
"You did what?" Dad asked. I was sitting down on the couch in between Mrs Cooper and Mrs Lodge.
"We needed to make sure FP wasn't involved in Jason's murder." Archie spoke.
"And now we know the truth, he was." Mrs Cooper said and I rolled my eyes.
"What? Mom we just told you." Betty said.
"The gun was planted."
"By whoever killed Jason."
"Couldn't you have just missed it?" Hermione asked once more.
"Yeah excuse me if I trust the detective skills of an officer of the law over free amateur sleuths."
"Mom, you're the one who asked Veronica to break in." Betty crossed her arms.
"Excuse me!" Dad exaggerated.
"Actually I approached Mrs Cooper, I had to know if FP was involved and if he was connected to my dad."
"Veronica. A gun was found. FP is the killer, case closed. We're leaving."
"Aren't you listening to them, there was no gun." I said gesturing to my brother, Veronica and Betty.
"(Y/N), this isn't petty theft or a bad fight we're talking about." Dad spoke and turned to Archie "Archie this is murder.
"Okay then. Fine. We'll go to the Sheriff without you."
"Archie, you entered FPs residence, illegally. So, whatever you did or did not find there would be unmissable in a court of law." Mom and Dad both gestured there hands. She's right Arch. Cased closed.
"I don't care what happens to me."
"I do care. FP may have ruined Jugheads life, but I'm not going to let him ruin yours." Dad said putting us in another silence.

After school the next day, I sat in the kitchen finishing off some homework whilst Dad was on the phone. I tried to listen to as much as I possibly could. Archie walked in throwing his backpack to the ground.
"That was Weatherbee. He thinks Jughead should finish the school semester at home."
"What?" I spoke.
"Jugheads getting kicked out because Cheryl plummeted him-"
"How is that fair?" I questioned dad finishing off Archie's sentence. 
"It's not."
"Well can we call, I don't know, the school board?" Archie suggested.
"Son, FP may spend decades in prison, potentially the rest of his life, we gotta think of a long term solution."
"We are the long term solution." I told Dad encouragingly.
"That's not how it works. Okay, I'm not his legal guardian."
"Well good thing Mom's a lawyer."
"Archie, my priority is keeping you and (Y/N) safe."
"Keep us safe from who? Jughead? Are you kidding me Dad?" Archie shouted. 
"No. From whatever trouble seems to follow the Jones' around, whatever they do. Hell, maybe you should go to Chicago with your mom."
"It's not even something I was considering Dad. But you know what? Maybe I should."
"Arch. No." I gasped shaking my head. Don't go.
"If it will keep you out of trouble. I'm all for it." Dad spoke and Archie got mad. He went to walk away but was stopped my Jughead reaching for the front door.
"I'll sleep in the garage tonight." He muttered.
"Jug-" Archie spoke but Jughead walked out and turned back to Dad and I.

The next morning I walked down stairs to greet Reggie who was sitting in my lounge room. Archie wasn't having any of it, especially now that Reggie knew about Jugheads father.
"You ready to go Reg?" I asked him.
"Yeah babe." He smiled taking my hand and I walked off with him to his car. I buckled my seatbelt and got comfy in his warm car. It was a ute like my Dads.
"So, where are we going?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"Just trust me." He smirked and I smiled.

Reggie parked outside Riverdale High.
"Wh-why are we at school?" I asked him and he smiled that cheeky grin of his.
"Well, I'm hoping you're gonna come to a lot more of my games this season." Reggie said as I got out of the car.
"Do I have to?" I fake groaned. "I'm kidding. Of course I will." I smiled kissing his cheek. Reggie took my hand once more, and his football bag and we walked past the school and towards to football field.
"I want to teach you how to play football." He said.
"So then, at least when I'm at your house, and your brother and I are talking about it, at least you'll understand."
"That's so sweet Reggie." I smiled at him. I loved it whenever he mentioned my brother. It was always good to know that they still got along. Hopefully we could have double dates or something, or movie nights. Archie just needs to get himself someone. Maybe Jughead could fill in.
"But first, it's kinda tradition." He said and took off his blue stitched, gold 'R' and gold numbered varsity guernsey.  "A players girlfriend must have their boyfriends guernsey." Reggie smirked placing it over my shoulders and I put it on.
"Ooo, it's warm. You're never having this back." I giggled teasing him and put my hands in the pockets. "Is this yours?" I asked pulling something out of the right pocket. I grasped it in my hand and saw it was a new necklace with the silver chain and the letter 'R' for Reginald. "Reggie-"
"I told you I was going to get you a new one." He smirked taking the chain off me and locking it around my neck. "There." He said and walked over to this bag and pulled out a football.

"Hey Dad. Where's Archie?" I asked walking to the house. "I got his message, I came as soon as I could."
"Garage I think." He said and I went outside.
"She's gonna be here in a second- Jesus (Y/N), about time you're here."
"Sorry, I was with-"
"Reggie." Veronica, Betty, Kevin and Jughead all said and pointed to my guernsey.
"Sorry." I muttered and noticed Jason's guernsey on the ground of the garage.
Veronica went on about how she had concrete proof that the serpents, namely FP pulling the tigger and killing Jason.
"No." Betty shook her head. "No. No. I'm not giving up yet." She said and picked up the jacket. She turned to me. "Why didn't I think of this before..." she trailed off and looked at me dead in the eyes. "Take that off."
"If you don't want me wearing Reggie's-"
"(Y/N), listen to Betty." Archie cut me off rudely and I took off Reggie's guernsey and put on Jason's hesitantly. She began to feel around and I felt like I was being interrogated at the airport like I was smuggling drugs or something.
"Betty. This is weird." I mumbled and she ignored me.
"There's a hole in the pocket!"
"Okay, now we're grasping at straws." Kevin exasperated.
"No. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I have a hole in my jacket pocket I always loose my Chapstick in the lining."
"Or my monbluck." I looked at Veronica with a confused expression.
"Hold on." She said which silenced us and felt around the hem line and pulled out a USB stick from the left pocket.
"What the hell?" Veronica asked.
"Ha! Nancy Drew strikes again." Kevin spoke lighting up the attitude.  I had decided to take Jason's jacket off and put Reggie's back on. Betty gave Archie the USB and Archie plugged it into his laptop. We all gathered on the couch at floor. There was only one single video document in the file which we clicked on. We began watching the video which was playing out.
"Ohmygod." Veronica quietly gasped. As the trigger was pulled I hid my face in Archie's shoulder. Ohmygod. I turned back to the laptop screen and then at Jughead. I put my hand on his knee and Archie had his arm over his shoulders. We kind of all just looked at each other in disgust and sorrow. Betty picked up her phone and called Cheryl.
"Betty, who you calling?"!
"You have to get out of that house. Listen to me." We heard her explain that Clifford Blossom killed his own son.

"I'm sorry Mom. But (Y/N) and my friends need me." Archie spoke to mom.
"Come for the summer maybe?" She looked at me. I was sitting in the stairs next to Dad who was standing. "Both of you."
"That'll be great."
"You be careful." Mom said and hugged Archie like she was her prized possession. "Look after (Y/N)."
"Yeah. I will." He smiled.
"You better." She smiled back.
"I love you Archie." She said caressing Archie's face like Mrs Blossom did when he gave her Jason's captains jacket.
"I love you too Mom."
"I love you too (Y/N)." She said and let go of Archie and walked over to me and picked me up by my hand.
"I love you too Mom." I smiled giving her a quick hug. With one last wave she took her suitcase and left.

Second last chapter... 😭
