am 16

It was already a dinner time when i woke up from sleep but found absence of my husband and stain on my bed ... My periods...

I managed to go to kitchen cause it hurts a lot....

"Hey.. Bu b..." my husband came to me cupping my face making me a pout.. He kissed me there..

"Why did you came. ? I was coming" ....that made me blush.. He really cares about me and hugged him by his waist.. Feeling his abs on my bulky fat body..

"Are you feeling better.. Look who came .?" I looked at him and then at the kichen... Mom..

I smiled in content...

"Mom... Why didn't you called me..?"

"I missed you sweety..." i hugged my suga mom.

"How are you feeling now... ? We were so worried when tae called us.. You never had this panic attacks...."  i had them mom but you just dont know about that...

"Yeah... Sorry mom i made you worried...

Where is papa..?"

"He is in the hall with joon pa..." my husband interrupted us and then i went to the hall to hug my papa..

"You are getting more fat... Jungguk... Give attention to your body.. Dont embarrass me.. Dont make him regret his decision of marrying you. .." jhope papa whispered it so that i could be the one can listen him but joon pa and my husband also paid attention to what he said.

This made me look down... This made me shame on myself..

I never made my parents proud on me.. And am like this again..

I always wanted then to love me.. They love me alot.. But i always make them disappoint. I try my best to do the things.. But i alwys manage to fail.

I married tae just because of my parents.. They told me you will be marrying this guy and i married him without asking any question.. Without giving any thoughts.. Without thinking much of will be good for me or not..or will he accept me or not. Just to make them happy.

"Okay pa.."

"I told you not to sleep in the afternoon.. Why did you slept.."

"I w as not   feeling good..."

"Are you okay now..?" And i nodded..

;now go and help them in the kitchen." I again nodded and was about to go to kitchen but he grabbed my hand.. My husband... And i looked at him.

"Come with me... We are going to bring dessert..." the first line was for me and the last for papa's.


We came at home and my parents were gone after dinner... But now am having my pain.. My period pain...

"Why are you sleeping on the ground...?"

"No othing..."

"What happen...?" ;are you still panicking ?"


"Come on....get up.. Sleep on the bed..."

"No am having periods.... I am gonna sleep here.. Just don't come near me.. Otherwise I wont talk to you... " i know i through tantrums when am on periods..

"Do you want medicines.. Are you feeling pain....? Do you want hot water...?"

"No..~just go away....~ " I threw one pillow to him and again went inside my blanket.

"I also want to sleep....

-But near you.."

"Are you pouting..?"

And i looked at him.. He was really pouting...

And he came near me hugging me from back...

Ohhh...! Its calm... Warm... He is so warm just like this.

I becane so comfortable with a stranger. Even if hugs me, i am so happy... He pecked my lips today and that is toooo.. Omg what are you thinking jungguk..?

He is just your husband. You will have to fulfill his wishes, his needs.. And dont ever fall for him cause he doesn't deserve you... He deserves someone beautiful.
You doesn't deserve him... Cause you can not make him happy.. You cannot make him proud. Just like your parents.. This is why they hate you.

"I not that weird..." i mumbled without any worry that my husband is next to me...
