
Bold is Na'vi translated.
Regular font is English.
Italics is John's thoughts and narration.

Neytiri awoke to find that she was still in the same room. She slowly stood up, but her hand had stopped her. A chain was fastened to her hand when she looked down.

She tried to use her strength to break the chain attached to her arm, but it was no use. It wouldn't move. She heard the door open and turn around to see the man that she saw in the woods.

She watched as the man slowly approached her while he was just looked at her. He looked at her as he examined her entire face and body.

"I'm not here to hurt you." John told her as he slowly sat on the bed as she backed away from him quickly." What is your name?" He asked but she didn't respond, she remain quiet.

He frowned at her, he was so stupid. Why would he asked for her name when he literally kidnapped her from her home.

"Okay, you don't have to talk." He said to her as she watched him, narrowing her eyes at him." You do look very familiar to me tho." He said as he looked closely at her before his eyes widened.

"You're the leaders youngest daughter, aren't you?" He asked and she flinch when he mentioned her father." You are his daughter." He said and she stared at him. How did he know who she was? Who was this man?

"I met you at Grace's school four years ago." He said and she looked at him, trying to figure out if he looked familiar to her. But it was kind of hard to do that because she never seen him before.

"You probably don't remember me due to me being in a human body." He said as he tried to remember that memory.

Neytiri's eyes widened when she realized who he was before hissing at him. It was him, the one who was related to the man who got her sister killed.

"Okay. Okay." John said raising up his hands to her, telling her that he was no danger to her. She still continue to hiss at him.

John didn't have the foggiest idea what to do, she was clearly pissed about something yet he didn't have any idea what it was. He only hope he could calm her down.

"Fine, you do not have to talk, you just have to listen." He told her as she just watched his every move." I know that you hate my family.......a lot, but I'm not going to hurt you at all while you are here." He told her, but she just continued to staring at him.

He sighs, knowing that he wasn't going to get her talking to him. He looked at her, her glare not removing from her face.

"I will let you rest." He told her as he got up from his sit and walked to the door. He grabbed the mask from the table." Here, this will help you breathe since we are in human air." He told her as he put it back on the table.

Neytiri's eyes looked at the mask, thinking it was a trap before looking at John. He walked out of the room and left her alone.

She slowly walked up to the mask and examined it as she picked it up from the table. She knew it were breathing mask since she saw one on grace and Jake before, on their human face.

She can't believe she met John again, she used to have a crush on him when she was just a child. A time where she didn't really care about what humans looked like.

She remember when she walked up to him and was about to tell him her name. She had regret not telling him, her name but her mother had called her and her sister back home.

She slowly started missing her home now, she was only gone for a few hours-maybe even a day and no one from her clan bothered to try and find her.

She put the mask on and breathe into it, not feeling lightheaded anymore. She needed to get out of this devil place at once. She just needed to come up with a plan.


John was standing in a room filled with all the other humans. They were trying to figure out what to do with Neytiri.

"We should kill her, after all she did killed two of our friends." Reed said to them as everyone started talking about what to do with the Na'vi woman.

"We should help her find Jake." Heather told him as he glared at her." If we keep her alive, she will find a way out of here and warn that traitor of where we are." Reed said and some of them agreed with him.

"You are being reckless right now. You will just start a war. She is after all the chiefs daughter." Heather said, she didn't want to start a war.

"Oh please, her father is dead and you want to know who's leading them now,  Jake Sully. I say we kill her before she could do anything." He said as Heather looked at John.

"What do you think, John." She asked him and everyone looked at him, waiting for his answer.

"We need to find Jake. So, I think we should get her to teach us, her ways." He said and everyone was silence.

"What do you mean?" Heather asked him and he looked up at them, crossing his arms." We get her to teach us her ways. Think about it, the forest is her home. Jake has an advantage over us. We need to think about this." He said and they looked down.

He had a point, if they went into the woods. They would get killed faster then they can even start looking for Jake.

They don't know a lot about the animals and the plants there that can kill them. They don't know what was safe and what was not safe.

"I think, that's a good idea. She should teach us, her ways." Roy spoke up for the first time." What if she doesn't agree with this." Reed asked him, he didn't want that woman teaching him nothing. He didn't want to act like these animals.

"Then I will try and persuade her." John said before walking away. Heather smirked at Reed as he glared at John's head. He was going to get them killed by trusting her.


John came back in the room and saw Neytiri looking at the window, at the woods while holding the mask to her face. Neytiri turned her head so fast to see him coming into the room.

He raise up his arms to tell her that he was harmless. She watched as he sat down in a chair in front of her.

"How are you?" He asked, she just looked at him as he frowned at her. This was going to be hard since she wasn't going to talk to him anytime soon.

"Okay." He talked to himself as the two went silence for a couple minutes. Neytiri looked around the room while John watched her.

He could see that the little girl he saw was no longer there anymore. He could see how a lot has changed in the girl.

She lost her sister and now hearing she lost her father too. He felt sorry for her, no one should suffer at such a young age.

Now that he was thinking about it, he was a very selfish person back then. He cringe when he remembered how his old self was like.

He was a bitter teenager, who wanted to watch the world burn. He wasn't into all that leader stuff, that was his brother thing. He closed his eyes and relived that moment of meeting the girl that was in front of him now.


John was with grace as he was forced to go to her school and meet the other Na'vi people. His brother, Miles a.k.a. Quaritch wanted him to get information from them.

John watched as grace happily taught the Na'vi kids English. He rolled his eyes at them, they were nothing more than people acting like animals.

When his brother became leader for the mission, to go to Pandora, he didn't want to go at all. But unfortunately, since he was one of the best soldiers around, he had too.

He had to set up some rules to them if he was going to be here. Number one, he didn't want to be in the body of those creatures. Two, he didn't want to go to their forest or to be in contact with one of them but I guess you can mark that off the list.

John looked around, seeing two girls being dropped off by the leader of the clan. The girls looked at each other, smiling before heading inside. John just rolled his eyes at them.

John walked into the school as he stood at the doorway, watching Grace teach the kids. While he was focused on grace, he didn't notice that someone was looking at him.

Neytiri looked at John as she never saw a human up close in person before. He looked weird to her, but in a good way.

He looked to be way older then her from her eyes. If only he was Na'vi to really tell the difference.

Sylwanin looked to see her sister staring at someone. She followed her eyes to a human boy behind her. Sylwanin glared at him, his father had only allowed people with avatar bodies to come here. Not the human itself.

"Neytiri." Sylwanin called out to her sister, who turned to look at him." What?" She asked, looking annoyed at her.

"Stop looking at him, he is nothing but a demon. And besides, he is the human leader's brother." Sylwanin told her and Neytiri rolled her eyes and looked back at John.

Later on, the kids were now running around, outside playing with eachother. Neytiri grunts as she had been watching John for the past hour.

All he did so far was talk to grace and got on some device in his hand. She decided to go talk to him, so she made the first and walked up to him.

John looked up from his phone and looked up at the girl. She was no doubt younger than him by the way she looked. He cursed under his breath, Na'vi were really tall.

"Yes." He asked and she looked at him in confusion. John rolled his eyes, of course she couldn't understand him.

"I'm N-" They both heard someone saying sister as they turned around to see Sylwanin walking up to them, while glaring at John.

"Mom wants us home now." Sylwanin said in Na'vi, John didn't even care on what they were saying to each other." But-" She stopped when Sylwanin gave her a look." Fine." Neytiri said before having John a smiled as she took off running.

"Stay away from my sister, demon." Sylwanin spit at him before running away. This is why he hated Na'vis so much.


John sighs as he opened his eyes and saw Neytiri now looking at him. She was a happy girl back then, despite not understanding her.

"I guess you don't need me for today." He told her, she didn't trust him yet so why would he just bring up, for her to help him and his people fit in with her people.

John got up and went to leave the room, he heard a crash and turned around to see Neytiri on the ground seizing out. He ran to her and picked her up as her body shook on the floor.

"Heather!" John yelled as he held Neytiri in his arms. Heather soon came into the room to see Neytiri's body giving out.

She ran and got her things as John put the girl on the bed. He removed the chains from her arms as Heather got to work, doing her thing as Neytiri's body came to a stop.

The two both sighed in relief as Neytiri was now sleeping.

"What caused it?" He asked and she looked at him." I guess human medicine doesn't really work on her kind." She told him as John looked at her.

"I will keep an eye on her." John told her and she nodded to him." If anything bad happens, please call me as soon as possible." She told him and he nodded.

Heather left the room as John took a sit next to Neytiri. He watched the girl sleep, he hoped that she would be willing to talk to him after he saved her life.
