
We see anden in horrible condition. He says something to june before he goes unconscious. The jerk and the president laugh at how weak the elector looks.

"Day come here" june says in a whisper. I lean in.
"Anden told me to say drop the bomb in forty-five minutes." I nod and message head quarter to drop the bomb in forty five minutes. To only make it the size of the building. No less no bigger. Before i press send i try to find a way to exit. I see a window and decide it will be the best way. I look and see the doors and they are left unblock. We can make a run for it that way and we can make it to safety. I send the message and nod at june.

"Okay we are ready for what ever but first we would like to make a little brawl" i aim for the jerk while.

"June get out of here!" I yell at june and point towards the door.
"But when will i see you again what if we separate again?!" June yells to me.
"We won't i'll see you again i promise. Now go get out if here before something else happens!" I yell at june to get out. She nods and goes out taking anden with her. Anden looks a little but skinnier than usual but june is strong.

I start to fight the jerk. He is very agile but not as much as me. I punch him in the face and make it a fair fight. I look over and see pascao and james taking out the two guards. Guess they are easy enough considering their size is not that much of a difference.

I look at the jerk and before i can react i feel a knee to my gut. I bend down and that gives him a chance to slam my face against his knee. I feel blood from my head but i ignore it and stand up. I tackle him and i hit him against a book case causing a bunch of to fall on top of us. Pascao and james come up from behind me and grab the jerk. They pin him against the wall and throw punches at him. He can barely stay conscious now. They throw the jerk into a closet and put the bookcase in front of it. They add the books back for extra weight. I look around a notice the president is gone.

How am i so stupid? I let him get away from all of this and now he might throw a bomb on the republic. Well i can't let that happen.

"We have to go find the president and now!" I say to pascao and james and we sprint out of the doors.
"Okay we need to find the president and make sure he doesn't activate the bomb. If he does we are all doomed." They nod and we make our way to a balcony. We see the body guards surrounding him. James and Pascao go for the body guards and i go for the president. I must admit for a old and fat guy he moves fast. We make it to the building. It's not that far of a drop but it's the obejcts i have to be careful about. I know that right now we are going to have a full on brawl. I am ready for anything right now. If it means saving june eden tess pascao basically everyone who has a right to live. Anyone who wants a better life.

"Bring it on old man!" I yell and we charge at each other
