
Caladwen and Aragorn stood there with her holding a little baby boy in her arms.Watching as Elrond,Gandalf,The Lady Of Light and her husband sail to the undying lands.Bilbo went with them also and he went there knowing that Frodo was happy and also happy that Caladwen and Aragorn named there son after him.Boromir Baggins (Sorry I don't know Aragorn's last name.) is their sons name.All four Hobbits are married as well,along with Faith and Théodred who married two days before Boromir was born,Amara and Éomer were married a month after the crowning.Amara is eight months pregnant with their first child.Gimli found a nice dwarve woman who is beautiful and beardless lol.Legolas also found the woman of his dreams as he puts it.They are engaged to be married,both are living in Mirkwood as it's King and Queen.Théodred and Faith are now King and Queen of Rohan.Sam married Rosey and had a few kids.Merry and Pippen both found the perfect girl Hobbits for them,they are married and are expecting their second child.Caladwen introduced Frodo to a young girl Hobbit that she knew and hitting it off from the start.They got married a year after they meat and had a daughter named Melody Caladwen Baggins.Frodo never had any nightmares again,he doesn't desire the Ring anymore.


Year's later.

Aragorn and Caladwen had a totale of nine kids five girls and four boys.


I hoped you all vote or comment on this story! Yes, it is finished.
