(13) LWW: The Great Cat is dead!

Lucy lay trying to go to sleep, but something kept her up, something about the day was keeping her mind troubled. She finally gave up trying to sleep and just tried to get comfortable.

Light footsteps outside her tent wall made her sit up. A shadow of a beast looking much like Aslan passed over her tent. Then disappeared around it.

"Susan!" Lucy whispered.

"Mm?" Susan answered slowly turning over in her sleep. Lucy stood up grabbing her belt and cloak. Susan still not quite understanding grabbed her bow, cloak, and quiver before following Lucy out of the tent. They walked out and around the tent flaps to the back side, where Aslan was seen going up into the forest. Lucy looked at Susan with a questionable look then turned back around and followed.

They walked silently from tree to tree following the beast. The moon was dark and the forest just as dark. The leaf covered ground dispersed any sounds out of the forest. They continued on their way until Aslan stopped. He didn't even turn around but continued looking ahead with his head down.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" He asked. The girls looked at each other, then slowly walked out from behind the tree they had taken coverage.

"We couldn't sleep." Lucy answered.

"Please, Aslan." Susan pleaded. "Couldn't we come with you?"

"I would be glad of the company for a while." Answered Aslan. "Thank you." The girls now stood on either side of him. Lucy slowly reached out and grabbed hold of his mane. Susan did the same, and soon both girls were brushing their fingers through the thick mane.

They walked for a long while before Aslan stopped. "It is time." He said, turning to each of them. "From here, I must go alone."

"But Aslan..." Susan started.

"You have to trust me. For this must be done." The girls' faces were sad and full of grief. "Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell." He turned and, with his head down, walked away from the two.

Lucy and Susan stood there staring after him for a little while before Susan started forward again, but on a different track. They walked in silence and soon came to a small clearing. Here Aslan stopped again and Robin came forth out of the trees. She was in human form, but her weapons were not with her. The two talked for a little while before continuing on together, as did their followers.

It wasn't much longer before they came to the Stone Table. Torches and creatures of all races stood around the table. A small path went from the table to where Aslan and Robin stood. Aslan paused and turned to Robin. She nodded her head and back up slightly give a small bow at the same time. Aslan returned the nod and walked on.

Jadis walked up, her eyes a beaded black, onto the table as Aslan stopped a few feet before the stairs. She pulled from behind her back a long knife and held it in two hands before her. "Behold. The Great Lion." She said with hate. The crowd of ugly watches sneered and growled.

The girls watched in pain and confusion as Aslan stood there and allowed these insults to be thrown at him. They also watch Robin clench and un-clench her fists at her side. Her teeth had become canines as she stood there and every now and then a growl would sneak it's way out of her throat.

A black large Minotaur walked forward. He held a staff of ugly craftsmanship. At one end of the staff was a head of an ax. At the other a sharp pointed edge. The creature poked Aslan with that end. The Lion growled but still did nothing. The Minotaur looked at the Witch. She rose her head and the creature gave a roar. Then taking the handle in two hands, he used both ends and shoved Aslan to the ground. The crowd cheered and geared, but still the Lion did nothing.

Robin nearly took a step forward but remembered her place, and step back instead. She was now nearly hidden in the forest.

"Do you want some milk?" Ginarrgbrik mocked.

Lucy turned to Susan. "Why doesn't he fight back?" She asked. Susan just looked back at the one sided battle.

"Bind him!" Jadis commanded.

"Tie him up!" Shouted an overseer. "Get him!" The crowd grabbed ropes and hid Aslan from the three girls' view. When the group stepped back they revealed Aslan tied in many different places including his mouth.

"Wait!" Yelled Jadis. The monsters looked up at her. "Let him first be shaved." The crowd sneered again and Ginarrgbrik brought out a knife and started cutting Aslan's mane off. Then everyone else jumped in and soon Aslan was ripped of his pride.

When it was done, Jadis gave a half smirk. "Bring him to me." She said. Trolls grab some of the longer ropes and slowly started pulling Aslan up the stairs and onto the Stone Table. The crowd was growing loud and excited. Jadis allowed it to go on for a few seconds before she raised her hand and everyone silenced.

The Hags started stomping their staffs onto the ground and many of the other staff bearing creatures joined. The wolves howled and the Minotaur roared. Jadis knelt down behind Aslan and ran her hand along his coat.

"You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you." The Witch said. "Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one." She gave a small chuckle. "So much for love." Jadis stood up and announced to the crowd. "Tonight the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" The crowd went wild with excitement.

Robin was now into the forest. She turned off the path and walked away from both Aslan and the Pevensie girls. She walked until she was at the tree she had come from. There she sat away from the path and waited. She waited for the pain, for the death, and for the awakening.

Back at the Stone Table Lucy and Susan stared in horror as Jadis shouted what would happen tomorrow.

"In that knowledge," Jadis had continued. "despair..." she brought the dagger up above her head and prepared to bring it down. "...and die!" She brought the knife down and into Aslan's heart.

Robin chocked and throbbed as her own heart stopped. Her hands gripped the tree and then released as she was no more.

"The Great Cat is dead!" Jadis yelled out. The crowd cheered. The Witch turned to the black Minotaur. "General. Prepare your troops for battle." The general grunted then raising his head he roared. "However short it may be." She said as she looked down at the King she had just killed.
