
Bold is Na'vi translated.
Regular font is English.
Italics is John's thoughts and narration.

"Could you please hurry up?" Lo'ak said as he turned to look at the three who were still catching up, while waiting for Spider, who had shorter legs than them. "You do realize Spider is a human, right?" Kiri said, staring at her brother as if he were stupid.

Lo'ak just rolled his eyes and turned to leave them again. Kiri rolled her eyes again before turning to face Sylwanin.

"Are you the oldest child?" She questioned, and the girl looked at her before nodding. "It must be nice to be the elder?" Kiri asked, and Sylwanin shrugged as she continued her walk.

"Not really, you have to set a good example for them, which I'm not very good at." Sylwanin informed her.

"You are the total opposite of my brother." Kiri said, and Sylwanin looked at her before looking at Lo'ak. " Lo'ak?" Sylwanin questioned, but Kiri shook her head no. " I have an older brother. Neteyam is the perfect child. Especially since he was born to look like a true Na'vi." Sylwanin frowned when she told her.

"Isn't it supposed to be something good?" Sylwanin questioned, and Kiri shrugged. "Well, I don't really care, but Lo'ak, It's very difficult on him when our father always sees him as a troublemaker and always blames him when things go wrong." Kiri said, and Sylwanin frowned.

"I'm sorry he has to go through it all." Kiri smiled as Sylwanin informed her. "It's fine, he's used to it now and doesn't mind." Sylwanin nodded as she spoke.

"We made it." Lo'ak said as they gazed at the Spirit tree. Sylwanin and Spider smiled as they took their first look at the Spirit tree. Despite the fact that her clan was forbidden from coming here, her clan's parents made the connection with their children.

"It's breathtaking." Spider said this, and Kiri smiled as she led them closer to the tree. " Judging by your expression, as if you've never seen anything like this before?" Kiri questioned, and they both shook their heads no.

"We are not allowed to be here because we are in your parents' territory." Sylwanin told her, Sure, her parents may have linked her to the spirit tree when she was born, but Spider never set foot here because he was human.

"That's awful. Hopefully, it will be fixed one day." Kiri stated as Sylwanin and Spider exchanged glances. "I seriously doubt it." Spider said to her as they stood next to the tree.

"Come." Kiri said as she connected her braid to the tree. Sylwanin observed Lo'ak doing the same before turning to face Spider. He nodded to her, and she smiled slightly before grabbing her braid and connecting to the tree.

Sylwanin couldn't see anything, and all she could hear were voices.

"Move, Neytiri. Do you know who this man is?"

"Neytiri, this man is the brother of Quaritch. The man who destroyed your life."

Sylwanin was puzzled; she had heard that voice before but couldn't place it. And who was this dangerous man?

"It is punishable by death to mate with someone outside of the clan."


Sylwanin was dragged from the vision and back into reality. When she looked around, she noticed that Kiri and Lo'ak were still connected to the spirit tree, while Spider was just sitting on the ground waiting for them.

Spider noticed her and smiled. When he noticed the look of discomfort on her face, he frowned.

"What's the matter, are you all right?" He asked, and she slowly nodded. "I just saw something strange, but nothing to worry about." Sylwanin said and he nodded as the two other siblings moved away from the spirit tree and looked at them.

"How was it?" Kiri asked, a smile on her face. " It was fine; thank you for bringing us here." They nodded as Sylwanin said. They were walking through the woods on their way back home when they heard a noise behind them.

They all took out their knives and looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. When Sylwanin realized what it was, her eyes widened. Two Thanator surfaced in front of them, growling.

"Guys, don't move whatever you do." Sylwanin recalled what her father had taught her. "What should we do?" Kiri asked, clearly terrified because she had only played with cubs, not a fully grown Thanator.

"My father used to be able to outrun one of these. We need to move slowly but quietly into the trees, where they can't reach us. Look for the tallest tree you can find." They nodded as Sylwanin said. " Run!" She yelled, and they all dashed to the trees.

The two Thanator took off through the forest, chasing the four kids. They began climbing the tallest tree they could find. Kiri climbed the tree first, then turned around to assist Spider as Sylwanin pushed him up from the ground.

Lo'ak was in another tree, distracting one Thanator but failing to distract the other, who was slowly approaching Sylwanin.

"Watch out, Sylwanin!" Lo'ak yelled as Sylwanin turned around to see the Thanator running towards her. Spider and Kiri tried to help her up, but they were too late as the Thanator scratched the poor girl hard on the waist.

Sylwanin yelled as she was being dragged up in the three. As she lay on the tree, Sylwanin began to breathe heavily. Spider tried to talk to her while looking at her wound, but all she could think about was the pain.

"We need to get her to my grandmother as soon as possible. She'd know what to do." Spider shook his head as Kiri told him. " We are not allowed there. We need to take her to my uncle and aunt." Kiri looked at him as he spoke.

"My home is closer to here. If we return her to your village, there's a good chance she won't survive." Kiri said as Spider frowned and looked at Sylwanin, who was fading away. "Fine, you take her back to your village, but I have to return to mine to warn them." He said, and she nodded as Lo'ak jumped down next to them.

"What about those two down there?" Lo'ak questioned, and they turned to see the two Thanator still attempting to reach them. "We go through the trees, and as we get closer to home, they will have no choice but to leave." Kiri informed them as Sylwanin hissed in pain.

"We need to get moving." Kiri spoke up as Lo'ak helped her assist Sylwanin on their shoulders. Keep an eye on her." Spider said, and they nodded before he returned home. "Let's go, Lo'ak." She said, and they began rushing back home through the trees.

When they returned home, the clan watched as the kids took Sylwanin to their grandmother's Hut. Mo'at was bandaging someone when she noticed her grandchildren rush in with someone.

"Children, what's the matter?" When she saw the girl lying in between them, her eyes widened. " A Thanator attacked us and managed to hurt Sylwanin. We need your help." Kiri said, and Mo'at realized right away that this was her blood grandchild. Only one person would name their child after her first child. Her daughter Neytiri.

"Come, lay her down right here." Mo'at said, and the kids did as she said, laying Sylwanin down on the mat. "Will she be all right?" Lo'ak asked, his eyes welling up with tears. " Let us hope to Ewya that she will be okay." Mo'at stated before beginning work.


Spider returned home and ran to find his uncle. He ran up to John when he finally found him in front of a few warriors.

"Uncle John, I need your help." Spider said as he struggled to catch his breath. "What's the matter, Spider?" Kneeling in front of the boy, John asked. "It's Sylwanin, she was attacked by a Thanator." John's eyes widened before he looked around.

"Where is she?" With a solemn tone, he asked. " She is with the Omaticaya clan." He said this, and John nodded before hurrying home to fetch his wife. "Neytiri!" he yelled as she and the kids turned to face him.

"Ma John, what's the matter?" She rushed up to him and asked. " It's Sylwanin, she was attacked and is now in your old village. We have to leave right away." He said this, and she nodded, taking her bow. " Dad!" When John turned around, he noticed his sons staring at him.

"You stay here with Spider and don't leave this house no matter what." John said as he and Neytiri rushed out the door, ignoring their children's questions.

It took the parents 30 to 40 minutes to get to the other village, and when they arrived, they were surrounded by weapons. As John tried to calm everyone down, Neytiri hissed at them. All of the commotion drew attention to the leaders who also showed up.

Beyral hissed as she realized who they were and grabbed her bow and aimed it at John's head. Jake hissed and glared at them.

"What are you doing here?" Jake questioned, and the two exchanged stares. "Where is our daughter?" Neytiri spoke up before John had a chance to respond. "Your demon child isn't here, so you should leave." Beyral hissed once more.

"She is here; I won't ask you again, where is she!" This time, Neytiri yelled, ready to shoot an arrow through this girl's heart. " Calm down, my people!" Mo'at said as she exited her hut. As she walks to the center, the clan members bow to her.

"My daughter." Mo'at expressed her delight at finally seeing her daughter after all these years. "Mother, where is my daughter?" Neytiri asked, and Mo'at nodded before pointing to her Hut.

" She's in my hut. I stitched her up." Mo'at continued, but she didn't have time to finish because the parents had already passed her by on their way to find their child.

When they arrived, they discovered their baby girl sleeping on the mat. Neytiri's eyes welled up with tears as she knelt in front of her baby to examine the scars on her child's waist. As Neytiri cried and hugged her baby girl, John sat next to them.

"Oh, my sweet baby girl. It's all right, Mommy is here." Neytiri said as someone entered the hut. They turned around to see Mo'at, Beyral, and Jake standing nearby. Neytiri drew her bow and pointed at them.

"Get them out of here, I don't want them near my child." She said this while looking at Beyral and Jake. Mo'at turned to face the other parents and nodded. They wanted to disagree, but they couldn't because they were being dragged out of the hut.

"I am deeply sorry that this has happened to her." Mo'at told them this as Neytiri remained silent, holding her daughter close to her chest, John nodded to her as he looked at his wife and daughter. "It's fine." Mo'at turned to face her people as John spoke.

"Do you need anything else?" Mo'at questioned, turning to face them. "I just want to get out of here and take her home." Neytiri stated as she turned to face her mother. "I don't think it's a good idea to move her right now because she needs to heal." Mo'at informed her, and Neytiri scoffed.

"I will not leave her in a place where people want to hurt her." Mo'at frowned as Neytiri told her mother. "No harm will come to her." She assured her, but Neytiri refused to budge. "I believe it is best if we take our chances." John said, and she looked at them before nodding.

"I'll give you some medicine to help her heal." Mo'at said, and they nodded as John picked up his daughter in his arms. Mo'at gathered some of her medicine and placed it in a bag before giving it to her daughter.

"Thank you." Mo'at nodded as Neytiri spoke. She wished she could bring her daughter back into the clan, but she knew other people would be upset. Besides, she appeared to be happy where she was.

Everyone was watching as the two parents walked out of the hut. Neytiri stayed behind her husband, making sure no one tried anything. She noticed Beyral and Jake with three other children and knew they were theirs.

Lo'ak and Kiri stood there with tears in their eyes, watching their friend in their father's arms. Neytiri stroked her husband's shoulder, and John turned to face her. Neytiri nodded and walked over to Jake and his family.

Beyral, fearing for her family's safety, pulled out her knife. Jake came to a halt and looked at her as Neytiri approached them.

"Neytiri." Jake greeted her, but she didn't return the greeting as she looked at his children. "I've come to make a deal." They all looked at her as she spoke. " My daughter was on the verge of death today. I don't want that to happen again, so please keep your children away from mine, for good." Neytiri said, and the children's eyes widened as they looked at their parents.

"It's done." Jake spoke up, and Neytiri nodded before walking away, but not before their children complained to their parents. Before heading home, Neytiri sighed.

When they got home, they put their daughter down on her mat and let her sleep. They wrapped blankets around her before putting their other children to bed. John followed Neytiri out the door as she observed some of the people getting ready for bed.

"I can't believe we came so close to losing her." She said this as John came up behind her and hugged her tightly. " Me too." He said this as tears streamed down Neytiri's cheeks once more. "We can't let this happen again." He nodded as he placed a hand on her almost 9-month-old stomach.

"We will protect them at all costs." He said, and she turned to face him. " I promise." He said this as he kissed her on the lips.

I promise you.
