Chapter eleven of As the Sun Rises

"Sorry if you were offended by me asking to have your companions wait outside," Kagami said. Marinette had only learned her name was Kagami when the door was shut behind them and Nino and Chat were left to wait out in the front room of the house. "I prefer if we had a moment to chat in private."

The White Dragon and her attendants had led them to their village, hidden deep within the mountains. Marinette and Kagami had indeed recognized each other, confirming their identities to one another, and the attendants had insisted that the reunion between the Child of Creation and the White Dragon should be celebrated.

The pain, the heat, that Marinette had felt when She first stood in front of Kagami had since subsided. Now, all that was left was the awkwardness, something that Marinette wasn't sure She could deal with. Kagami seemed like a serious person, straight and to the point on everything, and when meeting someone for the first time, Marinette couldn't help but be intimidated.

"I'm not offended," Marinette managed to say after a moment. "Though Chat very well may be. I appreciate the chance to talk to you as well."

Kagami smiled very briefly, though it seemed genuine. "You seem like you've traveled a long way," she said. "Is it true you've descended from the Royal Family? You're the Princess? Or has Creation chosen someone else this time around?"

"Well, I suppose I am a descendant of the first Child of Creation." Marinette walked around the table between them so they were both standing on the same side. "But I don't think technically I'm the Princess anymore."

Kagami seemed confused by Marinette's words, raising a brow, as Marinette looked down sheepishly. At the moment, She was afraid of being a disappointment for the Dragon. She was born a Princess, but having been run out of the palace She wasn't sure that was a title She held anymore. Perhaps if She revealed that, Kagami wouldn't want to come with Her, and Marinette would have failed the very first step of Her mission.

"I am-" Marinette sighed. "Creation only revealed Herself to Me once I was outside of the palace. She asked me to reunite the Four Dragons but nothing else," She said. "I was run out of the palace and I have nowhere else to turn to, nothing to do, and I needed something that would give me a goal to work toward."

"Do You want to use the power of the Four Dragons to take back Your kingdom?" Kagami asked.

Marinette's eyes widened. "No, no," She said, waving Her hands. "I have no intentions of the sort-"
"Because whatever Your goal is, I will gladly follow you."

At Kagami's interruption, Marinette froze. She was surprised by the girl's readiness, that she had already agreed with barely any explanation. "Are- are you sure?" Marinette asked.

Kagami slowly nodded as she began to pace about the room. "From a young age, I was taught that the Four Dragons were the servants of the Child of Creation. Our duty was to serve and protect Her when She reappeared. If I were to say no to You, I would be ignoring my sacred duty."

"Well, I don't want you to say yes because you feel obliged to Me," Marinette said. "I don't want to force you away from your village. Your life. You have a choice, a chance to say."

"I don't hesitate on decisions, Princess," Kagami said, shaking her head. "I've known what I wanted a long time before You came here."

As Kagami walked back around to the side Marinette was standing on, she bent down to her knees, bowing her head in respect. Marinette wanted to take her hand and have her stand again, but before She had the chance to react, the door to the room flew open. A woman stood in the threshold, a cane in her hands, the tip of it resting between her feet on the floor. Kagami stood immediately to her feet as she entered.

Chat and Nino had followed her inside. Marinette met Chat's eyes from across the room, his mouth drawn into a tight line and he gave Her a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Kagami," The woman snapped as she entered the room. "You've brought these people into our village and they aren't even under watch?"

"They're our guests, mother," Kagami said. Marinette couldn't help but take note that she was much more reserved now in the presence of her mother.

"So, I've heard," Kagami's mother said. "A Child of Creation? Where are you, speak up!"

Marinette flinched slightly at the woman's raised volume but stepped forward. She bent forward slightly, lowering Her head. "I am here, ma'am."

"You sound timid," Lady Tsurugi said, disappointment clear in her voice. "How can you be certain She is who She says She is?"

"I felt it mother," Kagami said, confidence pushing back against her mother's questioning. "The gods sent a sign to us both. We were meant to meet one another."

Marinette couldn't help the smile that spread across Her face as Kagami turned her gaze to Her. The slightest smile appeared on Kagami's face in return. It was clear that neither of them could be happier to have one another be the person they were searching for.

"And what are your intentions here?" Lady Tsurugi asked. It took Marinette a moment to realize that the question was directed to Her. She blinked rapidly, voice stuttering and unable to answer.

"She's gathering the Dragons, mother," Kagami said, answering for Her. "I have a duty to answer the call."

"Answer a call She won't even give Herself?" Lady Tsurugi asked, raising a brow.

"She doesn't have business with you," Kagami said. "Just with me."

"So, you would give up your duty to protect this village for Her? You have a duty here as well, Kagami." Lady Tsurugi stood tall as she spoke, unwavering. "What about your loyalty to us?"

Marinette's eyes flickered back and forth between mother and daughter. They both stood proud, and She couldn't help compare Herself in contrast. Marinette found it hard to keep Her chin held high, but Kagami had confidence that She admired, that She wanted.

"I can pledge allegiance to more than one person in my life," Kagami said. "And I know that the decision is difficult, but I am aware of the purpose I was born for, and the countless others before me who passed down the power of the White Dragon, waiting for the Child of Creation to appear. If I don't follow Her, what will their lives have been for?"

Kagami strode past her mother and out of the room. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her, eyes level, not downcast even a hint. Marinette felt as though She had no choice but to follow, and she wondered for a moment, who was really meant to be the Child of Creation here?

As they made their way out of the small house, villagers began to swarm Marinette. Ladies surrounded her, fawning over Her hair and Her clothes. She had wanted to catch up to Kagami, but Her path was blocked.

"Will You allow us to wash Your clothes for You, Your Highness?" One of the village girls asked. "You must be tired after a long journey."

"That really isn't necessary," Marinette said shaking Her head.

"Please, you need to rest a bit," Another said.

Two women grabbed onto either one of Marinette's arms, giggling as they started to lead Her away. Marinette stopped trying to protest, just smiling at them nervously. She looked back over Her shoulder, seeing Chat still standing in the entrance to the home they had just left. His arms were crossed over his chest, his expression still blank, though She could notice how tense his jaw was. Marinette gave him a small wave, and was satisfied as She saw the corners of his mouth give just the slightest tick upward.

She was sure they would have some things to talk about when there was a moment.


Chat stood at the back of the village as he watched the Princess being led away. Normally, this would be something he would try to stop, but he figured they were safe enough. They were in a place where the people practically worshipped Her after all. How dangerous could it really be?

He still felt a little ticked off about being shut out of the conversation between the Princess and the White Dragon at first. Having the door slammed in his face and being told to wait in the hall hadn't felt too good. And then there had been the disrespect dealt the Her with the Dragon's mother. Again, normally, it wasn't something that Chat would tolerate either, but he had seen the Princess's face throughout the exchange. If he had stepped in, it would have made Her feel worse.

The Princess was mostly confident- sometimes overly confident- but there were moments where She closed Herself off. Times when She felt inferior to the others present. The Princess might have said She knew that it was the truth, but Chat knew better. Everyone else was inferior to Her.

As the Princess was taken inside a small hut, Chat decided he didn't want to just sit around waiting for Her. He moved away from his post, taking off through the village in the direction he had thought he had seen the White Dragon heading. It didn't take him long to find her, standing underneath a tree just at the edge of the forest.

"Hey," Chat said, announcing his presence. Kagami turned to him, her face still as serious as it had been before. Did this girl ever smile? "So, you've agreed to go with us?"

"I've agreed to follow the Princess," Kagami said evenly. "Though, I suppose if Her other companions will continue to be following along..."

She drifted off, looking away from him. Chat stepped up next to her, tilting his head to the side. "I think you and I are on the same page."

"And what page would that be?" Kagami asked.

"Protect the Princess," Chat said. "Though, in fairness, I don't need your held doing that?"

Kagami raised her brows. "She was hanging from a net when we found the three of you."

"We have our bumps in the road," Chat frowned.

"If you wanted my honesty," Kagami continued. Chat hadn't asked for that. "I would say that you were the one who could leave now. Maybe I don't need your help."

Chat scoffed. "Sorry, but the two of us are kind of package deal," he said. "Plus Nino, I guess, but the point is none of us are leaving."

"I'm guessing you've been in the service of the Princess for a long time?" Kagami asked curiously.

"Yes," Chat said. "I think we both recognize what our duty is here."

Kagami gave a firm nod. "I agree," she said. "Which is why I'm giving you the opportunity to consider walking away. You've delivered Her safely to the Dragons, who can protect Her. If you'd like I'd be willing to even compensate you for your work. You're injured, aren't you? You could use the money to go see a proper healer, and then settle somewhere."

Chat opened his mouth to respond, tell her under no circumstances would that happen, but Kagami was already walking away. He turned to follow her, but stopped as he saw Nino standing there. Chat hung back, watching Kagami disappear into the crowded village. For a place so small, it was certainly full of life.

Nino came to stand by his side, rocking back and forth on his heels. "I heard that entire conversation," he said.

"I guessed you did." Chat nodded. "She's a fool if she can think she can get rid of me that easily."

"I'm just upset that she implied I wasn't a proper healer," Nino joked. Chat narrowed his eyes at him, and Nino held his hands up in front of his chest. "Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood here. You know Marinette would never leave you behind."

"She might," Chat said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Usually, I good at reading Her, but She's trying very hard to hide Her thoughts from me at the moment."

Nino sighed, wiping his hand across his face. "Look, I don't want to be a messenger between the two of you, because you should, you know, actually talk to each other about this stuff," he said, placing a hand on Chat's shoulder, "but She's just as worried about losing you as you are Her."
Chat had to admit that Nino was right. The problem was that he had asserted his willingness to stay with Her before, and She didn't seem to understand how strong that commitment was.

"Go talk to Her," Nino told him. "Reassure Her. You're both a little insecure when it comes to each other, so just reestablish your promises."

Chat glared at Nino. "Stop psychoanalzing me."

"I will when the two of you get it into your brains that you're both going to stay together and blah, blah, blah," Nino said. "You want me to shut up? Go."

Nino pushed Chat away from him and toward the edge of the village. Chat looked back at him, still keeping the glare on his face. Nino just shooed him away. Straightening his shoulders, Chat began walking to the hut where the ladies had ushered Marinette to. He stood outside for a moment, raising his fist to knock on the side of the wall. Chat pushed the curtain aside and stepped inside.

He stilled. The Princess was there, sitting at a small table with two of the ladies standing beside Her. She turned, smiling as She saw him standing there in the doorway.

The Princess looked... clean, the cleanest She had probably been in a while, and Tikki's slightly oversized clothes had been replaced with ones that fit Her properly. They were much more elaborate as well, the soft flowing fabric looked expensive, much more like something She would have worn at the palace. The cream color of the robes was contrasted by the red collar, embroidered with pink flowers, and they matched the sash tied around her waist.

Chat noticed for the first time just how short Her hair was now as well. They had braided half of it back, leaving the rest to fall directly at Her shoulders. Previously, it had been at the Princess's waist, a style She had worn it in since She had been a child.

The Princess stood from Her seat crossing the room to him. "What do you think?" She asked, twirling the ends of Her hair between Her fingers. "They held me trim it a little more. Cutting it with a sword doesn't exactly make it very even."

"It looks great," Chat said, smiling down at Her.

He looked over Her shoulder momentarily at the village ladies who were still in the room. The Princess must have quickly gotten his message, turning back to them. "Would you mind giving us a moment?"

The two women exchanged glances and giggled as they left the room. Both Chat and the Princess looked at them oddly as they left, but he thought nothing of it. All his attention was on Her now.

"You seem upset about something," She said. "What's wrong?"

Chat chuckled softly. It seemed She was still able to read him easily. "It's nothing," he said, shaking his head. Chat bit his lip, looking away for a moment. "Are you sure we have to take the Dragon with us?"

"Why?" The Princess asked, laughing a little. "Feeling a little insecure?"

Chat frowned. There was that word again. "No," he insisted. "I just don't like her that much."

"The two of you got off on the wrong foot," She said, nodding. "I see."

"You're going to tell me to just deal with it?" Chat asked, nodding along with Her. "I'm entitled to my opinions, but I know what we came here to do. She was surprisingly easy to convince."

"I know," the Princess said, a smile spreading across her face. "You think it'll be that easy with the others?"
Chat shook his head. "I wouldn't count on it."

"They're going to hold a banquet in My honor," She said, walking back to the table She had been sitting at previously. "I don't think we'll get this kind of treatment anywhere else, either."

"If you wanted to be pampered again, Princess, you could have just asked," Chat said. He walked up behind Her, standing by Her side again. Her walls were slowly starting to break down and Chat could see now that the thing She needed most was reassurance. Their hands were hanging limply at their sides right next to each other. He contemplated for a moment reaching out and taking it, fingers stretching toward Her own, but he let his hand fall.

The Princess turned back to him, a bright smile on Her face. "Anyway, I'm just excited our group is growing!" She practically bounced up and down as She walked away from him. "Being surrounded by friends makes this... a lot better." She turned back to him. "And as long as you're with Me-"

"Always," Chat said with a firm nod. "Princess."

He was taken aback by the giggle that escaped Her lips, almost frozen in surprise as She reached over and took his hand in Her own, dragging him out of the small hut with Her. Chat didn't try to pull his hand away, just followed along behind Her as he always did.
