Percy & Leo visit Sally

Disclaimer:  As much as this pains me to say. I don't own PJO at all. ____________________________________________________________

Note: this is an A.U. so imagine that Leo couldn't go back for Cali yet ____________________________________________________________

Percy's POV:

It was a normal day at camp for me, a bit too normal. I didn't feel like doing any swordplay, Annabeth was busy with Piper and I decided to give them a bit of girl time alone. Jason was at New Rome and well u get the idea, basically everyone was busy. So I trudged back to my cabin and as I plopped down on my bed I saw the old letter my mom sent me years back, I'd forgotten about that.

Picking it up I read it over again, smiling and thinking of that year's events, what would have happened if I hadn't decided to go to Merriweather Prep, well I wouldn't have met Tyson for one. Of course I face palmed, MOM, I could go visit her, it's been weeks since I last saw her and I'm sure I couldn't convince Chiron to let me go.

"Please Chiron" I begged with my baby seal eyes in full effect.


"Pleasssssssssseeee" I pleaded some more.

He sighed " alright"

"Yes!! " I whopped.

No one can resist my baby seal eyes, not even Reyna and man let me tell you she's harder to convince than Terminus when it comes to regulations so Chiron stood no chance.

"That is If you can convince Mr.D " he smirked with amusement written all over his face, i underestimated him.

"I'll find a way" I replied and headed out to find the old wine dude.

It was Chiron- 1, Percy - nothing

As expected he was at the pinochle table along with a satyr who looked scared out of his pants, but they don't wear pants, so scared out of his fur I guess?

He didn't even look up as walked in "What do you want ya little brat"

"Permission to outside the borders for a bit" I replied smoothly

"Ah Perry Johansson. No '' he stated

"Come on Mr.D its a win- win situation for both of us. I get to visit my mom and you're rid of me for a while" I said, playing to his likings.

He put his hand on his chin thinking about it " fine ya little brat, I'll open up the borders and throw you out"

"I'll be back in a bit, don't think your rid of me forever" I reminded him but thanked him anyway and headed out with a literal skip in my step, which i probably shouldn't have done cause I tripped and fell on the threshold of the door and could hear Mr.D howling with laughter.

Score settled now its Chiron- 1 Percy- 1 too. After telling cough gloating cough to Chiron I headed back to my cabin to get some mortal money, as I headed back out i rammed into someone and caused them to fall onto their butt.

"Leo?" I asked " why you running?".

" You were heading out of camp?" he asked.

"Yup, to see my mom, been a while" I replied happily.

" you think maybe ... I could come" he asked hopefully.

My heart melted a bit, I knew the story of Leo's mom and I was more than happy to let him spend some time with me and my family " of course, come on I was just about to go" I said

His whole face lit up and just like that we were off to New York.

----— THE END —-----

Oh I see you're still here. Here's a treat for all those patients ones of you.

:D on you read

Back in upstate New York, Leo and I, proper grammar thanks to my girlfriend.

Paid the taxi driver and headed up the stairs to the apartment. I rang the bell and mom opened the door.

"Percy you're home!!" She wrapped me in a warm hug.

" ah Leo you've come too" she proceeded to wrap him in a hug too.

Leo couldn't hide the smile that was making its way onto his face and that made me smile. (😍)

"Come in the 2 of you" she ushered us in and shut the door.

Paul comes over and gives me a hug too and Leo a handshake. I could hear the oven turned on " what are you making mom" I asked.

"Brownies" she replies with a smile. (haha you thought I was gonna write blue cookies but nah i got tired of those and I think they like to change it up once in a while))

"Yum!!" We cheered at the same time.

Mom chuckled" you boys head to your room and I'll call you when they're ready"

I led Leo into my room which was across the hall.

"So this is my room" I said, gesturing around me, but Leo seemed to be occupied looking at something behind me, in the window sill in a little flower bed was the-

"Moonlace" Leo sighed. I raised an eyebrow," how do you know what that Is?"

"Uh.. Tia callida u know Hera had a lot of them around when uh she was 'babysitting' me" he stuttered. I stared at him for a few more seconds "eh.. It's better than the excuse I gave Annabeth" I shrugged.

Leo let out a breath. We both sat on my bed.

"So you've been to Ogigia" he asks all of a sudden.

" Yeah once," I replied.

He sighs " beautiful am I right".

" It was beautiful, the whole island was" .

" not the island idiot, the girl on the island" he shoves me playfully. "well. I have Annabeth and I can't really say anyone beats her" I smirk.

" oh calypso soooo beats her" he huffs.

" no way, she doesn't at all".

" she does beat her by a mile".

"Na-uh no she doesn't".

We shove each other off the bed and onto the floor and start shoving and slapping each other's hands.

"Boys the brownies are ready" mom calls out from the kitchen.

We look at the door where the voice came from, at each other and shove the other out of the way to get there first cause everyone knows the first is always the best!!

This day definitely took a turn from boring and in the direction of shoving and brownies which is a direction I'm always happy with.

                                                           —----The real the end----—
