Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Prologue


It has been awhile since your last visit, and I must say the castle has been quiet. Although, this is not the reason I send for you. I am going on a small adventure to find my father's closest friends, the seven lords of Telmar: Lords Bern, Octesian, Mavramorn, Revilian, Argoz, Restimar, and Rhoop. You might have met them once before my uncle Miraz sent them away.

The meaning of me sending this, was not to give you a history lesson you already know, but to ask you to join me on my voyage. We will be sail in three days for the Lone Islands, on the sails of The Dawn Treader. I do so hope you come, I will not be waiting for an answer, for I know you will not send one.

Safe travels,

Caspian X, King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, Lord of Telmar

Robin folded the paper along it's already creased edges, then rolled it back up. She hammered her hand against the horn of the saddle and thought. On her shoulder sat the hawk that had brought her this message. He was a Narnian bird, of the talking sort, and would not shut up about one thing or another. Robin was on the verge of eating him, of course this would not do, but she nearly couldn't help it.

Below her standing patiently and waiting for a command was Destrier, Caspian's old warhorse. Robin had allowed Glade to die after the battle with the Giants and now rides with saddle and bridle upon the black Friesian. She would be riding bare-back as normal, but Destrier was not trained like Glade, but Robin could never be more thankful for him.

"Mi'lady, I must return." Said the hawk, by name of Beakwayn. Robin simply nodded, although she was holding back a few things to yell at him. Beakwayn stiffened his legs and brought his wings out a little before jumping off her shoulder and spreading his wings fast, soon he was in the air and flying out of the tree canopy, out into the vast blue world.

Robin did not watch him go, she was still too busy thinking about the letter. Caspian had written a few times over the three years since the Kings and Queens of Old had left, mostly asking her to deliever certain messages to certain people, but now he was asking her to join him on an adventure, like he did with the Giants.

Oh, how she craved one of those right now.

She been riding for the past many weeks, through towns, mountains, valleys, deserts, and many things that you would not be too pleased to hear about. But the point being, she had been doing nothing but traveling aimlessly for many months, and she was growing tired of it. Destrier also needed a break, although she knew he would work for her until his heart gave out. He would not be coming on this venture, boats are no place for a horse, dumb or not.

"What do you say, Des? Another journey to spur my spirit?" Desrier nickered back with a toss of his mane. "You're right, I'd die of sea sickness before we even made it to the Lone Islands." She groaned and flopped back on the saddle, the rim forcing her back to bend and she appeared quiet a sight; all upside down with her head at the horse's butt.

"Frick it all," she sat up, "I'm dying of bordum." She placed the message into her saddle bag, then urged Des toward Cair Paravel.


Hello, there: So, it's been like forever since I've updated. Don't worry I've started writing, but I have no idea when I'll publish more.

Also: There is a chapter that I forgot to publish that a reader brought to my attention. So, if you could go and find the chapter titled: If I may... in the Caspian section, that'd be great.

I can't wait to finish this project and be done with it.... That is until a new movie comes out. I do hope that is a ways off, I have too many other things to do. Like finish Wolf of Darkness and... oh, wait. That's it right now, then I'll be taking a break. Yay, me!!!!!!

Thanks for reading,


Ps. This whole book will be edited during the break that hopefully comes quickly. :) But, if you guys could help point out my mistakes, it HELPS like crazy!!! Danks!!!!!!!!!
