Light Worries And Éomer Falls In Love

*Caladwen's P.O.V*

I stood in front of the others and started chanting a spell.

Mighty Worries of light.
I call on you to fight.
For all the good in the world,
the world needs you're light.
Come fourth and destory the evil that is threatening all of the light!

A bright gold light surrendering around me.A loud boom was heard and then a alot of gasps.I opened my eyes and saw alot of men and women in bright white gold armor.I saw all kinds of weapons, I saw a beautiful women come up to me.

???: "My lady, I am Faith.The general of this army."

I smiled but then I felt light headed, I was about to fall but I felt strong arm's wrapped around my waist.

Aragorn: "You alright,my love?"

Me: "Yes, but that spell took all my energy.Faith you will be taking orders from King Théoden."

Faith and her army looked and bowed to Théoden.Aragorn picked me up and carried me to the cave, he kissed me before he goes.

Aragorn: "Sleep, love."

Me: "Be careful, my love."

Aragorn: "I will and I love you."

Me: "I love you too."

We kissed then he left and I fell asleep.


*Éomer's P.O.V*

Me and my men were on our way to the battle at Helms Deep,the wizard was ahead of us.I saw him turn his head and smiled.

Gandalf: "Amara!"

???: "Gandalf!"

I looked and saw a beautiful woman with red hair and brown eyes.She is beautiful I thought, I looked behind her and saw lots of creatures with her.She is a warrior and the general of the army, her and the creatures road with us to battle.When we got there we saw the battle going on.

Gandalf: "For Our King!!"

We yelled and ran down and fought.
