Prince Caspian: Epilogue

Glade sidestepped slightly as Robin tried to tighten his cinch. He moved again away from her. The shifter groaned and tried again, but the dapple stallion did not want to. He was going to be stubborn and not obey, and she had not a clue why.

"Maybe, he's telling you that leaving isn't the answer." A very familiar voice said behind her. Robin sighed and leaned her head against Glade's neck. She's hoped to get away without having to say another goodbye. She mumbled something into the horse's coat, but the king didn't understand it as he stroded forward into the musty stable.

Outside the night sky was black speckled with stars and a full moon. It was exactly a month since he and Robin had run off into the night to save his hide.

"I didn't understand that." He said leaning against a stable post. Robin turned quickly on him and glared.

"I said, 'you were suppose to be in bed.'" Her voice dripped in a little anger.

"Ah...yes, I was. But when does a king have a curfew?" Robin rolled her eyes.

"Since I put one up."

"You think I go lie on a bed and sleep? I've got other important things to do."

"Like try and stop me from leaving?" Caspian pondered this. Robin sighed and with a quick movement, had Glade's saddle securely on his back. The horse lowered his head in annoyance that she'd won. Caspian walked forward and patted the warhorse's neck.

"I think he's getting too old for this job." Robin nodded.

"I've tried turning him lose." She whispered, her hand started mindlessly rubbing through the black mane. "He's the only thing I have to remind me of my life thirteen hundred years ago, though."

"Then why don't you release your past?" He inquired with a frown. Robin sighed.

"It helps keep me in check. Helps me remember from my mistakes." He chuckled and Robin frowned. "What?"

"What mistakes do you have to remember?"

"Plenty, I'll have you know." Caspian held his hands up in defeat.

"Fine, fine. But make sure to come back and visit. It'll be too quiet around here without you." Robin cocked her head to one side. He sighed. "You miss them too, you know."

"I've known them longer. They'll show up when we least expect it. Well two of them will, and something inside me, tells me there might be a third."

"How do you know?" Robin chuckled and climbed up into the saddle. Glade paced impatently. If he couldn't stop her, then he wanted to go.

"Come on." She flashed a smile. "I'm Aslan's Equal."
