Chapter 16. Mating

[This chapter has been edited down from the original to make it suitable for all audiences. If you would like to read the original, please check out Angels and Devils - Mature scenes, which can be found in my reading list Tasha's Harry Potter Fanfiction and linked via the external link to this chapter.] Wattpad in their wisdom decided to delete the adult chapters (no, I don't know why since I can't figure out what rules they were breaking) - so if you wish to read the adult version, please check out AO3 (archiveofourown[dot]org/works/376913/chapters/615054) - also on the external link for this chapter. Starts about halfway down because chaptering on AO3 is different.


Once the door closed, Harry did not hesitate as something in him knew what to do next and power erupted from his wings, not just the tips, but the whole surface and spread around them like a net. This web of magic began to expand straight away and did not stop until it reached the walls, enclosing them in a cage of power.

He could feel his magic shifting and reaching out to touch the beautiful Slytherin curled around his leg. There was a residue about his mate; something foreign that bore the same aura as the foul liquid in the bowl still on the bed and he banished both with a wave of his hand. The bowl smashed against the wall, the potion it contained fizzling into nothing on the power web, and Malfoy reared up, his back arching as Harry's magic hit him. Harry held him steady in his arms, lowering him to the bed gently.

Bright grey eyes were hidden behind closed lids as Malfoy breathed in gasps, his body still trembling even as he began to relax. Harry watched his mates face and Malfoy appeared to be somewhere between agony and ecstasy as Harry's magic dispelled the last of whatever Philtrum had tried to pump into the part-Veela. When those eyes opened again, they were hungry and fixed directly into Harry's gaze.

Words and real-world rationality were gone from Harry's mind and that was the only invitation he required. Slowly, almost as if Malfoy might break, he leant down and touched his lips to the slight pout of his mate's mouth. It was like closing a circuit as sensation and power flooded through him, dragging him onward relentlessly. When he darted his tongue between his teeth Malfoy's lips were already parting to give him access and a velvet mouth sucked his tongue in as if starving.

His senses exploded with the taste of his mate and Harry drew it in, wanting everything Malfoy had to give. This beautiful creature was his and he belonged to Malfoy in return; nothing else mattered. Fingers wound in his hair, pulling him even closer as he relaxed into the kiss. This was what he wanted, what he needed. It felt so perfect.

Malfoy had one leg raised and rubbed it along Harry's side as he pushed their torsos together. His mind was filled with his lover and Harry was drunk on the experience. The human part of him knew little of sex, but the Seraphim part of his nature was in control now, and instinct was a far better teacher than the logical mind. Harry knew what he was doing was right because of the way Malfoy responded to him, and he wanted to know every reaction there was to understand.

He moved on to his mate's neck, kissing, licking and tasting; testing each millimetre of skin for a response. He was not disappointed as the fingers in his hair tightened and Malfoy moaned beneath him, moving into the touch with the most delicious shift of his body. A pulse of arousal moved through Harry's entire body. At that moment he wanted the man beneath him more than anything he had ever desired in his entire life.

Suddenly there was too much cloth between them. He ran one talon-tipped finger down Malfoy's fine cotton pyjama top, shredding the material where his sharp claw touched it, but leaving the pale flesh underneath completely unmarked. Pulling away slightly he looked down, fascinated by every glimpse of his mate that he revealed, returning to the top once he had finished one slit, only to start again with another one.

Over minutes he reverently destroyed the covering on the top of his mate's body, gently running the pads of his other fingers over the skin given up by the material. Malfoy moaned at every touch, muscles rippling under the delicate ministrations.

Harry was in heaven.

By the time he was almost finished there was nothing left of Malfoy's top except thin streamers, even along the length of the arms, and with two last quick movements the seams gave way and the whole garment fell to the bed like so much rag.

Now Harry went to work properly: he nuzzled; he kissed; he nibbled; he stroked; he explored everywhere he could reach, and he learned as he went. Malfoy lay like a prince, content to be caressed, desired and investigated, moaning his pleasure and gasping his arousal, barely touching Harry as he worked.

Each contact aroused Harry even more. He felt as if his nerves were tracking every sensation at ridiculous levels, but he could not stop. When he had explored one place, he moved on, ever searching. His mind was in a strange state, totally unafraid and yet needing to learn and to understand everything about his mate. He could sense the Veela in Malfoy just as he could sense the human and it was a heady mix.

Without hesitation he moved downwards, shredding Malfoy's pyjama pants with less patience than he had the top. The material fell away quickly, but just as delicately, revealing everything. For a few moments Harry paused over his prize, looking at Malfoy's body breathing in the strong scent of his mate. He wanted to swoop in, but part of him knew that once he did, he would not stop, and he still had learning to do.

With patience built from a desperate need to know every part of his mate he began to explore everything he had revealed except what he really wanted. He touched and massaged, kissed and caressed, moving Malfoy anyway he wanted to reveal more soft flesh. Harry almost lost control several times and pounced, but the Seraphim instincts were not satisfied, and he was not yet finished.

Gently he rolled Malfoy onto his side, and his mate flopped languidly like a cat that could not be bothered to move from where it was put. It was almost as if Malfoy was a toy that was Harry's to play with.

It took him a long time to cover the whole of Malfoy's back, from the base of his mate's hairline to the base of his spine, but he took just as much care to catalogue every response to his touches. Malfoy had beautiful skin and it deserved to be worshiped.

His body was singing to him as he pleasured his mate and his mind was humming with every possibility he had found. What he saw in front of him he wanted, and he knew it would be his. He continued to touch and caress until his mate was a quivering wreck and reached the zenith for the first time.

He felt his own body shaking as Malfoy shuddered beneath him, but he was not granted his own release as magic swept through him in a wave causing a reflection of what his mate was feeling, but not the real thing. When he finally lifted his head, he met Malfoy's grey eyes and he knew exactly what was going to happen next. Now it was Malfoy's turn to explore and Harry found himself pushed firmly onto his back as his mate looked him over.

Under that gaze it was as if he had no control over his own body, and he submitted just as Malfoy had submitted, open to whatever his mate wanted of him. Time took on a surreal quality as sensations replaced seconds, and he was only drawn from this partial stupor once, when Malfoy chose to rip his pyjama trousers in two rather than remove them in the more delicate fashion he had used. It seemed that Veela was less patient than Seraphim.

It was exquisite torture as his already stimulated body was taken to a level he had never known existed. His limbs moved to where they were put and he lay there, completely unresisting to whatever his mate wanted. One touch melted into the next and he moaned loudly, wanting everything he was being given. He sprawled on the bed as Malfoy played with him and made him sing a song of passion.

Magic burned through his nerves and called to the power in his lover.

"Open your eyes," the instruction came in a hissed whisper and Harry obeyed without thought, to be caught by the piercing grey of his mate's gaze.

Malfoy played him then, tuned to him in a way he had never believed might be possible. His magic leapt at the same time he was taken to completion and it seemed to go on forever.

It was not over yet though. They might both have touched the sexual heights once, but there was much more to come. Now it was Harry's turn again and he moved to bring them together in the most intimate way. Malfoy had told him Veela mating could take four days, but he had no idea how long Seraphim mating took. It seemed his instincts would lead him, to take and to be taken, to give and receive until the needs were satisfied.

He knew somewhere inside that the sex was working up to something. Even as he felt Malfoy's clever fingers running over his chest, he knew there would be a lot more playing before they were finished.

What they were working to he did not know, but he was too caught up in the act and the need, to really care. This was what he was made for, this was his birthright.


[This chapter has been edited down from the original to make it suitable for all audiences. If you would like to read the original, please check out Angels and Devils - Mature scenes, which can be found in my reading list Tasha's Harry Potter Fanfiction and linked via the external link to this chapter.] Wattpad in their wisdom decided to delete the adult chapters (no, I don't know why since I can't figure out what rules they were breaking) - so if you wish to read the adult version, please check out AO3 (archiveofourown[dot]org/works/376913/chapters/615054) - also on the external link for this chapter. Starts about halfway down because chaptering on AO3 is different.
