
Author pov

They returned home after spending  another two days.

On that night. Jungguk turned taehyung to his side and hover onto him. His soft body pressed on his husbands hard one. Tae was shocked by this move.

"Tae, please do sex with me. " jungguk was almost crying for his husbands attention.

Tae made him lay on the bed and sat down.

But jungguk decided that he will made his husband physical with him. So he went to sit on his lap and hugged him making small kisses on tae's neck.

Mumbling "am sorry tae _i _i know am not a _good one. I don't know.. what to say _ please do things with _m e . I wont say _i wont say no na..? "

"Gguk , look at me.." tae made him look at his husband cupping his squishy cheeks by his mother hands.

"Gguk, who told you, you are not good? You are the best. And about the things, we will do them naturally not by force. "

Tears rolled down from Gguks eyes . He thought his husband didn't want him.

"Pls pls pls pls pls pls..pls.... Pls tae. I wanna be a good wife na.. pls do things with me. " he started to cry and grind on his hardened part of his munchkin hisbands body thinking his husband will do things. .

"Gguk. Am telling you nicely. " With a stern voice , Tae made him stop his actions.

Gguk detached him from his husband and stand out and removed the single piece of cloth from his body. And stand there naked.

"Pls tae... Pls ... "

"You have gone  mad gguk . " tae stormed out from their room.
