Cliché Phone call

Disclaimer: I don't own pjo. I wanna but alas not all dreams can come true. ____________________________________________________________

Hi !! My name is Kaira Parker. Nothing special about me you could say, but something about the people in my class is you could say special, one girl in particular. Annabeth Chase. First glance she looks like a typical Californian blond. I don't do stereotypes so I couldn't conclude she would be dumb just cause she's blond. Now that would be dumb. The one thing that stands out is her piercing grey eyes!! One look into them and you know she's someone you don't want to mess with but they hold a lot of intelligence and wisdom that you know she'll pummel you to the ground in a physical or statistical fight.

The plastics (popular girls)(get the ref?) hate her for her beauty and boys used to hit on her but once she broke Zack Talon's arm that stopped too, almost. You could say I'm a really good friend of hers. She is a bit mysterious though, I mean we know where she lives but that doesn't explain the scars she has all over her hands and a few on her legs and her dad seems nice enough and so does her step mom so no lead there. Ohh.... here she comes.

"Hey kaira" Annabeth greets and she comes down the halls towards my locker.

"Hi Annabeth .You excited for spring break?" i ask her

Her face falls a little but she smiles again "uhh.. Not really.... I wanted to go to camp, but I don't think I can this break. I'm stuck home." she replies.

She always talks about this mysterious camp that runs year round and no one in the entire school has ever been to.

"Hey helllo....???" she waves a head in front of my face. Oops must have been zoning out. The bell rings obnoxiously too loud for anyone's liking this early in the morning and that means we head off to class or get detention. First period of the day Maths ! yay ! sarcasm.

I trudged off to Mr. Boring's class. Not kidding, that's really his name. Once all the kids are piled up in class he starts teaching some problems in algebra but I zone out after 'kids, we're going to be learning algebra today' . I look at Annabeth and see her half heartedly taking notes. Mabey not going to this camp is bothering her more than she let on?

Class by class we make it to lunch. I grab my food and sit down at my table. Annabeth comes with her food tray and sets it beside me. Annabeth could have totally sat with the plastics but she refused them saying ,and i quote "I'd rather sit alone than with glorified Barbie dolls'' but even after she broke Zack the strongest kid in school's arm without much effort I might add, she still sometimes gets asked to sit with them and again and again she gives the same response. Like come on people take a hint and go already. We just talked a little bit about what we might do during the break.

"Today is the last day of school before spring break, aka 1 week of rest and relaxation" I said as I stretched in my seat but I sorta almost fell. Annabeth laughed a little as I playfully glared at her.

We head off to history together with Ms.Pausche. The usual goes on in the hallway, plastics glaring ,the others saying hi or hey or wassup to us and everyone else chatting about spring break. Ms. Pausche goes on and on about how world war 2 was more devastating than world war 1 ect ect...... I was soo zoning out. I mean who wouldn't when you're stuck learning history and you're only one period away from FREEDOM !!!

I was pulled out from my zoning she's by a phone ringing ?? uhhh..i feel bad for the culprit. See Ms. Pausche HATES people using their phones in class so if you get caught with your phone in class and it rings you have to answer it but.......... You have to place it on the speaker. Sheesh talks about embarrassment.

I turned to see who the  perp was, only to find it being Annabeth? Oh gods ! I can practically feel the plastics smirking. Finally they have a chance to get some dirt on Annabeth cause according to them she's a, and again i quote " little miss good grades, little miss beauty and little miss teachers fav, we have to do something about her, she's too perfect"

She stands up and picks up the phone, accepting the call and placing it on speaker.

(normal= annie, italics = the speaker on the other side)

"Hey piper"

"Hey annie"

Annabeth really doesn't like being called that but she seems to have let it slide, wonder why, she doesn't even let me call her that.

"So.. what's up pipes"

"Ohh nothing.... Except for the fact that you need to come to camp now !!!"

Annabeth started panicking "why, is it under attack"

Under attack from who?

"No no chill.. It isn't" Annabeth calmed down

"But it might be if u don't come back" she started panicking again, seriously this person should really stop toying with her emotions.

" we're having an epic capture the flag game and we need you back here asap"

This "piper" basically yelled!

"Pipes we have captured the flag all the time, what's so special about this one?"

"It's special because...... it's against CJ along with the hunters and amazons!"

"Along with who now '' Annie asked with some hope in her voice , though why and who are the hunters and amazons?

"Ya !! you heard me right !! The hunters and amazons are here, well not all the amazons ,that's like gods know how many. Only the closest to Hylla"

"Thalia?" Annie asked with the weirdest hope in her voice again, though why?

"She's here too, she wanted to talk but she had to go break up a fight between the hunters and some cabin 7 boys"

"Wait , what are the amazons doing here? CJ and the hunters i get why"

"It seems they were at camp and when CJ was coming here they decided why not, its a chance to beat up some boys, so they tagged along"

"So when are you getting here?"

"I don't know piper, i'm not sure i can come"

There was a loud groan and not just from one person on the other side

"Coooooommme onnnnnnn annabeth!! You can't be serious !!!! Are you telling me you want to spend spring break at your house with Helen and Bobby and Matthew rather than at home with the entire cabin 6 and the 7 and Thals !!! and Rey and everyone !!"

"When was the last time all 7 of us hung out and even Grover's here come on!!"

What did Piper mean by her dad's place is her house and not home and why would a camp be her home? It's not like she grew up there or something?

"I can't make a 46 hour trip to long island on my own besides my dad took his car for some business trip so no car".

"Oh ha! That's the problem? See when I meant that CJ is here I meant most of CJ is here, Rey, Frank and Haze aren't here, Preater duties and Haze said something about terminus? Don't know anyway they'll be at your school around the time it ends, so hitch a ride with them!"

"Road trip?"

"Yup and they aren't the most ADHD of us so you wont have as much trouble as Jason and I did with Leo"

Annabeth laughed at that

"And before you even think about asking, you know like 90% of you stuff's at camp and there's like barely anything at your house so that wont be a problem"

"So.......??" you could practically hear Piper holding her breath.

Annabeth smirked "tell Malcolm he can go back to being second in charge ,cause cabin 6 councilor is coming home"

There was a lot of cheer from the other side. A lot of whooping and yaying and yelling, they went straight back to whatever they were doing.

" Great, see ya in 45 hours Annie"

" bye pipes"

"Well that was quite a call" our teacher mused. She might not like unrequired interruption, but she was a really chill and nice teacher. That class was over soon enough. The students weren't all chatting about what they were going to do on spring break. It seems that news spread like wildfire that mysterious Annabeth has a camp full of friends in New York no less and everyone was in the parking lot doing something or the other, trying not to be obvious. Annabeth and I made our way out and it was obvious Annabeth was beaming about going to camp.

"Oh schist! I Forgot my trigonometry textbook in class, I'll be right back Kaira" Annabeth says and rushes right past me, back into school.

Not a moment later a Black SUV pulled up on the road. God !! It looked sleek!!

Wonder who it's picking up. Out of the driver side comes out a girl with long black hair in a braid and obsidian color eyes. She isn't even trying but she looks very commanding and very very scary. From the passenger side comes out this well built boy with broad shoulders and muscles and he too has this weird aura of command. And from behind comes this other girl with dark coco skin, super curly hair and shiny golden eyes. All the girls are instantly jealous of the girls and the boys try to hit the girls but the guy has his arm around the younger gold-eyed girl and the scary girl just looks like someone not to mess with.

Seriously though who are they here to pick up. Annabeth chooses this time to make her way out to the front of the school and basically runs right past and towards the 3 in the SUV?

"Rey, Frank Haze!!" she yells running towards them. She gives Frank a small but still big hug and basically crushes Haze and Rey. I mean who names their girl Rey?

She finally notices me and brings me over to her friends.

"Guys this is Kaira, Kaira this is Reyna, Frank and Hazel" she introduces.

I wave and they wave back.

"But seriously, how did you still have an SUV to spare, didn't the entire camp go to CHB along with some of the Amazons."

"Lets just say Octavian had a looooott of expenses when he declared himself in charge" Reyna rolled her eyes. Annabeth laughed at that.

"Now are you ready to get out of this place and go home?" Frank asks

She sighs "as much as I love school, I love camp more and I can't wait to get back"

They all laugh and pile into the car as they start laughing about something that sounded like the Leo with caffeine incident. I have no idea, I just hope she comes back to school after the week.

                                                                      —---- THE END—---
