
Readers Outfit:


Archie 🎸: Did you know Jug was living at the Drive In? I found him at the school in the locker room having a shower. He showed me his makeshift room in a janitors closet.

Me: Yeah. He told me. I've offered him numerous times to stay at our place but he always refused.

I replied to his text as Reggie kissed my head leaving me at the front of the school.

Archie 🎸: Oh, also. Is there something going in between Betty and Jug?

Me: Like I'd know. 🙄

I headed the common room and sat with Kevin, Archie, Veronica, Jughead and Betty.
"...she could be the murderer." Jughead mumbled as I sat down Jughead looked at me and pointed to his neck. I looked at my chest and quickly hid the necklace Reggie gave me and tuck it behind my top.
"Well who did burn the car then?"
"Sheriff Keller said it could be possible that someone was following us."
"Oh my god, honestly guys we should just, we should, we should just move." Veronica said making a joke and no one laughed.
"Guys, what if Polly's really hurt. What if who ever killed Jason is coming after her?" Betty worried questioned. Jughead put his arm around Betty.
"Even though your parents don't want to go to the Police..."
"Second that, we can talk to my dad about it, about how to be discreet."
"No offence Kev, but your dad answers to a higher authority than God. Blossoms. They're the dirt ones he would tell."
"And if there's anyone to keep this a secret from, it the Blossoms, they'll twist it around and go after Polly, out of spite." Betty said.
"How can we help? Tell us B, we'll do it." Veronica said and a minute later the group split up.
"Oh come on, you owe me twenty dollars." Kevin said.
"He just put his hand around Betty, doesn't mean that they're dating." I rebutted to Kevin and he chuckled. 
"Whatever Andrews." He smirked and I skipped off to find Archie and Jughead, they were talking about Jughead 'couch surfing' and FP getting his job back.

A crowd of twenty of us stood in front of Jughead and Betty as they gave us directions on how we could find Polly. I stood next to Reggie as they spoke. He had his arms cross. I decided to stay in the group with Moose and him. Veronica pointed Reggie out to Kevin with her finger.
"Babe. Someone is missing and you're taking a selfie to put on Instagram?" I whispered snatching the phone off Reggie. "#PollysSearchParty #SoSad. Honestly Reg?"
"I'm in. I'm so in." Kevin exclaimed to Veronica. "What can that gay man possibly get in? Huh Moose?" Reggie chuckled elbowing his team mate.

"She can come stay with me." Veronica offered as the three of us girls sat in the common room.
"I would offer but I live right next door and your mom spies on us." I told her and she shook her head.
"No. I don't know. I can rent her an apartment." Betty suggested.
"Let me talk to my Mom."
"No, you have your own stuff-"
"Betty. She needs doctors she needs prenatal vitamins-"
"Betty. Please, when you find her, give me a call and I'll check up on her. I need practise if I'm going to be a nurse and it could really help her." I said placing my hand on her knee.
"What she really needs is her family." Cheryl came in with a statement. Cheryl told Betty to follow her. I went to get up.
"Hey I know it's none of my business, but, I saw you and Reggie talking the other day, and I was going to invite him to a club tonight, there's nothing going on between you two, right?" I shook my head lying once more. "You sure, because every time I see you two together you're always flirting."
"I've known Reggie for years Veronica. It's part of my personality, I've always been flirtatious, ask Kevin." I giggled nervously. 
"Alright then." Veronica said getting up with her bag. "Actually, if you want, you can come as well. Looks like you've got a lot of your plate and a bunch of secrets you want to forget." Veronica smiled and I nodded.
"I'll be there."
"Great. I'll meet you there at nine." She waved walking off.

I sat by the desk, Juggie on the couch and Archie on a desk bouncing a ball to the wall next to be waiting for our Dads to collect us from the office.
"Ah, how was your first day back?" Jughead asked his father as they walked in together.
"Oh it was great." FP said.
"Your dad is the most hard working guy in the crew." Just as dad said that FP chuckled and threw his son his helmet to catch.
"Well in that case, why don't we celebrate?" He suggested. "To mark the occasion." He said putting the helmet on his beanie covered head.
"Yeah, we were taking the five of us could have dinner together or something." Archie said.
"Tonight? Doesn't (Y/N) have tutoring tonight? That Mantle kid or something?"
"Nope. He canceled tonight's tutoring." I smiled looking at Archie and then to Dad.
"Oh geez." He sighed.
"I'm game if you're game." FP said leaning on the filing cabinet. "On me." Archie bounced the ball to Dad and he caught it with one hand and I smirked at him. Archie and I both got off our spots and hi fived ready to go.

As soon as FP and Dad mentioned some band they were in, I was out.
"I should go." I said pushing Archie to scoot out of the both.
"Where?" Dad asked.
"Veronica invited me out tonight. We're going clubbing. Kevin is going to be there." I told Dad because he trusted Kevin rather than Reggie who he barely knew.
"Have fun." Archie waved and I left. I found Reggie by his car near the club.
"Spare clothes for my princess." He smirked throwing me an overall dress, crop top and canvas shoes. "Although I like it better when you don't wear any."  I rolled my eyes at his systemic comment.
"Make sure no one is watching." I sneered and quickly got changed in front of him. I left my old jeans, jacket, top and converse in his car and we left to find Kevin and Veronica.
"What do you guys want?" Veronica asked paying our entrance fee.
"Uhm, I'll get a shot." I said sticking to Reggie.
"Get eight shots." Reggie shouted as the loud music began to fill out years. I swear it was like a click of Veronica's fingers and our drinks just appeared. We sculled two shots each and headed to the dance floor. I began dancing with Kevin for the start of it until Reggie put is hand on my hand.
"Do you mind?" He asked pulling me away from Kevin.
"Sorry." I mouthed and he shook it off. I began to dance around with Reggie.
"God. You look beautiful tonight." He whispered in my ear as he held my hand the whole time we danced, like he was trying to show me off.
"Reggie. You're making me blush." I whispered back.
"Good. Because pinks your colour." He chuckled. We continued to dance for another hour keeping each other entertained and laughing.
"My feet are sore. Can we stop for a second?" I asked and Reggie took me to a booth near the VIP section.
"Hey lady. Wanna dance?" Some teenage guys asked me as I just sat down.
"Beat it chump" Reggie shooed him off.
"You're amazing." I smiled as Reggie sat down next to me and placed his hand nearing my inner thigh.
"I love you." He smiled.
"I love you too." I smiled back putting my hand his to his chest and kissing him.
"Ahem. Sorry." Veronica said as she 'accidentally' tripped over Reggie's leg.
"How long as this been going on?" Kevin asked us as he and Ronnie sat down.
"Since Cheryl's." you mumble.
"You're such a good liar." Veronica smiled. "That explains why you Reg, were hesitant in coming tonight. And why you, (Y/N) jumped at the chance to come." Veronica smirked taking off her jacket. I leaned into Reggie's muscular side as he put his arm around me.
"How many people know?" Kevin asked interested.
"Jughead, Cheryl-"
"Moose and Oliver-"
"And now you guys. Please don't tell anyone." I finished smiling, swallowing a gulp.
"God, how did you do it (Y/N). You got the Reggie Mantle." Kevin laughed as Veronica pushed over another drink to him.
"Mhm girl. You better hydrate as well." I said calling a waiter over to do another round of drinks. "You practically left your body on the dance floor."
"I wish. I wish (Y/N). Too bad I don't have any man candy to suck face with like you do." She took a deep pause. "I wish I could just leave Riverdale, leave everything."
"I mean, is this healthy. Going out? Going 'Black Swan'?" Kevin asked leaning forward so we wouldn't have to shout at each other. Veronica leaned back.
"When my dad got arrested, the police...the lawyers...the judge...the courts...they took everything from us. Our houses, our cars, our club memberships, our yacht. Even, I'm not kidding, the clothes off our backs. Anyway, my mom sat me down at the edge of my canopy bed and she told me not to cry, because there was one thing in this world that nobody could take away from me. Not ever."
"Your trust fund?" Reggie asked with a slight remark. I slapped his chest playfully.
"My name, Reggie. Which after telling me 'Nobody would ever take it', that is EXACTLY what she did! Like it meant nothing. Like it was nothing. Like I was nothing." Veronica said and I looked at her with sorrow. I felt so sorry for her.

A waiter came over and told Veronica that her card was declined. I was seated next to her as Reggie's head was on my lap. He had passed out. That's karma for you. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Really? And let me guess. It's been reported stolen."
"It has in fact. We're supposed to call the cops."
"Yeah sure. Call the cops. We'll be happy to tell them how old we are." I said looking at Kevin. God that is something Reggie would say.
"Ooo! I can call my dad. Sheriff Keller." Kevin smiled at the waiter.
"This should cover it." Veronica said standing up handing over some green notes to the waiter.
"Veronica. Did your mom cut you off?" Kevin asked.
"She did." Veronica smirked just as Reggie was gaining consciousness.
"Stay down Reggie. You'll get sick if you get up quickly." I told him placing my hand on his chest and he put his on top of hit. I turned to Veronica.
"That's a good thing?"
"Oh (Y/N). This is how we Lodge women role. We faint, we perry, we approach, we retreat. We're like a cobra and a mongoose dancing." Kevin was confused by Veronica analogy. "She blinked, which means, I suspect, Ms Hermione Lodge is ready to negotiate." Veronica said getting up and strutting away.

The next morning  at school was awfully quiet. Archie was telling me about his night after I left.
"Dad was saying he bailed him out on numerous occasions. He stole from the company."
"Archie. You know FP is a serpent." I whispered. "But Jughead's our mate, and we treat him that way." I continued to him getting out my laptop from my locker.
"I'm sure your night was more eventful." Archie chuckled.
"I doubt it." I giggled and turned when I spotted Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee escorting Jughead out of a classroom- the room where he always sat with Betty to write the Blue and Gold.
"Call my Dad." He asked us as he walked past.
"Yeah yeah we will." Archie said confused at the situation.
"Of course." I said watching him walk away with the two men.

"He was working for me. Yeah the week of July eleventh, was it? Had him tearing down some dry wall for him." I turned to Archie as Dad said that to Sheriff Keller. Is he actually lying to the cops? Dad would never do this. Not even if Archie or I were in there getting questioned.
"You can provide me with documentation to support that." 
"I'll have to check my time cards." Dad said looking at me because I worked his books whilst he was busy on the break. He then looked at Archie who just nodded. Once Jughead was bailed out, him and Betty joined us outside. We were met by FP coming up to us.
"Jughead!" He shouted. "Sorry. I came as soon as I got your phone... freaking battery, I forgot to plug it in last night." There was an awkward pause. "What the hell happened?" Betty latched into Jughead to protect him.
"Nothing." Jughead said emotionless. "It's fine now. Mr Andrews took care of it.
"What jacked up crap did they accuse you of, huh?" FP asked pretty pissed off with my Dads actions. "Those bastards trying to throw you in jail, like they did to your old man, well screw that. "I'll rip Keller a new one." Dad stepped in front of Jughead and in between him and FP. I felt so bad for Jughead. I held Betty's hand to keep her feeling safe.
"He's my son. My son Fred!" FP said pushing Dads chest wanting to start a fight. Believe me, Andrews men can't throw a punch to save themselves. "You'd do the same for your kids." He said pointing at Archie and I.
"Dad." Jughead stopped FP. "Don't make things worse." Jughead mumbled to him. "Please." He choked out.
"Yeah. Yeah. Alright then. You uhh, coming home with me." He demanded shakily moving back to his parked car.
"H-he can stay with us Mr Jones." I spoke up politely and dad nodded to me.
"We've already offered." Archie said.
"Is that what you want?" FP asked his son. Jugheads answer was silence. He didn't want his Dad to turn to silence.
"Maybe that's for the best. If you uhh, don't mind Fred." FP asked making sure Dad was onboard with our actions.
"Whatever you want FP." Dad told him. "Its between the two of you."
"I'll-" Jughead chocked. "I'll go with you Dad." Jughead walked past Betty, Archie and myself and I swore there was a tear in his eye. He sniffled. FP stopped him.
"Son, listen to me. I'm going to do what you want, get my act together. Gonna get your mom and Jellybean home, so we're all under the same roof." Dad didn't want us watching the moment between Betty, Arch and I so he had his back towards Jughead and FP so it was like it was just those two together. I promise. But I just need a little time, to do that, not a lot,  not long, a month or two at the most, but hey, the we'll be back on track." Archie was tense this whole time. Betty didn't have a clue on what to do, but she felt like it was her fault. "Alright. Good bye. You believe that don't you?"
"Yeah. I believe that. Thank you Dad." They shared a hug. After FP left, Betty took Jughead away. I wiped a tear which fell down my cheek.
"I thought we were doing the right thing. Sorry Dad." I cried.
"Oh (Y/N). We were." Dad said hugging me.
"It's Jughead. He just needs time." Archie reassured me rubbing my arm and joining our hug.

"Looks like you've done this before." Archie chuckled as Dad stamped the date on Jugheads fake slip.
"Oh yeah well, FP's got his truths, and I've got mine. Maybe I should've given him another chance back then and either way, Jughead doesn't deserve what's happening to him. It's the least I could do." He smiled looking up at us. "What get said in the Andrews household, stays in the Andrews household." Dad finished.

Archie and I made out way to Pops diner to catch up with Polly who we hadn't seen in ages. After Cheryl telling Polly that she has to run, was very unlike Cheryl. I shrugged and Veronica and Betty took her to Veronica's place. We took Jughead back to ours. I walked into Archie's room and leaned against the door frame as Jughead relaxed and Archie made a bed for Jughead out of a blow up bed and some sheets.
"I'm sorry about my Dad." Archie began. "And your dad."
"I'm not giving up on him Arch." Jughead paused. "Not yet."
"You think he'll show up for work tomorrow?" I  asked Jughead and he looked up at me.
"Never know." Jughead let out a sigh and looked back at Archie's guitar which he held and quietly strummed. "I hope." I smiled at his enthusiasm. 
"Well, I've just put some chocolate chip cookies in the oven. They'll be ready in a couple of minutes. They'll be downstairs if you want some." You smile to your brother and best friend.
"Triple chocolate?" Jughead asked.
"If you did-" Archie began getting up. "I'll race ya." He said pushing Jughead down on the bed and running down the stairs. I laughed.
"Hey (Y/N)."
"Yeah Jug?"
"Thanks again." He smiled and embraced me in a hug and then poked my chest as he pulled away. "You've gotta hide that better." He said referring to my necklace.


QOTD: Comment where you guys are from...

I'm from Australia 🇦🇺
