Chapter thirty-two of As the Sun Rises

It turned out that the lodgings that Claudie and the other members of the merchant council had available for them to use was the temple in the middle of town. Marinette figured that it was better to stay there rather than the inns throughout the city. It was quiet and didn't see much foot traffic besides the two priests who tended to it.

And if any palace guards were on their way here, it was likely they wouldn't step foot inside either. Marinette now knew of their blatant disrespect toward the gods.

The priests had been surprised that when Marinette and Her friends arrived early that morning the first thing She did was kneel before the altar and offer up a prayer. She could see the questions lingering behind their eyes. Where had a woman learned such intricate and secret prayers? Marinette had to guess that the older man had figured it out fairly quickly and ushered his younger Brother to kneel and join in following Her.

When She finished, the old priest had Her sit and drink a cup of ceremonial tea while he prepared Her bed for the night. He bowed when he retreated, walking away from Her backward, bent down at the waist. Marinette had decided that She didn't want that kind of treatment anymore, but something within Her softened at the sight. That wasn't respect being given toward a Princess. It was merely the respect deserving of the land's High Priestess.

By the time she woke up in the early afternoon, it was clear that everyone else had already been up and about for hours. All except Nino, who was propped up against one of the columns on his sleeping mat. Alya sat next to him, holding a bowl of soup in front of him and making sure it didn't spill as Nino ate slowly.

She could see Kagami and Chat discussing something near the entrance of the temple, glancing out its doors and into the street every so often. It took Marinette a moment to realize that Fei and Alix were missing from the group. She continued to search for them with Her eyes for a minute longer until the others noticed She was awake and sitting up.

"Well, good morning, sleepyhead," Alya said laughing. Marinette gave her a small wave and stretched Her arms above Her head, still feeling groggy and a little sore.

"Congratulations," Chat said, making his way toward Her and sitting with his legs crossed at Her side. "I think that's the first time the sun's ever been up before you."

"In all fairness," Marinette yawned, "I was still awake when the sun was rising."

Chat hummed, nodding his head. She could tell that he was still exhausted and wondered if he had slept at all. Marinette had certainly gotten more rest than he did, letting him take the reins as they rode the horse together back into the city, him practically carrying Her into the temple when they arrived, and, even now, Marinette could see his barely touched cot lying just a few feet away from Her. He probably had never even laid down in it at all.

It wasn't as though She didn't know why he was tense. Marinette had heard the news last night as well. Palace guards were on their way with the news of Cash's death and the city streets were full to the brim with crowds. People wandered through the market stalls and squares unafraid for the first time in years.

"Where are Alix and Fei?" Marinette asked, looking between Chat and Kagami.

"They're wrapping up some business with the merchant council," Chat said. "We'll join up with them again once we're outside the city."

"Outside?" Marinette frowned, narrowing Her eyes. "We're preparing to leave already?"

"We have no choice, Princess," Chat said, obviously trying to contain the anxiety that was boiling up inside him. "There's too great a risk of getting caught if we stay here."

Marinette felt Her jaw clench at the sound of Her title falling from his lips once again. A memory of him shouting at Her and then hitting the water came to mind, but She tried to push it back as far as She could. She needed to pretend She wasn't irritated by it right now. There would be time to bring it up later.

"What about the people?" Marinette asked. "What about Claudie and- and the government?"

"That can't be our responsibility," Kagami said, shaking her head. "We did our part. They need to figure out how things will go from here."

"But that's not right-" Marinette stuttered. She couldn't quite articulate the anger She felt at being told to abandon these people. "What if some of Cash's supporters try to put themselves in charge? Or the watchmen take back the city?"

"Palace guards on are the way," Chat reminded Her. He grit his teeth. "They'll handle it."

Marinette's shoulders slumped in defeat. There was definite truth to their words, and it wasn't that Marinette doubted Claudie and the merchant council's ability to take control of things, She just wanted to see things through. It was the first time She had felt She made a difference in the kingdom. Marinette hadn't just been a figurehead, or a symbol, or sat on Her knees in front of an altar and offered prayers. She'd held a sword in Her hand.

Chat was still sitting next to Her but had turned away from Her now. His arms were wrapped around his knees. Marinette watched the back of his head tilted side to side. Clearly, he didn't want to leave Her alone, so She would be stuck with him by Her side for a while.

Marinette scooted back and leaned up against the column behind Her. She stared down at Her hands. Last night felt like a dream now, all Her memories filled with light and fire surrounding hard-to-make-out shapes. Even the warm, tingling sensation beneath Her skin had ceased. She could no longer feel the energy coursing through Her like it had after Creation had appeared.

Try as She might, Marinette couldn't make anything appear in Her hands. Not a sword, not a sling. Not even a tiny spark came to life as She snapped Her fingers repeatedly, earning an odd look from the others in the room.

"Hey, Kagami, can you still-"

Marinette didn't even need to finish Her question before Kagami willed the water in a basin to fly across the room and dump on top of Chat's head. He shouted, and Marinette swore he even hissed like a wet cat as he began trying to shake it out of his hair. Chat glared at Kagami, looking ready to pounce on Her. Marinette grabbed him and held him back the collar before he could even move, patting him on the head with Her other hand.

"You can't do it anymore?" Alya asked, raising a brow. Marinette just shook Her head and her expression turned into a frown.

"Odd," Nino commented. "Everyone else seems to be able to use their powers still. Fei flew out of here this morning in Alix in tow. I wonder why it's different for You?"

"Maybe the Child of Creation doesn't actually have powers?" Marinette asked with a shrug. "Perhaps Creation was just lending them to Me."

"Well, You can ask Alix when She gets back," Nino said. "I'm sure She would know, having met the original Red Dragon and all."

"Chat Noir!" Marinette had wanted to sit and contemplate it more, but Max came bursting into the temple the next second, out of breath. He took a moment, holding up his index finger as he bent over, his head between his knees.

"Is everything okay?" Chat asked him cautiously.

"They're here," was all Max managed to say in between heaving breaths. "They've reached the city. It's a bigger troop than we expected."

"They must have met up with more soldiers on the way here," Chat said, standing up to his feet and crossing the room to retrieve his spear. "Alya, I need you to scope out a way for us to get out of the city. Kagami, we should go retrieve Alix and Fei and let them know we're moving out."

Alya nodded, already moving into action. She grabbed the headscarf she'd been borrowing from Nino and wrapped it around, concealing the lower half of her face. The one Nino had bought for her must have not been salvageable after it was used to stop his bleeding. Kagami was on her feet as well, joining Chat by his side.

"Max, do you have any of those masks people are wearing outside for the celebration?" Chat asked.

Max hummed in question as he began to dig around the satchel slung across his shoulder. He pulled out a black and gold mask, handing it out to Chat. "Kim and I were going to use this in a performance later, but... we'll find another one."

Chat murmured a soft thank you as he put it on, tying the strings around the back of his head. Kagami laughed as soon as he looked up again, the loudest and most resounding laugh Marinette had ever heard from her, and She could see why. At his forehead, two points jutted out the top, forming ears. "Well," Kagami said, doubling over and clutching her stomach, "it finally doesn't feel so stupid to call you Chat Noir."

"Whatever," Chat grumbled, unable to stop himself from touching the ears on top of his head. "Let's go."

Marinette stood up from the floor, making Her way over to them. "I'm coming with you, too."

"No," Chat said immediately. He took a deep breath before continuing. "You're still injured and someone needs to stay here with Nino. We'll come back for You."

"I'm going to be worried just sitting around and waiting," Marinette said. She narrowed Her eyes at him. They both knew what was at stake if he got caught by palace soldiers.

"An hour," Chat said softly, drawing Her into his embrace. "Tops."

Chat rested his head atop Her own for a moment. Marinette's cheek was pressed against his chest as he held Her, feeling its rise and fall and the beating of his heart all at once. She hoped he would do this again when they saw each other next- an hour, and She would hold him to that- so that She could feel for Herself once more that he was alive and well. Still, he pulled away from Her all too quickly and was out the door without another word. Kagami offered Her a glance as she left, a promise that they would both make it back. It lingered for a few moments until Marinette smiled at her, and then she was gone as well.

It was a minute before Marinette was able to move again, turning on Her heel and walking toward Nino. Max had followed them out moments later, offering Her and goodbye and thank you in case they didn't see one another again. She knelt at Nino's side, taking his hand comfortingly. "Do you need Me to do anything?" She asked, smiling softly. "Change bandages? Organize supplies?"

"Rest, Marinette," Nino urged Her. "I'm fine for now."

Marinette huffed. "I can't rest," She said, standing to Her feet as She began pacing the room. "If I just sit around and do nothing I will go insane waiting for them."

"Think about it this way," Nino said, watching as She walked back and forth across the floor. "Kagami, Fei, Alya, and Alix are now way more capable of taking care of themselves than they even were before. They're going to come back unscathed."

"Yes." Marinette huffed. Her voice was filled with worry but She couldn't stop the frustration from leaking out as well. "But Chat is just a man."

"Maybe so, but he's Your man." Marinette didn't miss the pointed smirk on Nino's face as he spoke, though She pretended to ignore it, turning away from him to hide Her blush. "Best soldier in the kingdom given the duty of protecting the Princess? Isn't that right?"

"I'm not the Princess anymore, remember?" Marinette asked, Her brows knitting together. She put Her hands on Her hips, finally standing in place, but still rocking back and forth on Her feet. "He doesn't need to be putting himself in danger for Me like this anymore."

"The two of you, I swear to the gods-" Nino grumbled to himself, looking up at the ceiling. "I know I shouldn't swear while we're in a temple, but you frustrate me to no end."

Marinette's burning stare turned to him, though Nino didn't falter underneath it. "You're there for him. He's there for You. You're stuck with each other. Get over it." Not willing to dignify any unspoke accusations with a response, Marinette simply sat down by his side again, crossing Her arms over Her chest. Her unwillingness to speak didn't seem to stop him, though, and Nino opened his mouth again only moments later. "He lives for You, Marinette. When are You going to realize he doesn't just stay with You out of duty?"

Marinette whispered softly to no one but Herself. "When he tells me that himself."

Voices grew louder just outside the temple, forcing Marinette to look up from the ground. Her eyes widened as She thought She could recognize one of the people, fear flooding Her head as She went still.

"We don't have time for this, Your Majesty," the first person grumbled. Marinette forced Nino to stand and move as a flash of blond hair appeared in the doorway.

She pushed him back toward the beaded curtain that led to the priest's chambers, pulling a knife from his belt. "Hide. Don't come out for anything."

"What are you doing?!" Nino asked in a harsh whisper. He sunk down to the ground, back pressed against the wall. The sudden and quick movement had caused the pain from his wounds to flare up, etched onto his face.

As Marinette stepped behind one of the columns, hiding Herself from view, another person stepped into the temple. "I'll only be a minute, Felix. Go on ahead if you want."

Felix murmured something under his breath, directing two of his soldiers to stand watch outside the door. "Ten minutes," Felix said, urging the horse he was riding to move onward. "Then I'll tear this city apart looking for you."

Luka laughed.

For the first time in a month, Marinette heard that laugh, but it felt like only a day since the last time. It seized Her body, rendering Her immobile and incapable of thought. She pressed Herself farther into the column as She heard him kneel in front of the altar, his robes being pushed behind them so his feet wouldn't get wrapped up in the fabric. Marinette couldn't stop Herself from drawing heavier, quicker breaths. She was worried he'd hear them. Her knuckles were white as She clutched the hilt of Her knife, holding it close to Her chest.

It felt like forever before Luka stood to his feet again. Marinette wanted to relax, knowing he was moments away from walking out of there, but She couldn't stop the pounding of Her heart.

"Who's there?" Luka asked. His voice shocked Her and suddenly Marinette couldn't breathe at all. He'd begun taking slow steps toward Her hiding place.

Marinette slowly inched Her way around the column, opposite of the side he was walking toward. Perhaps She could try and make it to where Nino was hiding. She could get him to his feet quickly and they'd go out the back entrance. Luka would never even see Her face, never know that it was Her.

As soon as She stepped toward the curtain, a tight grip on Her wrist pulled Her backward. Marinette was slammed up against the wall, completely out of view of the front entrance. On instinct, the knife She was holding came up to rest against Her assailant's throat, pressing into his skin.

Luka's face was furious, his hands gripping the fabric of Her dress and holding Her slightly off the ground. He breathed in deeply through his nose, which was just inches from Her own. Marinette was standing precariously on her tiptoes, the only things keeping Her upright being his grip on Her and the fact that his body had Her caged tightly against the wall.

He seemed unbothered by the weapon She was holding, as though he knew She would never have the strength to swipe it across his throat.

It occurred to Her at that moment that this was the first time She'd ever seen Luka angry. Not even that night, when She had been forced to run from the palace because of him, had he once looked at Her like this. When he finally spoke, his voice was deep and low, revealing the extent of his fury. "What are You doing here?"

Marinette couldn't stop the knife from slipping from Her grip, clattering against the floor at Her feet. Her hands were free, and She could easily hit him or push him off, but She didn't. Marinette didn't even move an inch.

Luka shook Her, jolting Her back to reality as he asked the question again. "What are You-"


The sound of Her hand hitting his cheek echoed throughout the room, leaving dead silence to follow as it faded. Luka kept his head turned away from Her for a few moments, looking at the floor. She had expected his anger to increase. Not disappear.

His gaze softened when his eyes turned to Her again, grip loosening and allowing Marinette to stand flat on Her feet again. Eventually, he stepped back, releasing Her entirely. Luka's voice sounded a lot calmer as he began to speak again, turning away from Her. "I should have guessed. We got reports of a small group infiltrating Lord Cash's home."

"Oh, well," Marinette said, crossing Her arms, "then you could at least say thank you for doing your dirty work for you, Your Majesty."

Her words dripped with venom. Now that the shock and fear had passed, all Marinette was left with was Her anger. It was consuming Her. Every second She spent looking at him, it filled Her mind, heart, and body even more. "

"You shouldn't even be here," Luka said, whirling around with an accusing finger pointed at Her, as though he were scolding a child.

"What? Did you think I was dead?" Marinette asked him, trying Her best to keep Her voice down. "Are you unhappy to find you were mistaken?"

"I never- not for one second- believed that You were dead," Luka said. "I never wanted that to happen!"

"Oh, I think your memories might have been altered slightly then, or did you forget that your guards had their blades at My throat!"

"I told You, You would have lived if You had just stayed in Your room!" Luka shouted. One of the guards had begun to enter the temple and Luka turned on them. "Stay outside!"

He stalked over to the doors, pulling them shut and locking them behind him. The noise and light from the street outside were blocked, leaving them in a quiet darkness. Luka ran his hand down his face. "You were supposed to go into hiding," he said, tone much softer now. "Is Chat no longer with You? Was that part not a lie?"

"He's alive," Marinette said simply.

"And he was okay with Your plan to infiltrate the home of one of the most corrupt lords in the kingdom?" Luka asked, surprised. "Did he really-"

"He does what I ask him to," Marinette said, gritting Her teeth. "Just the same as anyone with an ounce of loyalty in them would."

"I have loyalty," Luka said argumentatively. "To the Crown, the kingdom-"

"You know damn well what I was talking about-"

"Everything I've done has been for a good cause. A noble cause-"

"But what about what you did to Me!" Marinette shouted. Her knees bent with the force of Her words, feeling as though as they would collapse underneath Her. "Me! Why did you do that to Me?!"

Luka's expression went blank, the same cold and unfeeling stare he had given Her that night. "That's a pretty childish way to think about it, Marinette."

"Shut up," Marinette said. She wanted to hit him again, but Her hands were currently pressing into Her chest, trying to stop the aching pain that had started there and was now spreading throughout the rest of Her body. "I'm a person, Luka. A person! You hurt a real person and you killed one, too!"

"I know," Luka said, solemnly. He looked down at the floor, hands folded behind his back. His stance was so rigid, Marinette might have thought he was a statue standing in the dark room.

"I hate you." The words fell from Her lips before Marinette could even stop them. They hung in the air between them, ready to fall like a blade to sever any remaining ties between them. It all depended on what She said next. This could be the last time they ever stood in front of each other. Marinette bit the words out in the same angry tone. "I miss you."

Luka slowly crossed the room till he was standing in front of Her again. His hand reached up, hovering over Her cheek as though he were afraid to touch Her. Marinette grabbed onto his wrist, holding his hand steady as She pressed Her face against his palm. Her tears were cascading onto his skin and soon Luka was holding his hand there of his own accord.

Luka's fingers caressed the line of Her jaw once before pulling back completely, likely to never reach out to Her again. Marinette stepped back into the shadows, out of sight, as Luka walked over to the door. His voice was quiet, but She swore She heard his whisper softly. "Stay safe."

Light flooded the room once again and he was gone. Marinette was thankful that Her strength had held that entire time as only now Her legs gave out. She sank to the floor, back pressed up against the wall, mouth hung open in a soundless sob. It took a moment before Her vocal cords worked, but the sound that left Her was pain itself. She couldn't remember having cried. Not once while She watched Her father die in front of Her, or when they were fleeing the palace had She ever let out of the sobs that She'd been holding in.

Now, there was nothing keeping them in.

Marinette pressed Her head against Her knees, trying to scream enough to get the pain that wracked Her body to leave Her. She wanted it out. It ached in every limb, every blood vessel, taking Her over and rewriting Her until that was all that was left.

She hadn't seen how Nino had managed to get out of the back room. He'd stayed hidden that entire time just as She asked, but now his arms were around Her, trying to hold Her together.

Marinette didn't know how long it had been until Chat arrived, stopping in the doorway. He must have stood there for a while until finally walking over to Her and kneeling at Her side. Nino carefully transferred Marinette from his arms to Chat's, cradling Her head until it rested safely against his chest. Her fingers clutched at the fabric of his tunic, tethering Her to the world.

Neither of them said anything. No one spoke.

Marinette cried.
