Chapter 7.

Authors Note!
Hey Everyone. This chapter will be shown in Amelia's POV.
Who knows, you might like her!


Song: Perfect- Ed Sheeran

^Monday Evening°^
Amelia's POV

"Mom! Where is my make up kit??? Ugh I swear I will ki--"

"$20 in the swear jar Li"

Well that shut me up.
I didn't even swear. Well...I guess that's what happens when you have a strict mother

"Mother! I. Did. Not. Swear! Plus I don't even have a little brother or sister!!!" I yell at her as I go down the stairs and straight into the gaming room..

Yeah what was she doing there?
Let me tell you something

My mother is addicted to video games. I know... How unnerving.

When I barge in.
My mom isn't playing anything, just Ellen Degenerous playing..
What's even more weird is that my dad is there.
Smiling nervously at my mother.

"What's going on with you two?" I ask both my parents.

"Well... We have something to announce Li. Don't worry your sister Millie knows."

"Pssh I'm not surprised. So what is it? Are we moving? Am I getting a new make up kit? Am I getting another dog? Ahha! Is aunt Lili comi---"

My mom and dad look at each other before shouting
"Woah! Slow down. We're just pregnant!"


"Are you happy? Are you excited? Well we don't know if it's a boy or a girl but we will know soon in like 7/6 months"

I'm getting a baby bro/sis!!! Wow uhm... I'm happy? I guess.

I take a good look at my parents and they are glowing.
Is that how they glowed when they found out they had me?

I should check the photo album..

"That's great guys! Congrats. I get to be an older sister!" I say...

"Anyways we are going out to the grocery store. Stay put okay?"

"Sure mom, dad bye!"

My dad kisses my forehead and once they are out. I start my plan on how to ruin Cassandra..

So I decide to text my future hubby!!
How did I meet him?

Well here it goes


Today was the day the burrito truck stopped on our street.

Yum! I ask my parents for $5 and they gave it to me.
I step outside in a white top and jean shorts with sparkly sneakers.

That's when I sprint to the burrito truck.
A little boy runs into me and we both fall to the ground.

"What is your problem? Can't you see I was here first you hooligan???"

"I'm really sorry. I will pay for your burrito! I hh--hhave $10 ookkaay?"

The little boy stutters.
The little girl me blushes and agrees.
That's when we started to hang out until we grew older to about 11 years old.

He paid more attention to a girl called Cassandra but he hurt her cause he liked her and she was oblivious then he came back to me.

I didn't reject him of course.

*end of flash back*

I search for Tommy in my contacts

Ahh! There it is.

Lia: hey babe! You ready for the plan?

Tom: hey my love! And yes I am. That dress looks beautiful ASF!

Lia: I know! Thanks boo. Dress well. We don't wanna scare her now do we?

Tom: whatever. It's at 7 right?

Lia: yeah! Don't be late. Love ya.

Tom: uhh sure Li.

I wonder why he didn't say I love you back. He always says it.
Is it because of Cass?

Ugh lemme not push it.

Time for the plan to proceed!

Gary's POV (surprise!)

I'm absolutely exhausted. I feel like a zombie! I need Cass right now.

She would help me a lot!
So then I decide to go and check up on her. She is my best friend after all.

When I pull up to her house. I step out to find her standing next to car looking like her dog died or something.

"What's up B? Need a ride?"

"Yes! That would be amazing Gary!! I'm like 5 minutes late to this meeting I have with Amelia"

"Amelia? Isn't she the b**** that hates you? Man I don't trust her. I'm entering that house with you"

"Gary! You don't need to d--"

"Yeah shut up! Get in the car. Where this b**** live again?"

"On the next street. Her house is the first one on your left. No. 33".

When she gave me the details she seemed nervous? I don't know.
But it looked like that to me.

Let's go see what this b***** has in store for us.


The ride to that girls house was silent.

Jk jk. We were singing our lungs out to Sam Smith. Man we don't even like the dude. (No offense to Sam Smith fans).

When we got there the house looked too damn quiet. Like someone died in there or something.

"Are you sure Gary? You don't have to do this... I can go in alone"

"Nuh uh! Let's get out before they think that we backing out"


"What?! You don't think she gon sit there waiting for you alone?! You must be crazy. Now get out my car"

As soon as we get out. We walk to the front door.
Cassy rings the doorbell and lil miss b**-- I mean lil miss Amelia yells ' come in'.

I walk in first to make sure no one hurts my Cassy.

Right then and there someone decided to yank my wrist forcefully but then I yank the strangers wrist with my right hand and twist it.

'Shit' the stranger grunts.

"Tommy? Wha- wha? Are you doing Here?"

I look at this Tommy guy and he don't even look good. Compared to the last time I saw him.

"Haaa! I told you Cass! This Amelia b**** could be planning something, where she at?"

Amelia decides to rush to the commotion at the front door.
Holding what?

A freaking knife.
.she could be cooking you know

Hell no! She was going to torture my Cassy.

"Cassandra we are getting out of here now!!! Leave these f-ing murderers here" I say to Cassandra.

Who looks like she about to pass out.
I pick her up bridal style and take her to my car.
Amelia and Tommy start apologizing and shiz.

"Go to hell!!! That's your home town you don't deserve to be in this town! what the hell do you want from my best friend?? what ever she did Amelia get over it! And Tommy!"

"Yes" Tommy replies

"Leave her the fudge alone"

I turn back to my car open the door put Cassy in gently then I get in.
And we drive off.


I turn to see how Cass is doing and she is crying.

"Were they really going to kill me Gary? Why does she hate me so much?"

" no honey she's just jealous of your life and the people that care about you. And Tommy. Maybe he liked you" I say, trying to explain to her.

In life there are some people who just want to hate on you for you being YOU.

She needs to block Tommy out of her mind. Maybe one day he'll talk to her properly.

"Oh no. It must be him! He's the one who was talking about how my parents are going to pay and stuff" she exclaims so suddenly..

And what? She got a letter?
Why would Tommy send her a letter??

"I don't understand" I tell her.

"He was talking about me being his bride soon. So he liked me when we were kids and oh..."

"You were oblivious. Wow Cass that was expected. After all you are--" she cut me off

"I'm the only one who can say it Gary!. But yeah. Now he wants revenge. And what did my parents do to his ass??" She asks.

More like asked herself that question.

"Don't stress about it. Let's just go out for dinner. Your parents won't mind right?" I ask her.

I'm craving some wings.

Cassandra's POV

"Don't stress about it. Let's just go out for dinner. Your parents won't mind right?" Gary asks me.

I'm trying so hard not to think about this.
I even stopped crying just to clarify some things you know.

I text my mom to see if she's home with dad


MissKings: Hey aunt Lala. Are you home? Gary and I want to go out for dinner.

TheAunt: No I'm not home baby. Dads not home either. Is everything okay? Why is Gary taking you out?..

MissKings: Yeah everything is great. Gary just missed me that's all. Plus I think he's craving wings.
Bye Lala. I love you.

TheAunt: okay have a great night and remember, you have a curfew. Don't be late. Love you too.

"Let's go get some wings!!!" I shout after texting my aunt.


Eating wings was amazing.
I got home early and my mama was just watching some romantic movie.

So cute.
And sad at the same time.

"I'm going to bed now. I have to get some rest" I say to her

"Good night! Sleep well" she says.

Authors Note!!

Hey guys!! Thanks to those who read this chapter.

Cassandra: Well that was an intense chapter.

Aaron: Yeah. And why didn't I do anything??

Lesley: yeah! Same here...

Author- oh guys I'm really sorry. Lesley you're up next!!

So anyways please vote, comment and share. I think I did pretty awesome job and my work would like to be appreciated.

Love you guys

