Chapter four of As the Sun Rises

Note: Theo is the leader of the Wind Tribe, it was previously Jalil, but I had to make some changes. (Creator's words, not mine)

"They're ready for you, sir." Luka heard Felix's voice from where he was standing in the doorway. Whatever uncertainties he held about his character, Luka was sure about one thing regarding Felix. The man did like to lurk. He hid in the shadows and listened to everything that he thought might be of use. Luka had be to careful of what he said around him. The Fire Tribe offered support in his ascension to the throne, but that didn't mean they would try to stab him in the back later on.

Luka put the smile back on his face before he even turned around. "Right," he said. "Let's go greet the generals then."

The leaders of all four tribes were seated at the table, something that didn't happen often, but the moment called for it. The tension in the room was unbearable. Luka could draw his sword and cut straight through it if he wanted. He kept his composure as he took his seat at the head of the table. It was clear that the tribe leaders had been whispering about him before he entered the room. Surely, each of them would be smart enough to see through the story they would tell about King Thomas's death, however, whether or not they tried to counter it was unclear.

"I'm sure you've heard by now that King Thomas is dead," Luka said, striking up an authoritative air. "There will be time to mourn his passing but the future of the kingdom is at stake."

"General Couffaine," Theo, the Wind Tribe Chief, said. "Where is the Princess?"

"That's the reason I called you here today," Luka said. He paused, looking down at his hands as they rested on the table. He took a deep breath before facing the tribe leaders again. "As of now, Princess Marinette and her guard, General Noir have not been found. They fled the palace during the night after the King was found down. Presently, we believe the general has taken the Princess by force."

"My general has conspired against the King?" Nathalie asked. Luka had to try and hold back a grimace. The woman played her part well.

"Is it really surprising?" Theo asked. "You've allowed him to run around using the name of a thief for all these years and you didn't expect him to act like one?"

"We have no way of knowing the truth until we find them, but the Princess is gone," Luka said, his tone exasperated, "and our kingdom is without a ruler."

Luka glanced at Felix, who gave him a slight nod of his head. If it were possible, Luka would have clenched his fists even tighter at this point. "Since the attack, Lord Felix and I have been discussing what measures should be taken to ensure the Kingdom doesn't collapse. I have the support of the Fire Tribe," he said, looking back at Nathalie and then turning his gaze to the rest of the tribe leaders, "with yours I will be able to ascend the throne and lead our people in this time of need."

Nadja, the leader of the earth tribe narrowed her eyes at him. "But only until the Princess is found and safely brought back?"

"Yes," Luka said in an even voice.

"And if the Princess doesn't?" Nadja asked.

"The Royal Family and the Sky Tribe has no other heirs." Felix stepped in. "General Couffaine has long been a high-ranking member of the court and has been raised to lead both diplomatically and in battle. If Princess Marinette should not be found, I believe it is time for the Water Tribe-" Luka's gaze turned to his mother, who was sitting in her place at the table. She had no clue the things he had done, what he had planned. She would have stopped him if so. Felix knew this as well, giving her a pointed look before he continued "- to take their place as the Royal Family-"

"But we won't get ahead of ourselves," Luka interjected. "I plan on exhausting every effort to ensure the Princess's safe return before even thinking about becoming the permanent King."

Luka maintained eye contact, staring down the other council members as he waited for one of them to waver and approve his proposition. It wasn't a surprise when Nathalie spoke first. "The Fire Tribe has already offered you their support," she said. Her eyes turned to Theo, who was the easiest one to break next.

"The Wind Tribe is in favor," Theo said.

Nadja nodded. "The Earth Tribe as well."

Anarka remained silent at the end of the table. Luka felt his chest tighten as he awaited her answer. In the end, his mother didn't even look at him as she spoke. "The Water Tribe gives their support."

Felix nodded curtly. "Then it's settled then," he said. "We'll make preparations for the coronation."

Luka nodded as well, prepared to leave the room, but his mother's voice stopped him. "I want to hear about the exhaustive measures you plan to use to retrieve Princess Marinette," Anarka said. "The palace still seems full of guards, so who have you sent to begin searching for the Princess and the general?"
"Former general," Felix corrected. "Not to worry, the Fire Tribe has sent their own forces to search for them in the mountains. Lord Nathaniel is leading a group of men as we speak."

Anarka's lips remained in a tight line. Both her and Felix's gazes were unwavering as they stared each other down.

"Does that satisfy you?" Felix asked with a sickening smile.

Anarka stood from the table. "I believe it does, and we are done here," she said. The guards opened the door in anticipation of her exit. She turned and looked back as she reached the threshold. "Please note that I, as leader of the Wind Tribe will be unable to attend the coronation. I will send one of my advisors in my stead."

"The meeting is adjourned then," Luka said, his eyes still stuck to the spot where his mother had been standing. Whether or not it was undignified didn't matter as Luka made his swift exit through the door, hoping to catch up with his mother before she disappeared.

"Mom!" He called after her as she turned a corner. He picked up speed. "Mom!"

Anarka knocked Luka's hand off of her shoulder as soon as he touched her. Her eyes were filled with a red hot fury as she stared him down, though her voice shook with deep sorrow. "What have you done?"

"You know as well as I do the way the kingdom was heading with him in charge. You've said as much before yourself," Luka argued. "Do you really think anything would have changed under Marinette's rule?"

"Show some respect!" Anarka shouted at him. "She is not just the Princess, She is the High Priestess."

"She is gone, mother," Luka said, gripping her shoulders tight. "And even if She does come back, I cannot allow Her to be Queen." His grip softened as he looked at her with pleading eyes. "Stay. Please, stay here at court."

"You've given me no choice but to support your ascension, but that doesn't mean I'll be present for it," Anarka said. "And allying yourself with the Fire Tribe. You will be dead by their hands at the end of the month."

"I've accounted for that," Luka said in a steady voice. All he wanted was to give her reassurance. "Mother, please. Stay here."

"Where is your sister?" Anarka dodged the question, looking away from him. "I'm taking her back home with me."

Luka let any semblance of warmth fade from his face as he released her arms. He stepped away from her. "Currently she's in the Princess's chambers. Juleka is distraught."

"I should think she would be," Anarka hissed. "I'm taking her with me. We won't be back for some time."

His mother brushed his arm as she passed him. There was nothing more for either of them to say. Luka knew exactly what he would be giving up with this scheme, and he had expected it to hurt, but that didn't dull any of the pain he felt in his chest.

Luka walked in the opposite direction, heading towards the parapets of the stone wall surrounding the castle. He had stood here and looked over the city many times before. Perhaps not in this exact spot. That was a few yards down, but he couldn't stand there now. It didn't feel right anymore to position himself in any of the places he once had been.

His body felt exhausted and Luka leaned down, resting his arms and hands on the stone ledge as he continued to look off into the horizon.

I should hope, he thought, that even if Felix's men do find You, You have someone who will keep You quite safe.
