am 10

Jungguk's Pov

The loud music was my first enemy in the starting of the day.. Who played that...?

As i opened my eyes I witness somethinh beautiful.. Which is my husband... Why my husband is so beautiful.. Even he is sleeping..... My face is so close to is cheeks.....

I smiled at our position as am on him.... I think i slept on him burying my face into his neck.. Its beyond the blushing state... He is so intimidating... So attractive that i couldn't control myself...

And he opened eyes as he made his grip more tight around me.

But still i panicked and and he make more tight...

"Why are you here..?" I whispered to him.

"Don't you remember.. Dad also didn't allowed me stay in the guest room... He shooed me away like you.." he whispered in his morning rusky voice...

"I didn't shoeed you away...! " i widened my eyes..

"But seokjin pa did... From our room... you must have slept nice with his cuddles right..? " he again whispered..

"Noo.. I couldn't sleep... I wanted you..." i whispered..

"Why are we whispering...?"

"I dont knowe... But why am here..? On you..?" i smiled...

"You were slept here on the ground beside me.. So i carried you near me...... " imagine him whispering this caressing my back.. I am feeling so smooth under him...

And i placed my lips on his cheeks.... To kiss him... And he giggled....


But what..

We heard a...

"Stop guys... We are still here..."

Pa and dad were here.. Why are they in a embrace of each other..are they dancing.. But why like a couple dance on a loud music..?

And then i remembered we both are sleeping on a hall couch cause yesterday.. When we came home.. My tears ... I just couldn't control myself and cried in the embrace of seokjin pa.. He thought my husband hurt me. ... Maybe they thought we had some argument... So he decided to kick him out of our room... He told him to sleep in guest room but i guess joon pa too kicked him out.. They cared for me.. I guess..

And i... I never wanted this.. I wanted to sleep in embrace of my husband.. Its warm.. So i came to hall and sat on the ground... Just watched him and slept there... Only..he carried me to the couch.. But now am on him......

"Are you guys planning of sleeping more like that..?"

"Dad..~you are embarrassing him" my husband's morning voice is another bless in my life.

And that made me too embarrass... Which made me stand on half... and the it was more embarrassing when i heard....

"Dont move...wait..." he grabbed my you know that.. My lower back which is my a** making me shock.. As my eyes are more big now.

Actually i sat exactly on his member.. Which is so embarrassing.. And we both are so red.. Right now.. I dont know how to get out of here... as i again slept on him..buring my face in the crrok of his neck other side where noone can see me as i blushed hard.... And he chuckled at my situation... My cold seductive husband...
