Chapter 9.

Cassandra's POV [Point of View]
Song: Look Alive by Drake ft BlocBoy
Taco Tuesday!:

I don't want to go to school honestly. I'm just so tired of everything. Maybe I should just chill at some mall or something.
Lala won't have to know. Nobody has to know.

As I'm getting ready I realize that I'm finally getting some me time.
Once I'm done. I decide that my hair will be put in a messy bun.

I'm not even going to bother wearing something fancy. It is going to be a hoodie, sweat pants and sneaker day!!!
On my way out I grab my keys and get in my car and drive off to Sunset Mall.

I connect my phone to the car and play my fave song.
Look Alive by Drake ft BlocBoy.

Damn. I be looking so goooodddd.
Sunglasses? Check.
Lip gloss? Check
Emergency snacks? Check

We are good to go!!
On my way there I see Amelia walking with some tall ass old dude.

Is that her grandad or something?
Me being me.
I slow down and stop my car beside them making them stop and stare at me.

It's Rihanna nigga.
Jk jk.

I roll my window down.

"Oh my sugar lightning cotton. Do you guys need a ride? You look homeless".

I say with a sweet sickly smile.

Amelia gives me some nasty look. She looks like she been crying. Oh my snickers..

"No we good thanks for asking. Just taking a walk. Now scram!". She exclaims.

Scram? Is she some 60 year old lady?
Who always wants people to get off her lawn!!!!

I was trying to be nice you know.
In fact I was being nice but something pissed in her Cheerios.

Oh shoot I zoned out again!

"Oh well bye!!!Peoples" I yell.

Then I speed off.


Laawwdddd. Help me!

My aunt.
She's here.
At the mall.
With a water gun.
Pointed at.


"Hey!!Auntyyyyyy I know you love unicorns like me. Did I tell you that you smell like fish on Saturday mornings?aand---". I ramble on nervously.

Oh Geez. Is blazing hot or is it just the sun!!!! Ahahhhh.

Movving on.

"Cassandra Penelope Kings! You don't have to embarrass me. Let's prank random people in 'Five Times Vaseline'.".

She said that like she didn't embarass me by saying my middle name!
Look. People are looking at us.

Maybe it's because a 41 year old mother and a 19 year old teen are shouting at each other across the damn mall?

"Oh yeahhhh!". I say out loud.

"Excuse me!!! Gummy Bear coming through!" a loud obnoxious voice says behind me.

I turn around in confusion as to who the bubble bees is Gummy Bear and who in the right mind gave him that name.

When I finally turn around I see a tall, built, good looking Greek Angel.
Who is this guy?
Uhm gummy bear?

"Hi? Guy with a cute name but is really attractive....But who gave you that name? I'd like to meet them" I whispered.

I didn't want my aunt to hear me talking like that.

But she's right across the mall idiot.

Then I smile sheepishly at the guy in front of me.

"Heyyy! Uhm thanks for the compliment you look adorable and my parents gave me this cute name. You might meet them one day. Which reminds me...." he whisper-shouts back at me with a nervous smile.

Ohhhh I like this guy.
Aaron will be jelly.

Really? What flavour?

"Yeah??" I smile creepily at the dude.

"Let's be friends? Uhhh?"

"Cassandra Kings. And yeah let's be best friends choco loco" I say happily.

I grin at my new guy best friend!! Char and Marnie will be happy!

"I am honored Miss Kings. So how about lunch best friend?" He asks me.

I just grab his hand and drag him to my aunt dramatically.
She looks what? Amused? Not good, not good, abort mission.


"Aunt Lala this is Gummy and he is my guy best friend and we are having lunch so go prank people and don't embarass us. "
I mutter hoping she heard the last two words I said.

"Sure my baby!! I'm so happy you growing up. And you my son. Hurt her and you'll suffer the wrath of this Latino madam" she glares at Gummy then recovers it with a soft smile.

She then saunters away.

"Hey! I forgot to ask you this question. Why aren't you at school?" He asks me looking at me weirdly.

What? Is there something on my shoe?

"I didn't feel like it! Now let's go to our favorite diner" I tell him quickly.

He looks at me curiously but shrugs it off and then his faces turns into a frown.
"How would you know if this was our favorite restaurant?"
He asks.

Well. If it's my favorite diner then it's his right?

I shrug and jump up and down.
I'm so excited I could eat a gummy bear!!

No wait that's wrong! Ewwww.
I can't eat my new BFF. That is just disgusting Cass!!!!.

Praise the food oh my soul!!

I tell him to hold my hand instead then we go to our diner!!!!.

Yes our.

We stop in front of this other lady whose hair looked so........amazing!!!!!
I'm kidding it looked like someone's rat died in there.

I wonder who owns a rat? Interesting.

"Hii?? Welcome to---"

"Uhhh yeah table for two. Thank you. We will find a place to sit, you'll get back to us byeeeee" I cut her off with an innocent smile.

Cause you know!
I'm Cassandra Ki-+

Kings yeah we know!

I giggle at the thought. A hand tugs my sleeve and I snap out of my daze and look at Gummy Bear. This guy got good eyes. I swear he's from another planet we don't know about.

"Why are you giggling? Do you have split-personalities?". He shocks me by brushing his hand up and down my arm.

And by the way. We stopped holding hands so imagine how that is!

I step away from him and sit down.
We in a booth in the corner of the diner. It's always warmer here.
It's not hot, it's warm. It's just fine.

G-Bear takes my silence as a no and keeps quiet. The silence is not awkward though it's nice and comfortable.

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