quaritch was not so easily defeated, his resolve hardened by the fires of battle. With a snarl of determination, he launched himself forward once more, his fists flying like a whirlwind as he sought to overwhelm Jake with sheer brute force.

With every blow exchanged, they fought not just for victory, but for honor, for justice, and for the future of their people.

But as the battle raged on, a sense of weariness settled over Jake, his muscles aching with exhaustion as he fought to keep Quaritch at bay. The relentless pounding of the waves against the hull of the ship served as a grim reminder of their impending doom, spurring him on with a renewed sense of urgency.

With a final burst of strength, Jake unleashed a devastating roundhouse kick that sent Quaritch crashing to the ground, his body sprawled amidst the debris of the sinking ship. Gasping for breath, Jake stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the wreckage around him.

As Jake stood victorious over Quaritch, a sudden cry of alarm pierced the air. Turning in surprise, he saw John rushing to Quaritch's aid, determined to intervene in the fight. But before Jake could react, the ship lurched violently, throwing Quaritch off balance and sending him careening into a nearby room flooded with water.

"Quaritch!" John's voice echoed with panic as he watched his brother disappear beneath the surface. With a surge of adrenaline, he leaped into action, diving into the water in a desperate bid to save him.

The water closed in around John like a vice, its icy embrace sending chills down his spine as he searched frantically for any sign of his brother. But amidst the darkness and chaos, Quaritch was nowhere to be found, lost amidst the wreckage of the sinking ship.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, John fought against the rising tide, his lungs burning with the need for air as he struggled to stay afloat. But just as he was about to give in to despair, a glimmer of movement caught his eye.

Turning toward the source of the movement, John saw Quaritch emerging from the depths, his arms wrapped around his unconscious form. Quaritch pulled John to the a room close by. Gasping for breath, Quaritch looked down at his brother's pale face, his heart clenching with fear.

"John, wake up," he pleaded, shaking his brother's shoulders gently. "You have to wake up."

But John remained limp and unresponsive, his body limp in Quaritch's arms. Desperation clawed at John's chest as he frantically searched for any sign of life, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Desperation etched into his features, Quaritch frantically tried to rouse John from his unconscious state. He pounded on his chest, water spilling from John's lips as he fought for breath.

A flicker of relief crossed Quaritch's face as John sputtered to life, his eyes fluttering open. But his relief was short-lived as John's gaze met his, filled with fury and betrayal.

"You had a lot of nerve taking my children," John growled, his voice laced with venom. "Using them as bait to lure me here."

Quaritch's jaw tightened, his gaze faltering under the weight of John's accusation. "I never intended to harm them," he protested weakly. "I just needed you here."

But John's rage was unrelenting, his blows raining down on Quaritch with a ferocity born of years of pent-up anger and frustration. He lashed out, his fists striking like thunder, each blow fueled by the memories of loss and betrayal.

"You tried to kill my family," John seethed, his voice cracking with emotion. "You drove us from our home, forced us to flee."

Tears welled in John's eyes as he unleashed his pent-up anguish, his fists pounding against Quaritch's chest. "I hate you," he spat, his words laced with venom. "I hate you so much."

But Quaritch, ever the soldier, accepted John's fury without protest, allowing his brother to vent his anger and grief. And as John's cries subsided into silent sobs, Quaritch reached out, his arms open in a gesture of forgiveness.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the roar of the ocean. "I'm so sorry."

But John pushed him away, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret. "Now I'll never know if my children made it to their mother safely," he whispered, his voice choked with tears.

Watching John stay afloat, Quaritch knew that his family's fate was sealed. He decided that he would rather die reconciled with his brother than live with unresolved issues.
