Chapter 11- Stop

  Projects, assignments, exams, issuance of cards and lack of sleep equals to Im totally stressed, like, yeah... Im now carrying a lift on my shoulder, a very heavy one. Anyway Jk is on my way so erase, erase. Okay Im making this like it's my diary so... here's the update....


 Christina's POV

   Okay... it's kinda weird seeing him as I open the door with a damn attractive grin plastered on his face. I dont say that I dont like it but come on.... Am I so blessed for it? Well in that case, Lord, please dont stop giving me this blessings cause I will treasure it.

   Without any reaction released because of being shocked, I didnt realize that he just carried me In bridal style? Is that what they call it? wait, no, it isnt right. You like it though.... Nu uh.... My dad told me not to let anyone carry me if they arent my relatives.

" WHAT THE FUCK JK! PUT ME DOWN YOU DICK!" I shouted, yeah, I know it's unethical to just shout to your crush but there might be a possiblity that he'll see me blushing

" If you dont like it then why didnt you react quickly? And why are you blushing?" He said as he winked.

" Damn you if you wont put me down then I'll kick your crotch" I warned him

" Watch your language, my beautiful girl" he said as he accidentally let go of me yet he luckily caught me cause I dont wanna die of extreme headache. 

Oh my God... his face is dangerously close to mine... he said:

" You're lucky that I've caught you cause if you've passed out, you wont be able to see my handsome face anymore"

" Shut up you dickhead! I dont need your help though"

" Why are you always mentioning about the dick term, is mine noticeable?" he said with a smirk on his face

" You dirty- minded prick!" I yelled at him but he just put me unto his shoulders. I must say, he's good in carrying girls by his arms or just putting them unto his shoulders mindlessly. What did I just say?

   As we entered the car, my mom then went out our house and mouthed goodbye to me. It seems like she's trying to tease me because she have a cardboard with words saying: 

let's go crazy crazy crazy with Jk. I know we only met but let's pretend we're in love and Never never never stop because of Stacy. Today let's get some "     " and live while we're young.....

  Gladly, Jk didnt see it cause I might get into a deep trouble. How did she know about Stacy? Did I just talk in my sleep? Or she've seen my laptop with saved poems about my hatred with her? Oh my Gosh, she wont stop mentioning about it and I knew it..

    While in our way, I cant stop myself shouting swears and everything to Jk cause he often annoy about things. He even laughed out loud when he remembered my crazy tweets to him cause I wanna get noticed so badly. Then, again, I continued yelling at him being a nagger myself but then was stopped when he put one finger on my lips and whispered at my ear....

" If you wont stop, I would not hesitate to kiss you" He said as he put his arms to me which he knew that it bothers me alot, especially when he's your crush.

Jk' s POV

  Haha, I really like doing it to her cause I can see she's blushing. I just saw what her mom did, Does it mean she's jealous with Stacy? Come on, Stacy is nothing compared to Christina. She is like.... I cant describe her cause she's completely irritating, annoying and all the curse I may said.

   We did arrive the school and I can see the sign of relief on Christina's face. She was about to open the vehicle' door when I stopped her..

" What the-" She was about the say the sentence she's in love with when I stopped her

" Just keep quiet, I wont do anything I'll just open the door for you madaam" I said as she make the face of disgust infront of me... This is gonna be hard.


   How is it? Vote and comment.... Sorry if it isnt that good because Im in a great hurry for it for the sake of the lives of my grades....
