Reyna gets Caramel

Reyna's P.O.V

"Ahh" I sighed. I missed Scipky more than ever today. Some questers had come back to New Rome today, but while they we're out they had apparently rescued a Pegasus and in turn she wanted to stay with them from now on. They had been flying and training her all day at the stables. As I put down Percy's letter telling me that he would be coming here tomorrow with an unnecessary amount of unneeded exaggeration about flying here on Blackjack.

I miss the days I would take Skipy out to fly and train him and feed him sugar and jelly beans (seriously what is it with my pets and jelly beans?). I could just be free, not worry about anything, show weakness, cry if I needed to, Skipy never minded. He was just there for me and was always there. I quickly wiped away a tear that was coming to my eyes thinking of those days. I yawed quite loudly. Wow look at the time, I'd better get to bed, I've work to do tomorrow.

As I twisted in bed and my blanket wrapped tighter around me I felt something lick my cheek. My eyes shot open as my senses went on full alert. What I saw wasn't what I expected.

I suppressed a yelp as I hissed "what are you doing Percy. How did you get in here? And did you just lick me?" I asked incredulously, pulling my blanket a bit tighter around me, I was only wearing my pjs. Percy was dressed up in his usual camp clothes, an orange camp shirt and denim jean shorts with dark blue high tops.

"I came to see you, the guards let me into the principia and uh i came through the door" He said counting on his fingers like he was checking off the questions he's answered.

"And no i didn't lick you, she did" He said enthusiastically, pointing to something on the floor beside my bed.

It was a little Pegasus. Only a baby, waddling on her hooves and flapping her tiny wings trying to reach me. She was sooo cute and had completely waltzed through my tough exterior right to my heart.

"Awww" I cooed. Hey! I have a soft spot for babies, especially baby Pegasus.

She had a rich black coat and specks of soft caramel at her neck, legs and her face in the shape of a diamond right between her baby eyes. Which were a dark chocolate brown, just like Skipy's.

"She's for you" Percy announced as he picked up the little guy and placed her in my hands. "Blackjack had babies. Well he didn't have the babies but they're his babies, like he's their father" he rambled but i understood what he meant." And he wanted you to have this cutie."

"I can keep her?" I asked, holding the little guy tighter, not wanting to let go just in case he said I couldn't keep her.

"Yup she's all yours. What are you gonna name her?"

I thought for a moment, I don't know why but one name stuck out "caramel".

"Hmm. I like caramel" Percy said thoughtfully.

The tiny thing, well it's pretty massive in my arms, head-butted my chest, neighed and licked my face. Percy laughed "She likes it too."

Caramel it is then.

I quickly got changed into a regular camp Jupiter jumper and some dark jeans as Percy took caramel out of my house after apologizing saying he couldn't wait till I woke up so he just decided to wake me up, to which earned him a glare from me. After spending some time in New Rome getting a coffee and some cookies and brownies, with Hazel and Frank and introducing Caramel to them, who they loved instantly, Percy was getting ready to head off back to camp.

"Take good care of her," Percy said as he hugged me. I returned the hug and looked down, even Blackjack was saying bye bye to his little foal. He neighed and his face morphed into somewhat of a stern one, probably telling caramel to behave. Ha? I guess parents will be parents no matter what they are.

Blackjack came up to me, I gave him a hug and he licked the side of my face. I laughed " I missed you too, boy. And don't worry ill take care of her."

"It's not you he's worried about," Percy said, throwing an accusing glance at caramel. She just gave him one heck of an innocent eye and I knew she'd be getting into trouble soon. Well it's a good thing I'm excellent at keeping people in line then.

Percy saddled up and said goodbye one last time as blackjack shot into the sky taking Percy back to camp. Watching him leave I didn't get the normal ting of sadness and hollowness in my heart like I usually did seeing a Pegasus, and I knew why. I had caramel with me now and after a little while I'll even be able to ride her. She would never replace Skipy, but maybe finally replace that pain I have of losing him.

I bent down and stroked her mane and nuzzled her gently.

"Come one girl, let's go get you a lead" I said waving my hand " and some jelly beans". She started galloping and racing right past at hearing jelly beans. Looks like Aurum and Argentum once again have a rival in the jelly bean circle.

                                                                      —--- The End ---—
