
Readers Outfit:


Jughead 👑: Psycho Lindsay Lohan's guilty

Me: Don't be ridiculous. Why would she kill her own brother?

Jughead 👑: I don't know. You ask her. You guys are friends.

I rolled my eyes at his text. I placed my phone back in my bag and turned to Archie who was heading towards Mr Weathebee's office just as Cheryl was dragged outside by her mother and father.
"Oh shit."
"Ohmygod. (Y/N). Just shut up."
"Wh-what?" I stuttered.
"Just shut up. Why do you always have to have an input in everything that happens."
"I was just-"
"Yo Andrews. That's no way to speak to lady, especially not your sister bro." Reggie said and wrapped his arm around Archie's shoulders. "You my man, need lessons from me." He said and Archie looked at Reggie. I mouthed a thank you to him. "I'm alright, thanks anyways Reggie. If it's anyone, it's you who needs lessons. You can't even spell-"
"N-E-C-R-O-P-H-I-L-I-A. Defined by a sexual act or sexual attraction towards corpses. Don't worry. I have the best tutor." He said and winked at me.
"Stay away from him (Y/N)." Archie shrugged Reggie off him. I rolled my eyes and walked off.

During lunch, we sat around the common room, gossiping away about what had happened earlier that day in class.
"So are you a suspect now?" Veronica asked to Archie. I raised an eyebrow. He claims he was at Sweetwater river with Vegas on the Fourth of July. I now have to believe that. I wouldn't have a clue of his whereabouts on that day because I was with Reggie.
"My dad says we all are, including me." Kevin said to the group.
"Not me girl. I don't know these people." Veronica pointed out.
"Guys, should we re-binge watch making of a murder on Netflix tonight?" Kevin suggested. I stayed silent.
"Sorry, can't. Working on the paper." Betty said.
"Count me out too." Veronica said and all our heads turn to her. "I've got a date."
"You do?" Archie and I both simultaneously said.
"Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Kevin asked just as Veronica was about to speak, Moose, Reggie and Chuck all got up. 
"Hey. I'll swing by to pick you up at eight?" Chuck causally said.
"I'll be waiting." Veronica flirted. Just before they left Reggie spoke up.
"Damn (Y/N). You should wear leather skirts more often. You're teasing me." He flirted and I rolled my eyes just as Reggie made eye contact with Archie and stomped his foot forward to scare him. I had completely forgotten I was wearing a leather skirt, rather than my normal denim skirt. As they left Archie turned to me.
"Chuck Clayton?" Betty asked confused.
"You're going on a date with Chuck?" Kevin asked, like there was a probably. Veronica didn't really care.
"He's kind of a player." Betty said to Veronica. Thank god they didn't pick up on what Reggie said.
"Who carries! He's the hottest of hot!" Kevin said sticking up for Ronnie. Agree to disagree Kev. "And he's the varsity football coaches son. In Riverdale that's like dating a Kennedy." Veronica made a smirk to the two. Archie looked at me as we didn't participate in their conversation.

After school and I ended up with Reggie. He had parked his car near Sweetwater River.
"Reg, I don't think it's a good idea. Someone died here." I said as Reggie turned his engine off.
"(Y/N). It's fine. It's just you and me." He smirked and hoped in the back of his ute I pulled my top off Reggie did the same.
"God, I wasn't lying when I told you that you were teasing me." Reggie said as I straddled his lap lift up my leather skirt. Reggie's hands found his way to my lower back and squeezed my arse.
"You're unbelievable." You giggled wrapping your arms about his neck and kissing him.
"I'm just showering you, the way a woman like yourself should be treated." He smirked kissing down your jaw line and chest.

"Sorry Dad. Sorry I'm not perfect like (Y/N)". Archie said heading up the stairs as I walked into the house. I squeezed past Dad after giving him a kiss on the cheek- a token of appreciation I have for him.
"Yeah, you're right. You're pretty far from perfect lately. That's why you're grounded." Oh shit. Nice one Arch.
"What?! You serious!" Archie backfired.
"You're in this house for two weeks, seven o'clock. You want some alone time, you got it." Dad said in his husky voice.
"I'm not ten years old Dad." 
"You wanna go three?" Archie gave up and walked upstairs. I pulled some leftovers out of the fridge.
"How was tutoring?" Dad asked me.
"Really good. He's improving."
"That's great to hear. And you know it's because of you right? My smart little girl." Dad said running his hand and messing up my hair as I smiled.

"Welcome everyone. To the first annual 'Taste of Riverdale'." Mayor McCoy began her speech. I couldn't seem to find Reggie. I was really bummed that Archie was grounded.  I promised him I would film everything the song he wrote, performed by Josie and the Pussycats for him. I needed a good view. Just as dad walked over to Hermione Lodge I turned to find Jughead. He had sent me a text telling me about his whereabouts. As I reached him Jughead shifted to the side for me to squat next to him.
"Why's your dad talking to Miss Grundy?" Jughead asked me and I shrugged. 
"She's tutoring him I'm pretty sure." I mumbled just as Mrs Blossom slapped Alice Cooper.
"H-hey Riverdale." Josie said awkwardly deferring the attention away from the two ground ladies. Just as the Pussycats began to play, Archie snuck his way over.
"Are you sure it was worthy it to watch some locally sourced monsters?" Jughead scoffed.
"I helped write that song man." Archie said and I smiled to him. The song was actually really good. It had a really catchy tune to it.

At the end of the song, I noticed my father begin to walk over to the Mantle family. Shit. There's Reggie with them. "Love to stay and chat. But I've gotta go." I said pushing and the wall and running back downstairs.
"There's the lovely girl that's tutoring our son." Ms Mantle said as I walked over. "Olivers grades have hugely improved since (Y/N) began tutoring Oliver. He has gone for a D- to a B+. Your daughter really has some brains Fred." Mrs Mantle smiled at my father.
"She sure does." Dad said putting an arm around my shoulder.
"Same she wants to go into nursing though. They don't get paid well and all her talent would be going to waste-"
"Mom. It's her career choice, not yours." Reggie butted in.
"Son. Leave this to the adults. Our sons going to be a marine biologist."
"No I'm not. I'm going to play football."
"That's no career."
"That's a really good idea Reggie." Dad said standing up for him like Reggie did for me. Thankfully Dad had forgotten that whole 'Reggie knocking out Archie and giving him a black eye' scenario. My phone began to buzz against my leg.
"I've gotta take this." You said looking at the caller ID. It was Betty. You scoot through the crowd and answer your phone.
"What's up?" You asked her bubbly.
"Can you come to my house. Now." She said and hung up. That was weird. Maybe she's in trouble. 

Once I made it to her house, I didn't even have a chance to knock on the door, she opened it for me.
"H-hey Betty." You smile to her and spot Veronica in the house as well. Both of them looked like had recently had showers or something.
"(Y/N). We need to talk." Betty said gesturing me to the couch by Veronica.
"It's important."
"It's about Reggie."
"There's this playbook." You sigh.
"I know."
"Then why didn't you say anything about it? You were sexually abused (Y/N)."
"Actually, I wasn't-"
"Did you know you're worth 15 points. You're an eight and 'team mates sister' give you another extra seven points." Veronica said showing me the infamous playbook. I knew I was in it. I snatched the book of Veronica.
"How did you get this?" I asked flicking through the pages. It looked like Reggie had kept his promise about only putting me in it twice. Still, it's not an awesome thing to keep score.
"We broke into the school." Veronica confessed.
"But what we find interesting, is that Reggie's name is next to yours. Care you explain?" Betty asked me getting closer to me. I could tell it wasn't his handwriting, it was someone else's. Someone else, namely Chuck had written out names in it. Reggie couldn't rub it out.
"As you can see, it was only two nights." I pointed to my name. I looked at the other girls, Ethel, Polly, Amy, Vanessa, Stephanie.
"Are you sure? Reggie likes to flirt with you a lot during school. Is there anything else you would like to tell us before we publish this in the Blue and Gold tomorrow?" Betty asked me and I shook my head.
"Nope." I lied. "I should go." I told them and said a quick goodbye and left to go home next doors. Just before I left I swear I heard Betty say something about asking Archie.


QOTD: Comment below your favourite character into believe Reggie Mantle deserves more screen time
