Chapter 8- I don't

   Im just so happy cause I reached to 1000+ reads and surely it's a huge thing for me... never have reached 1000 before so a huge thank you for the readers who can appreciate how my story flows.... I promise that I would try my best to make it better every chapter...  Here's the next chapter...!


 Christina's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Is all I said. Having all my anger in my body. I know that I have a crush with Jk but he doesnt have the right to just bring me here while Im asleep. What if he do something to me? For me, it's called kidnapping already. Everyone says that they wanna be kidnapped by their idols or crushes,but me? A big NO.

"Im sorry Christina,What you're seeing is not what it meant!" Jk said

"Then what is happening?! I know you're both best friends but why are you punching each other faces?! Then why the heck am I here?! This isnt my room!!!!!"

"Firstly, I punched Darren's face cause I got angry if what he said.... I know it's childish but Im gonna apologize,I promise. Second, I brought you here that's why you're seating there on my bed" he said

"Then why in the name of Hades did you brought me here?!" I ask-shouted

"I saved you....We went to your house then I heard a cry from somewhere and I did follow the sound. It lead me to the way underground and I saw you there crying. I asked you what are you doing there alone and you passed out. I just thought of bringing you here cause we just saw your mom really angry about your performance and maybe she locked you down there"

"Shit! Who the fuck told you to care about the other's life?! You're a celebrity and not an invesigator,police or whatsoever! Now, Im in a bigger trouble so FUCK YOU!"


"Then who in this world asked you to save me?" I snapped " I didnt tell you to save me from the castle, little prince"

"Fuck you little bitch-" he was cut off speaking when Darren spoke

"You shut up your big mouth Jk. She's right. Why would you bring her here without her permission?"

"Dont speak like you arent involved Darren"

"Come on Christina, I'll bring you home." Darren said

    He then lead me to the exit of Jk's room. Hmmp... I knew it from the start that Darren is a gentleman and Jk is a jerk. I used to have crush on him but now, I despise his attitude yet I love his face. Damn it! My mom's gonna punish me more for like, escaping? Besides, how did they even know my house? Crazy Christina....They are celebrities,remember? Okay, now I officially call myself as a crazy retard. Wow! their house was so big,I like it here.. Snap out all your thoughts Christina, yeah, you're now crazy.

" Are you alright?" Darren asked interrupting my thoughts, gladly, cause I didnt realize we're outside the house already.

" Yes I am" I answered his question

"Good.. Now let's enter the car"He said as he pointed the first vehicle we shall pass by cause they have 4 of them. He then opened the door like a gentleman and let me enter. See.. I never did see Jk like this.

"How's your face?Does it bleed?Oh my gosh... I need you to be brought in the nearest hospital and what if it's damaged?" I asked without a pause

" No... it's fine, I doesnt even hurt. Now, let me just bring you in your house and explain all the happenings to your mom, yeah?"

"You'll do that for me?" I asked

"Yes... you're my friend"

"Thank you!" I said and hugged him

Jk's POV

"Come on Christina, I'll bring you home." Darren said.

 OH God Im damn annoyed of myself. I just shouted at Christina and here's Darren acting like a saint yet his a bad ass. I hate him now. I dont consider him as my bestfriend. I admit, I'm jealous about the fact that he's bringing Christina home. Now, he wanted a war? I'll give him what he wants. He won a battle but Im gonna make sure that I'll win this war for Christina.

Watch out Darren for the next events......


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