Chapter 12.

a/n: suprise!!! Please do vote and comment.



She looked so beautiful in her sleep but I had to leave early. She had to know that I was trouble anyways.

Even though I really don't want to go back home. I can't even call it home cause I'm all alone in that house.

Anyways, it's 2am now. I make sure I don't wake Cass up by my movements.
After putting on my shoes. I kiss her forehead.

"Bye Love".

She didn't hear that anyways.

Cassandra doesn't know how special she is to the people around her all the time. She always makes sure everyone is happy at all times. Yes she is very annoying but the good annoying if that's even a thing.

She's always happy for some reason even when something bad happens. I know later on today she will be smiling and vibrant ready to take on the world.

I know she will fix things with her best friend Char. I just don't know how things are going to go between me and her.

This all sucks cause I can't even call out to my parents for advice or comfort. It's like I have no one at all.


Marnie's POV

"So Marnie, when are you going to get a freaking girlfriend? You haven't been in the dating game in a long time." Cass asks me.

I blush and look down.

"Nobody has caught my attention as yet. You guys know I don't know any girls that are like me".

I laughed bitterly. I mean. People probably think I'm a nobody.

"Uhm Marnie? Hi. Uhh I need a study partner and I chose you if you don't mind?" a blonde, tall and slim girl asked.

To be honest. She's good looking. I haven't even seen her around. Or maybe I just don't pay attention that much.

"Oh no that's cool! Let's go now. I have a free lesson" I tell her with a bright smile.

"Talk about no one has caught my attention. Please!" Cass murmurs lowly.

I blush at the comment, hoping the girl didn't hear my silly best friend. This is now my chance and I have to embrace every second of it. Who knows she might be my wife!

"Catch you later bestie!" She shouts as I walk away with the girl.



When I woke up I felt like a truck hit me.

But then the events of what happened yesterday flooded back to me that's when I remembered why I felt this way. Aaron was actually there for me! And he kissed my forehead!!!!! I'm freaking out. But quickly calm down as I realise that he will avoid me today.

Not to forget that I'm late for school and lunch is most probably over by now.

I grab which is on the pillow next to me and I text those who would be worried about me and go to take a hot shower.

45 minutes later

I'm all done and ready to conquer. I grab all that I need and head out since I also had time to eat.

When I get to school I head inside and immediately spot Aaron walking to his next class looking sad? Why? Does it have anything to do with me? I mean I don't want to overthink this.

I run up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns around slowly and when he sees who actually tapped his shoulder he immediately hugs me.

"Ow. That was weird. Are you okay??" I ask him in a rush.

By the way we're standing in the middle of the hallway and having a serious conversation.

"I'm sorry I left early I just couldn't stand being there in case you didn't want me" he immediately apologizes after death hugging me.

Honestly I'm not even mad. He's probably not used to cuddling and spending quality time with a girl so I wouldn't hold that against him.

"No no that's okay. I'm not angry with you." I chuckle lightly.

"Although I am a bit disappointed you left. It's all good now though I'm already late enough let's go." I tell him honestly

He sighs in relief.

"Thank God. Since I've seen you. Let's get to class" he says.

Pretty weird. Doesn't really seem like the type to even go to class and actually learn something.


In maths, Aaron sat next to me and we basically talked for the whole entire lesson, I loved how his eyes would light up whenever he would speak about something he loved but i know that he might not even like me.

"Hey, what's up?" he says, i smile looking down to avoid his gaze. " Honestly not much i'm not even sure of what's happening in this lesson" i chuckle to hide my shyness.

He doesn't say anything after that and just smiles at me then focus on whatever the teacher was saying. Although i didn't expect him to say anything after that i atleast wanted him to start a small conversation or something. It's fine it's whatever honestly i'm not even mad at that.

I am actually so relieved because I thought that i would have to say something and i don't do well with serious talks. "Are we good?" he asks with worry laced in his tone. He looks very cute while his frowning with concern. I mean does he care about
