
Chapter 81

With Qiu Zhenyang by his side, Ling Mu had a good night's sleep this time.

After getting up the next day, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu asked for leave to leave the school. After all, his identity is not ordinary, and the counselor only thinks that he has something to do, so he is released very easily.

The two went all the way to the Lin family villa area. Qiu Zhenyang first observed the situation on the side of the street and found that there were a lot of security guards at the gate.

"Grandma sent me the visiting post just now, and then she said that we were going to visit Mr. Lin. After entering the villa area, we will go to Lin Zhiyuan's house." Qiu Zhenyang transferred the visiting post from grandma. , collude with Lingmu.

He lowered his head to look at the terminal, but did not notice any movement at the gate over there. Ling Mu grabbed his arm and said, "It looks like Lin Nuo's mother is in that car."

Qiu Zhenyang looked up and saw a car passing from Lin's house. The gate of the villa area comes out. The person sitting inside was none other than Lin Zhiyuan's wife, Weng Quan.

He looked at Weng Quan's calm face and obviously nervous eyes, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. Lin Zhiyuan doesn't necessarily do everything by himself, and Weng Quan, who is also from a famous family, may also be tricky. Just because she was a seemingly harmless omega and acted like she didn't know anything about those things, everyone's attention didn't specifically focus on her.

"Let's not go in yet, follow Weng Quan to see what she's doing." Qiu Zhenyang had an intuition, Weng Quan was probably going out for Lin Zhiyuan's business.

Generally, a wealthy family like the Lin family would take that kind of high-end aircraft when they travel, which is very high-profile. And now she actually went out in a very ordinary car. It seemed that she didn't want to attract attention. Maybe she could find some clues.

Ling Mu knew which was more important, and immediately nodded in agreement.

After the two of them came out of the school, they swept over the shared motorcycles on the side of the road. They just put on their helmets. Lingmu sat behind Qiu Zhenyang and hugged his waist tightly, and the motorcycles followed quickly.

Because he was wearing a hat and the target of the motorcycle was relatively small, Qiu Zhenyang was not worried that their tracking would be exposed.

After Weng Quan's car stopped in front of a coffee shop, Qiu Zhenyang also parked the car on the side of the road, sneaked in and sat down not far from Weng Quan. Although the location is relatively close, the location is very secret, and from Weng Quan's point of view, they will not be found.

At the same time, Qiu Zhenyang also took out a small recorder in order to prevent the voice from being inaudible. This kind of recorder can be controlled by using a terminal connection, so he directly controlled the recorder to the bottom of the table where Weng Quan was sitting, and leaned against the table post to prevent it from being trampled.

Seemingly weird, Qiu Zhenyang also raised his hand and beckoned the waiter to order two cups of coffee, and then he paid attention to Weng Quan's side.

The woman looked very nervous. She could pretend to be calm when she was in the car just now. Now she is sitting alone in the coffee shop, holding her hands together nervously and rubbing them together. She didn't even hear what the waiter said, she just waited for them to say it three times before she could react.

"Ah, don't need it for now, I'm waiting for someone, I'll order when he comes over."

Weng Quan sent the waiter away, while Qiu Zhenyang narrowed his eyes and turned on the video recording function in the terminal just in case.

After a while, Weng Quan stood up and waved at a man who came in at the door.

Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu immediately lowered their heads to prevent the man from noticing them when he came over.

"Brother, what's the matter with you recently?" Weng Quan lowered his voice, obviously anxious.

Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu, who were monitoring with headphones, looked at each other, but they didn't expect it to be Weng Quan's brother. Because there was not much investigation into Weng Quan beforehand, Qiu Zhenyang didn't know the man's background for the time being, so he could only listen to it first.

The man was an alpha, his voice was low and hoarse: "What's the matter? It's just a few mice who want to find out about Lin Zhiyuan. They just think I'm a shrimp, and they don't put any energy on me at all."

His tone was quite indifferent, and he even said a little smugly, "Who would have thought that I would lead Lin Zhiyuan? As long as they can't find me, your waste husband will be fine."

Qiu Zhenyang heard this . He Lingmu was shocked immediately, and the former's heart jumped even more.

Qiu Haolin had clearly told him before that Lin Zhiyuan's progress was stagnant because he couldn't find the informant, but now if the man didn't lie, then he was the one he was looking for!

Qiu Zhenyang is now quite fortunate that he followed Weng Quan out, and he also recorded the video in advance and preserved the evidence. All this is too coincidental!

On the other side, Weng Quan was frightened and usually got up and covered his brother's mouth, and said with a pale face: "Do you have a brain? Do you know if there are ears on the wall? They all have to suffer!"

Weng Quan really regretted it now, because he was worried that it would be more conspicuous if he went home or let his brother come to Lin's house, so he chose to meet outside in a low-key manner. As a result, his brother was just like his son Lin Yuhan, arrogant and arrogant, but he said such words without any scruples, he didn't know whether to live or die!

The younger sister's actions made the man a little annoyed, so she raised her hand to open it, and snorted coldly: "You are always so surprised that it is easy to attract attention, okay? Hurry up, what's the matter with me this time? Let's go."

This attitude made Weng Quan's heart even more uneasy, but now the situation is pressing, there is no other way, she can only bite her lip and take out a card from her handbag and hand it over.

"Brother, there are 10 million here. Zhiyuan has been stared at no matter what he does recently, and there is really no way to get out. Can you help deal with a few people who have delivered goods, okay?" Weng Quan came with a mission today. Seeing people, she needs to help Lin Zhiyuan remove obstacles as much as possible.

The man picked up the card and looked at it, frowning slightly: "Ten million? Where is that guy Lin Zhiyuan sending beggars? Even if Mr. Lin doesn't give him the right of inheritance, he still has a lot of property under his command, as for the poor. so?"

Even Qiu Zhenyang was choked by his words, let alone Ling Mu, his eyes were full of doubts about the word "poor".

"Brother, you also know that it is not easy for us now. There are too many places that need money. Can't you help us first? After Zhiyuan's affairs are settled, I will definitely give you more." Weng Quan couldn't stand himself. 's brother.

After some contrived sighs, the man finally accepted the card.

"Okay, I get it. It's also your risk to come out to find me." The man waved his hand and agreed.

Seeing this, Weng Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief. She really had no choice but to do this. Because of Lin Zhiyuan's matter, she was worried that the terminal would be monitored, and there would be risks in calling or texting, so she could only ask someone out to meet.

After the matter was finished, Weng Quan didn't stay any longer and left immediately. The man knocked the card on the table twice, then got up and left.

The video was pressed to stop, Qiu Zhenyang looked at Ling Mu with excitement in his eyes.

"It's so profitable, we actually tracked Lin Zhiyuan's informant!" Qiu Zhenyang sighed, and he had already sent the video to Qiu Haolin, "Brother told me before that because the informant could not be found, there might be no way to give Lin Zhiyuan a severe sentence. Xing, now people know who it is, and the rest is easy to handle!"

Ling Mu showed his first smile in the past few days, and at the same time got up and went under the table where Weng Quan was sitting and took the recorder back. The voice in the video is very small, but with a recorder, it can fully show the process of their meeting.

Qiu Zhenyang took the recorder and put it away, and then asked Ling Mu, "Then let's go to Lin's house now?"

The purpose of this visit was to understand Dong Qiulan's situation. go back.

But Ling Mu thought about it and decided not to go: "The video has been sent to your brother, and the man is expected to be taken away soon. If the news spreads quickly, Weng Quan knows first, and she is likely to suspect it. Appearing to us in the Lin family for no reason, it would be bad if we broke the jar and took us hostage."

Qiu Zhenyang naturally took this into consideration, but he still wanted to hear Ling Mu's opinion.

Now that the two had reached an agreement, he smiled and said, "Then let's go to the military department now and hand over the recording to the big brother. This is already a conclusive proof."

Ling Mu nodded in agreement immediately, and the two left. Cafe to go to the military headquarters.

Because we had agreed with Qiu Haolin in advance, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu were released after only a little check when they entered.

Every place in the military is full of serious atmosphere, the soldiers are solemn and straight, patrolling back and forth in the barracks.

Qiu Zhenyang found his office according to the route given by his brother. After knocking on the door twice, he heard a familiar voice: "Please come in."

After the two entered, Qiu Zhenyang put the recorder on Qiu Haolin's desk almost immediately. Above : "This is the original recording, I haven't touched any hands or feet, there are indistinguishable voices in the video."

Qiu Haolin picked up the recorder, smiled and said to his brother, "You have done a great job this time. It has been passed on to the Supervision Department, Weng Li has already been there, and he should be escorted to the Supervision Department for interrogation in a while."

Hearing this, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu looked at each other and understood each other.

"Also, because of the relationship between Weng Quan and Weng Li, I have applied to search Lin Zhiyuan's house again and take Weng Quan away for questioning. The team has been cleaned up and can leave at any time. When Weng Li makes an arrest, we will go to Lin's house. ."

This made Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu a little surprised. If they had the opportunity to go to Lin's house, it meant that they could find out Dong Qiulan's whereabouts again. Qiu Haolin also obviously thought of this before taking up this job, otherwise, according to his status as a lieutenant general, doing this would be a complete slaughter.

"Thanks, brother." Qiu Zhenyang grinned, as expected of his own elder brother, thinking of his own people in everything he did.

Qiu Haolin got up and waved at him: "Okay, you can wait outside. I'll go to the team and have a look first, so that everyone is ready to go."

"Okay." The two of them retreated after hearing the words, and stopped to wait for Qiu Haolin's team until they reached the gate of the military headquarters.

Thinking that Dong Qiulan's whereabouts could be investigated later, Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu's hand: "What if your mother wants to go back with you?"

Ling Mu raised his eyes and said, "Where are you going back? I have no home with her anymore. But now, she's not in my home, nor in my future."

This time was probably the last time he paid attention to Dong Qiulan, he had already said that he was no longer his son, and now he was just asking for peace of mind.

Ling Mu just couldn't get past this hurdle in his heart, but his mind was still very clear. He is not a virgin. If Dong Qiulan insists on staying in the Lin family, he will not stop her, and if she wants to fulfill her maintenance obligations, Ling Mu will agree for legal reasons, but only in terms of money, and there will be no other contact. .

Qiu Zhenyang hugged Lingmu, yes, they have a future that belongs to them.

Chapter 82

After Qiu Haolin and the soldiers lined up at the door, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu also joined in and followed them into the aircraft.

During the flight, Qiu Haolin talked on the phone with the team that was going to capture Weng Li, agreed on a time for the capture, and dispatched at the same time, so as to avoid giving them time to exchange news.

This time, Qiu Haolin sent two soldiers to the gate of the Lin family villa in advance and showed the documents to the guards. At the same time, it also controlled that they could not inform anyone, which made it convenient for them to drive the aircraft directly to Lin Zhiyuan's villa and save time.

When the aircraft landed in front of Lin Zhiyuan's villa, all the soldiers swarmed up and surrounded the villa.

Qiu Haolin walked over and knocked on the door, and soon a servant came to open the door.

After seeing the person coming, the servant wanted to go first to inform the mistress, but Qiu Haolin pushed the door open. They came to arrest Weng Quan with a mission this time, and they didn't need to be as particular as last time.

"We now suspect that Weng Quan has something to do with a smuggling case, and we need to take people away for questioning." Qiu Haolin explained his intentions bluntly, and at the same time signaled the soldiers behind him to go into the villa to find someone.

The servant was so frightened that he wanted to stop it, but was so shocked by Qiu Haolin's aura that he didn't dare to move.

These warriors all came out of the battlefield, and everyone was full of evil spirits, not to mention Lieutenant General Qiu Haolin. Every time he does a task, he always looks so imposing, how can these servants be able to bear him?

Not long after, Weng Quan, who was wearing home clothes, was taken downstairs.

She obviously didn't realize that her whereabouts in the morning had been exposed, she looked at Qiu Haolin with a puzzled face and said, "Lieutenant General Qiu, what kind of wind is blowing you over this time? If it's about my husband, then I'm really sorry, I'm just a housewife, I really don't know anything about my husband's affairs outside, you can't ask anything even if you ask."

Qiu Haolin nodded: "You're right, I don't understand. Of course, we won't ask anything about it. However, you should know something about Weng Li, right?"

As soon as the name was uttered, Weng Quan's expression changed immediately, and his eyes became unnatural. She tried her best to maintain an indifferent attitude, and even pretended to be even more confused: "Why did it involve my brother again? Lieutenant General Qiu, I understand your anxiety now, but no matter how anxious you are, you can't just wrong people. ."

Qiu Haolin didn't have the mood to talk to her all the time, so he directly took out the video and recording and played it on the terminal to show her.

"Then take a good look and see if we have wronged anyone." When the

video was released, Qiu Haolin took the opportunity to color Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu who were behind and asked them to find Dong Qiulan. The two understood it, and while Weng Quan's attention was all on the video, they quickly found it.

Because Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu mentioned that Dong Qiulan was likely to be in the basement before, the two did not look for other places. Ling Mu was familiar with the Lin family. He knew the approximate location of the basement entrance was in the back garden, so he took Qiu Zhenyang to the back garden together.

The two walked in through the garden path. The back garden was huge and planted with many tall trees of the same species, which could easily lead to confusion and miss some places. If you are not familiar with Lin Zhiyuan's family, it is especially easy to get lost.

Fortunately, Ling Mu had some impressions of this place. After some exploration, he finally found an entrance hidden behind the dense jungle.

"Why did Lin Zhiyuan do this in the basement? It's so mysterious, it looks like there is a ghost in his heart." Qiu Zhenyang said in disgust, and took the universal card that his brother gave him before and swiped the entrance of the basement.

Thanks to Qiu Haolin's consideration in advance, he gave him this card that no more than ten people in the entire interstellar could have, otherwise he and Ling Mu would not be able to enter the basement even if they found it.

Seeing that Ling Mu was about to walk ahead, Qiu Zhenyang immediately stopped him and stepped forward himself.

The lights in the basement were dim, and the lamps hanging in the stairway were in disrepair and several were broken.

Before taking a few more steps, Qiu Zhenyang's brows furrowed, and he began to resist going deeper. It's really that the stench inside is too intoxicating, the rotten smell and the environment here give people a feeling of hair in the bottom of my heart.

"What kind of smell is this?" Obviously Ling Mu also smelled this strange smell, his face was a little ugly, and his heart couldn't help but hang up.

Qiu Zhenyang had an ominous premonition in his heart. He grabbed Ling Mu's hand and held it tightly, comforting him, "It's alright, it's easy for some mice to get in the basement, don't worry."

He took a deep breath and continued to walk in, quickly The steps are bottomed out.

The lights here were already very weak. Qiu Zhenyang turned on the lighting function of the terminal, and Ling Mu also turned it on, and the two of them went towards the basement together.

The basement was a mess, with shards of ceramic crocks scattered all over the floor, along with the stench of rotting food and excrement, as well as some dark red liquid that had dried on the ground. The two held their breaths and continued to shine in the corner. A pair of pale calves wearing high heels soon appeared within the range of the light.

"..." Ling Mu was completely frightened, he stood blankly, his hand wearing the terminal dropped, his face pale.

Qiu Zhenyang clenched his hand even more, and continued to take pictures there with his cheeks taut.

The owner of those legs is Dong Qiulan.

She was wearing the skirts that Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu had worn the last day they came to Lin's house, and fell to the ground with her hair loose, without making a sound.

"Don't be afraid, I'll go take a look." Qiu Zhenyang turned around and hugged Ling Mu, then released his hand to prepare to go over. But the moment his hand was just released, Ling Mu held it back heavily.

His voice was trembling, but he was very firm: "I'm with you."

"...Okay." The

two walked over holding hands. Qiu Zhenyang crouched down and used Lingmu's light to dial with his other free hand. He opened the hair on Dong Qiulan's face, and then put his index finger under Dong Qiulan's nose.

After a few seconds, Qiu Zhenyang heaved a sigh of relief: "She's still alive!"

These four words made Ling Mu's whole body relax for a moment, he squatted down, shook his hand and touched Dong Qiulan's warm cheek, She whispered, "Mom? Wake up, Mom?"

Ling Mu shouted a few times, but she didn't respond.

Qiu Zhenyang immediately called his brother, explained the situation to him, and asked him to find two experienced soldiers to come down. Then he immediately called the nearest hospital and asked them to prepare to accept the patient. After all, he couldn't understand Dong Qiulan's situation, and he didn't dare to approach her without authorization.

After doing all this, he turned on the lights and swept the basement. It seems that Dong Qiulan should have been locked up for a long time. Although some of the food on the ground has rotted, there is still fresh food, like it was just put in today. In addition, she should not have been allowed to go out, and even the excretion is solved in this small and dark basement.

As for the blood on the ground, most of it came from one of Dong Qiulan's arms. Her left arm seemed to be broken, and she was cut a lot with a knife, even on her body. Although the openings were not deep, they also bleed a lot, which is why she was so weak with food. After all, she lost a lot of blood and the wounds were prone to infection.

The soldiers sent by Qiu Haolin quickly approached them according to the positioning given by Qiu Zhenyang. Both soldiers had some medical experience. After seeing Dong Qiulan's situation, they immediately dealt with them on the spot.

"Is she going to be okay?" Ling Mu's lips turned pale, and he couldn't help asking Qiu Zhenyang.

"Don't worry, they are already saving." Qiu Zhenyang comforted his mouth, but in fact he had no idea in his heart.

After a brief inspection by the two soldiers, one of them picked up Dong Qiulan carefully, walked up the steps, and carried the person out. Another soldier said to Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu who followed behind: "She is very weak, we can only deal with her more serious wounds, and the rest still have to go to the hospital. But now it seems that people should There will be no danger to life, you can rest assured."

"Okay, thank you." Qiu Zhenyang nodded, feeling a little relieved.

Before carrying the person up, the soldier had injured her eyes because Dong Qiulan had not seen the light for a long time, and even covered her eyes with a layer of torn fabric from her clothes. After returning to the ground, he carried the people directly to the aircraft. Because the situation was urgent, Qiu Zhenyang sent them to the hospital first. From Qiu Haolin, he called and said, and asked the aircraft to come back to pick them up later. .

Because they received a call from Qiu Zhenyang in advance, doctors and nurses at the hospital were already ready. When they saw someone coming down, they immediately moved Dong Qiulan to the hospital bed and pushed the person away.

Qiu Zhenyang asked the two soldiers to follow the aircraft back, while he and Ling Mu went to the operating room to wait.

Sitting on the cold chair, Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu into his arms, and his heart was mixed.

No one thought that Dong Qiulan would end up in such a situation. She wanted to marry into a wealthy family and become a lady, but she was eventually locked in the basement, living a life that was worse than death every day, and suffered huge physical and mental damage.

The wealthy family is indeed a place that many people yearn for, but how many people know the pain and sorrow of living in it?

When he was on the road just now, Qiu Zhenyang took some pictures of Dong Qiulan's injuries, and he also recorded some pictures while waiting in the basement. These are all things that can be brought to court as evidence, and he will not let them go.

Few of the Lin family members are innocent, and Lin Zhiyuan even has his own son as well as his father. Neither of them, Lin Yuhan, take human life seriously.

Fortunately, most of the evidence has now been collected. Weng Quan and Weng Li have people from the military to interrogate them in person. I believe there will be a result before the trial.

Looking down at Ling Mu who was leaning on him, Qiu Zhenyang raised his hand and touched his bloodless cheek: "When your mother wakes up, I will arrange a place for her to live and find a servant to take care of her. , to support her for a lifetime. If you want to see her, go to see, if you don't want to see, then gradually forget, no one will think you are wrong."

As a mother, Dong Qiulan is really derelict.

And the final reward Ling Mu gave her was to drag her dying out of hell, and the relationship that was maintained by blood was finally broken at this moment.

"Well, good." Ling Mu stretched his arms around Qiu Zhenyang's neck and buried his cheeks on his shoulders.

Feeling the wetness gradually spreading on his shoulders, Qiu Zhenyang patted his back soothingly and sighed softly.

Chapter 83

While Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu were waiting, Qiu Haolin had already escorted Weng Quan back to the barracks.

At the same time, because Dong Qiulan was imprisoned and tortured was a fact, even Lin Zhiyuan was finally arrested and interrogated.

After reporting the situation, the investigation department went to the hospital to learn about Dong Qiulan's situation, and obtained some information from Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu to record it so that he could confront Lin Zhiyuan at that time. After Dong Qiulan wakes up, they will have to conduct more in-depth inquiries.

Until the afternoon, Dong Qiulan was finally pushed out of the operating room.

The two immediately got up to meet them. Qiu Zhenyang leaned over to the person and asked, "Doctor, how is the situation?"

"She has too many wounds on her body, and many places have been infected. We have all removed some necrotic muscles for repair. Carry out nursing observation, if you can wake up within three days, there should be no serious problem, and you can take good care of your body in the future."

Ling Mu followed the cart and looked at the unconscious woman lying on it. Now she is quiet and silent. Always domineering and willful, just as gentle and quiet as when his father was still there. He couldn't even recall those dark years, the sharp nails pinched on his body, or the increasingly vicious curses in his ears.

Humans are truly amazing creatures, and so is time.

"Let's arrange a separate ward for her. All the facilities should be the best. I will pay the fee now." Qiu Zhenyang told the doctors, and then patted Lingmu's arm, "Follow you to the ward first, I'll go and pay the fee."

Ling Mu nodded, watched Qiu Zhenyang leave, and followed the group to the ward.

After Dong Qiulan was placed, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu were ready to go back to school first. There are investigators here watching Dong Qiulan waiting for her to wake up and question her. Qiu Zhenyang also contacted her mother to ask her to find a nurse to take care of her. Basically, there is nothing to do with the two of them.

It was already evening when he returned to school, and Ling Mu was still in a bad mood. Qiu Zhenyang asked him to divert his attention and drag people to the club classroom to play a few games.

Recently, the two of them have never been online because of the Lin family's affairs. Now, when they play the game, they suddenly feel a sense of urgency to "kill the Quartet".

"You two are finally back. I have been broadcasting the games of our other members in Lingmu's live broadcast room for the past few days. As a result, many people were calling for Lingmu to come back to the live broadcast quickly." Guan Tang formed a team with them. He couldn't help but said, "Ling Mu has a lot of fans now, and many people clamored to meet offline, but they were all rejected by me."

Guan Tang has already started the live broadcast and transferred to Ling Mu's game. The screen, the live broadcast room became lively after a while.

Qiu Zhenyang pouted, and provocatively said on the voice channel: "Meet offline? What are you thinking about? Lingmu is mine, so what if you meet each other? It's not like you can't eat

it !" Just after entering the game interface, Ling Mu twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, but didn't say anything.

Since the live broadcast, he has hardly said anything, and has basically never watched the content of the barrage. He is completely a Buddhist anchor. Even the live broadcast and the management of the live broadcast room are all handled by Guan Tang for him.

Hearing Qiu Zhenyang's arrogant words, the barrage in the live broadcast room also exploded, and someone even threatened to beat him to the ground if they met him in the game!

In short, the live broadcast room is still very happy, and the popularity has been high.

Previously, Lin Zhiyuan's attack on "Machine Warfare" did not have a serious impact, but instead gave it a wave of popularity, causing more people to start paying attention to this game. And now with Lingmu at the head, many omegas are playing games. Because other games are not friendly to omegas, almost 80% of the omegas who love to play games are gathered in "Machine Warfare".

The development team of the game is also very clever, and has also opened the online couple function. The powerful and interesting social system has attracted more and more players.

Almost two hours after the live broadcast, Qiu Zhenyang saw that it was getting late and went offline with Ling Mu.

"Zhenyang, Lin Yuhan's case will be held the day after tomorrow, right? If you need any help, just let us know." After leaving the club classroom, Yuan Chenyu and Zhuo Hang also left with them.

Because it is a matter of good brothers, the two of them are also more concerned about it. In addition, it is a big case after all, and the social attention is high, and there are also a lot of relevant reports in the news.

Qiu Zhenyang laughed, with a bit of regret: "If there is really something to ask you to help, I will be very welcome, but unfortunately, our Qiu family is too good, we have solved all the problems, and we can't leave you some tasks. ."

Yuan Chenyu looked at him with a look of disgust: "It's good to have a degree of boasting, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't talk too much."

Zhuo Hang, who was beside him with a shoulder bag, mocked him mercilessly: "You're too self-sufficient, don't you think? Well, if there is something that even the Qiu family can't solve, let alone you, even the two of us together may not be able to solve it!"

Zhuo Hang is not exaggerating at all, after all, the Qiu family has the money and military power. Both in terms of aspects and financial resources occupy the top of the pyramid, and if they can't handle things, there are probably not many people in the entire interstellar that can be involved.

"Alright, alright, don't hurt me, let's go see it on the day of the court session? It's an open court anyway, so let's take a leave of absence to join in the fun." Yuan Chenyu was still very interested, and it would be good to have a lot of experience in the past.

Zhuo Hang agreed with this point and nodded.

After playing a few games, Ling Mu's mood finally improved. Listening to Zhuo Hang's conversation with Yuan Chenyu, he couldn't help but ask Qiu Zhenyang, "Will we go there when we have court the day after tomorrow?"

"Let's go home first, I Mom said to come with us."

My mother told him about this before, and my grandfather would also follow them. Grandpa is an honorary marshal after all, and with him in charge, Xianglai can also deter some people with bad minds.

When they got to the fork, they said goodbye and parted. Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu returned to the villa, both paralyzed on the sofa in the living room. What I experienced today is difficult to digest, whether it is Qiu Zhenyang or Ling Mu, it takes time to slow down. Playing games is relaxing, but memory is not something that can be easily erased.

Thinking back to the dark basement of the Lin family, Qiu Zhenyang still has lingering fears.

He really couldn't figure it out, why would someone be so obsessed with it?

If nothing else, Lin Zhiyuan had already driven them away once before, so can't Dong Qiulan be more mindful?

It is ridiculous to say that Dong Qiulan wanted to marry into a wealthy family, but ended up like that. At first, Ling Mu disliked himself in various ways, and kept trying to avoid it, but in the end he fell in love with himself and became the booking candidate for a wealthy daughter-in-law.

"What are you thinking?" Ling Mu looked at the ceiling for a while, and seeing that Qiu Zhenyang was silent, he turned to look at him.

Reaching out to hold Ling Mu's hand, five fingers flexibly intertwined with each other, Qiu Zhenyang sighed: "I was thinking about whether to take you to bed tonight."

Ling Mu: "...You can't think about it in your mind. What else?"

Qiu Zhenyang looked innocent: "Most of the stuff in my mind is whether you are okay or not, but there is a difference. The serious things and the less serious things are very separate. It just so happens that right now It's time to think about something serious."

It was already dark outside, so I really couldn't blame him.

Thinking that Qiu Zhenyang only took the initiative to accompany him to run and run west because of his nightmare, and he still dealt with a lot of things today when he was not in a good state, Ling Mu's heart softened a little.

He bit his lip, and did realize that he was too inactive. The two of them were clearly marked and should be more intimate.

Recalling the sweet and sticky appearance with his mother all day long when his father was still alive, Ling Mu couldn't help but start to reflect on himself.

With reflection, he naturally began to think of ways to make up for it.

Qiu Zhenyang's Adam's apple rolled up and down when he noticed the strong fragrance of sunflowers in the living room, and his eyes suddenly changed.

"Xiao Mumu..." The muscles in his body tightened involuntarily, his glands began to heat up, and he looked at the people around him with fiery eyes.

Ling Mu took a deep breath and suddenly got up and sat on Qiu Zhenyang's lap. His slender legs were spread apart, and although he was sitting on Qiu Zhenyang's lap, their eyes were exactly level.

Such an active gesture made Qiu Zhenyang's breathing quicken, and his hands were almost immediately placed on Ling Mu's waist. This waist is thin, tough and powerful, which is one of Qiu Zhenyang's favorite places, especially the two depressions in the back waist after taking off his clothes. Every time the back is in the back position, it will tighten and relax with his strength, and the depth will change. , they all saw Qiu Zhenyang burnt, wishing he could kill him.

"Do you think I've never been active?" Ling Mu licked his dry lips, his voice a bit difficult.

Qiu Zhenyang's eyes stared straight at the tip of his tongue that flashed by, and his voice was hoarse: "Uh, it's not, just a little bit..."

These words are too careless, no one will believe them. it is good?

Ling Mu didn't ask any more questions, and directly showed his determination with his actions!

He suddenly offered his soft lips, and even started to imitate Qiu Zhenyang's previous movements after the lips met, and began to lick and bite each other's thin lips with the tip of his tongue. At the same time, Ling Mu's hands also began to patrol Qiu Zhenyang's upper body, struggling with the clothes unskilledly.

Fortunately, Qiu Zhenyang was wearing loose clothes today, and was lifted from his head by Lingmu after curling his waist for a while, and then continued to use his fingers to jump on the soft and visibly textured skin.

Qiu Zhenyang simply felt that he was so happy that he would ascend to heaven! Xiao Mumu, who has always felt shy and embarrassed in terms of sex, has such a hot day!

He hugged Ling Mu's waist tightly, kissed him hard on the sofa, and even wanted to lay him down on the sofa and let him do whatever he wanted!

However, Ling Mu was not happy. He frowned and patted him on the chest to push him away, and even gave him a warning look: "Don't move, I'll come."

"..." Qiu Zhenyang clenched his teeth, he was a little worried that he would wait a while. If you hold it too hard, your nose will bleed.

Stopping Qiu Zhenyang's continued harassment, Ling Mu slid down his thigh and crouched on the ground to get closer...

The temperature in the living room continued to rise, accompanied by Qiu Zhenyang's unbearable panting.

He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes, his Adam's apple rolled up and down covered in sweat. This kind of thing is usually done by him for Lingmu. Because he hurts him, Qiu Zhenyang never asked Lingmu to do these things.

Although Ling Mu didn't take the initiative because of his face, he actually wanted to do it. He likes Qiu Zhenyang and wants to give him more happiness. Taking advantage of the fact that his mind was a little unclear today, Ling Mu wanted to put into practice the ideas that he had thought about before but were quickly crushed and thrown into the back of his head.

A long and sexy sigh came out of Qiu Zhenyang's mouth, he touched Lingmu's head, got up and resisted him and walked upstairs.

"Xiao Mumu, today is the day the king is here, you don't want to sleep tonight~"

The author has something to say: thank you for 2020-07-13 20:00:17~2020-07-14 19:55:59 During this period, the little angel who voted for the bully or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 1 Xiao Zhao;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of CpopQueen;

thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 84

Qiu Zhenyang has always been an actionist. He said that Ling Mu would not be allowed to sleep this night, but he really did not give him a chance to sleep.

When Ling Mu woke up the next day, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He had Qiu Zhenyang's breath all over his body. Although the glands had been drugged, the pain was still unbearable.

The body was too uncomfortable, he simply lay on the bed and checked the news with the terminal.

Tomorrow is the day when Lin Yuhan's case will be tried. At the same time, news came out this morning that Lin Zhiyuan's trial will be held at the same time.

The Supervision Department is extremely efficient, and Weng Li confessed in just one night. In fact, it was also because the timing of their arrest was too coincidental. After meeting with his sister, Weng Li was going to deal with those who were a threat to Lin Zhiyuan. As a result, he was arrested before he had time to find someone. on. The Supervision Department followed suit and took those people to a pot.

The sale of contraband is not widespread in Interstellar, and even for the sake of concealment, there are not many people who actually make contraband, and it is easy to pull out the whole line of people.

This time Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu have made a great contribution, and the federation will definitely be rewarded at that time.

Ling Mu watched a round of these news reports, but there was no major fluctuation in his heart. He never thought about becoming a hero, and this time he just made a contribution to the Federation by mistake. Compared with this matter, he was more interested in Lin Zhiyuan's verdict.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Qiu Zhenyang came in with his upper body on. He wiped the sweat with the towel around his neck. Seeing that Ling Mu was awake, he asked, "Are you okay?"

Ling Mu kicked the quilt irritably. Take care of him.

Qiu Zhenyang chuckled lightly, this is the embarrassment.

"Wait a minute, I'll go take a shower first." He just came out of the gym, sweating all over his body, and a thin layer of crystal water covered his smooth muscles, and every texture was sexy.

It's a pity that the only person in the room who had a chance to appreciate it didn't care at all.

Qiu Zhenyang took a shower and put on his clothes as fast as he could. After coming out, he dug Ling Mu out of the bed and took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

"The food is in the incubator. Go downstairs to eat or I will bring it to you?"

Ling Mu's legs would tremble even when he was standing, and he was completely supported by Qiu Zhenyang's waist around the sink. He stuffed the electric toothbrush in his mouth, held it in one hand and moved it mechanically in his mouth, making a squeak on his face.

"Well, I'll serve it later, do you want to eat the fruit?"


"Okay, then I won't take it."

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Qiu Zhenyang carried the person to the table and sat down again. Go downstairs to get some food.

Ling Mu lay on the table and rubbed his weak legs. He really didn't understand why that guy was still so energetic? After a ridiculous night, he still has the energy to exercise. Is his body made of iron?

Iron Nugget Qiu Zhenyang came in from the door with the food in his hand. Looking at Shang Lingmu's eyes full of resentment, he couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter, looking at me with this kind of eyes."

"Why do you think it is?" Lingmu Staring at him, this guy knows what to ask.

Putting the food on the table, Qiu Zhenyang handed Ling Mu the bowl and chopsticks, and surrendered: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault, can I do it? Who made you take the initiative last night, and I couldn't control it at all. By the way, where did you learn this set, Xiao Mumu, it's like being possessed by a goblin, it almost caused my nose to bleed."

"You're a goddamn goblin..." The warm meal in the mouth made Ling Wood felt some strength recovered. He was used to eating Qiu Zhenyang's food now, and even had the illusion that the food was supposed to taste this way.

Perhaps, he really can't leave this person in this life.

While Ling Mu was eating, Qiu Zhenyang moved a chair and sat behind him, his hands circled around the back of the chair, and gently rubbed Ling Mu's sore waist.

"Have a good rest today, and I'll take you home tomorrow morning. The court session is at 1 pm, and we won't be able to go there after dinner." Qiu Zhenyang massaged him while talking about tomorrow's arrangements.

Ling Mu drank the soup with a spoon and rolled his eyes involuntarily. He didn't have time or energy for what he wanted to do today, right?

In order to let Ling Mu eat more at night, Qiu Zhenyang didn't leave too much food, just let him fill his stomach a little.

After eating, Qiu Zhenyang washed the tableware and chopsticks and went to the study. He also wanted to read some materials passed by his brother. Ling Mu's body was really lacking in energy, so he simply played the game. Anyway, after entering the game cabin, he was connected to his consciousness, and the soreness of his body had no effect.

He is now considered a celebrity in the "Machine Wars" game world, and many people have added him as friends. After seeing Lingmu online, they invited him to play games together. Normally, Ling Mu would only fight a few people in his club, but today none of the club members were online, so he just clicked into one person's room.

"Ling Mu?" The man didn't seem to think that the other party would accept it. He was stunned for a while, and his voice was a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to come in. Didn't you say that you basically don't accept invitations from others?"

Ling Mu didn't want to explain, so he just said, "Let's go."

The man was also very knowledgeable, so he started the game directly.

"You choose the marshal, I can play any role." After entering the role selection page, the man behaved very friendly, and told the other teammates that Ling Mu's skills were very good, so don't worry about giving him the marshal.

Ling Mu was not polite to him, and chose the role of the marshal directly.

Since the explosion of "Machine Warfare", many players were not familiar with the character selection mode at the beginning, and even disliked this way of grabbing characters by relying on hand speed. But later, everyone gradually understood the meaning of this model, focusing on teamwork, choosing the most suitable position for them, and sometimes even making way for a partner who is stronger than themselves, and becoming a substitute by themselves. This is the real secret to winning.

Just like a real interstellar war, only by standing in your own position and obeying the command of the marshal seriously can you regulate operations and approach success with the smallest sacrifice.

Therefore, although there are people in the team who want to choose the marshal, but after listening to that person's ticket, they still choose other roles.

"By the way, are you a freshman now? I'm a junior, and my surname is Wang, so I can be considered your senior." The man was quite familiar, and was talking to Ling Mu almost non-stop.

"Oh." Ling Mu responded indifferently, he now regrets accepting this person's invitation, and still plays games alone.

It was probably because Ling Mu didn't want to chat much, and the senior Wang didn't speak anymore. After the game started, Ling Mu began to command the battle. After leaving the guards to protect his mothership, he took his adjutant to detour from the other side.

Ling Mu's learning ability is very strong. Basically, he has memorized all the tricks Qiu Zhenyang used when he followed him as an adjutant. And Qiu Zhenyang also intends to train him, always let Lingmu choose the marshal, and he chooses the adjutant to follow, so that Lingmu gradually integrates his skills.

Because he doesn't like to fight for a long time, Ling Mu has always been quick to fight, and this time is the same. With his command and deployment, everyone quickly attacked the local assault soldiers and scouts, and then attacked the local mothership in one fell swoop.

After the game ended, Senior Wang excitedly praised Lingmu: "You are too good! That kind of play is so exciting, I thought it would be discovered by the opponent's scouts, but they were actually disturbed by you. It's too late to ignore, you're too good at this time!"

This senior Wang is very enthusiastic about "Machine Warfare", although he has been watching Ling Mu's live broadcasts or videos, but he really formed a team to fight with him. The feeling is still much more exciting than just watching it!

"Thank you." Ling Mu was still cold and indifferent. Seeing that Senior Wang was still blowing rainbow farts, he said impatiently, "Do you still beat me? If you don't beat me, I will retire."

"Da Da Da!" As if the wood had run away, Senior Wang hurriedly started the next game.

After five rounds in a row, Senior Wang was still a little unfinished, but Ling Mu was about to go offline. It was already seven o'clock now, and Qiu Zhenyang said that the tea and rice should be eaten more than seven o'clock.

"No more." Ling Mu said concisely and directly.

Although Senior Wang regretted not being able to play a few more games, he still smiled and said, "Okay, I've worked hard for you today, can I invite you to play games with you next time?"

Although Ling Mu doesn't like grouping with people he doesn't know Varsity game, but this person's operation and consciousness are very good, even Lingmu thinks that if he becomes his opponent, the two may be on the same level, so he is quite satisfied.

"Okay." The

simple words made Senior Wang cheer happily, and after Ling Mu left, he still couldn't calm down.

Although only six games have been played, Senior Wang has saved the video of each game. He waits to watch these videos a few more times after he goes offline.

After leaving the game cabin, Ling Mu found that the lights in the room were on. Thinking about it, Qiu Zhenyang came in and turned on the light for him.

He opened the door to go out, and before he went downstairs, he smelled a strong aroma of food, which made his pace involuntarily quicken a lot.

In the kitchen, Qiu Zhenyang was wearing an apron, scooping some soup with a spoon and blowing it on his lips, then tasted it. Ling Mu leaned over, raised his chin, and wanted to taste it.

Qiu Zhenyang handed over the spoon a little, Ling Mu took a sip, his eyes lit up, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's delicious."

"Then help me take out the other dishes and tableware, it will be soon." Qiu Zhenyang smiled. Kissing his cheek, he took a large bowl and scooped the soup into it.

After dinner, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu went out for a walk.

The two of them felt like old couples now, and this way of getting along made them both feel very comfortable, especially Ling Mu, who had always longed for an ordinary family life, and Qiu Zhenyang's love and care made him indulge in it.

When he was about to go back after the walk, Qiu Zhenyang saw a vending machine on the side of the road and bought a few lollipops for Ling Mu on a whim.

Looking at the lollipop lying in the palm of his hand, Ling Mu's mouth twitched: "Do you think I'm a child?"

"Hey, hey, who said that those who eat candy are children?" Qiu Zhenyang pinched his face, With a smile showing his white teeth, "I bought you candy because I like you, idiot!"

Ling Mu was stunned for a moment, then his ears turned red, and he lowered his head and peeled off the candy wrapper.

He was about to stuff the lollipop into his mouth, but after thinking about it, he stopped, raised his hand and shoved it into Qiu Zhenyang's mouth.

Ignoring the playful eyes of the other party, Ling Mu peeled a lollipop again and put it in his mouth.

Well, so sweet.

Chapter 85

The next day, the two got up early, washed and changed their clothes and rushed to the school gate.

The housekeeper was standing beside the aircraft waiting for the two little masters to come home. When he saw them, he immediately greeted them with a smile: "Second Young Master, Young Master Lingmu, Madam has already prepared breakfast at home, and I will wait for you to go back."

"Thank you Zhang Uncle, thank you for your hard work." Qiu Zhenyang took Lingmu onto the aircraft, and the two sat down next to each other.

On the way back, Ling Mu found that Uncle Zhang had been looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, and he always had a look on his face... Aunt smiled?

Ling Mu endured and endured, and was too embarrassed to ask, so he could only hold his head down and pretend to sleep.

Seeing that he closed his eyes, Qiu Zhenyang thought he didn't rest well last night, so he reached out and embraced him from behind, put his head on his shoulder, and supported him to sleep.

The smile on Uncle Zhang's face deepened. Fortunately, Ling Mu closed his eyes and didn't see it, otherwise he would not be at ease.

Originally, he pretended to sleep just to relieve embarrassment, but because the environment was too quiet and Qiu Zhenyang's shoulders were very comfortable, Ling Mu actually fell asleep. He slept well last night. Although Qiu Zhenyang insisted on hugging him to sleep, he didn't move his hands or feet and slept soundly. Probably because his body hadn't recovered, he was so tired. .

It was only after the aircraft stopped to the ground that there were some slight vibrations before Ling Mu woke up.

The housekeeper got off the aircraft first, followed by Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu.

Zhu Qin was waiting in the yard. When he saw the two of them coming, he went up to them and said with a smile, "If you guys came earlier, maybe you would still see Ling Dang. The child knew that you would be back today, but yesterday was After talking about it all night, I slept a long time later than usual."

Hearing Ling Dang's name, Ling Mu's face became more smiling. His sister has been by his side since he was a child, and the two have hardly ever separated. He also missed his sister when they separated some time ago.

"It's okay, I'll see her when she comes back tonight, don't worry." Qiu Zhenyang didn't plan to go back today, he's already home anyway, and it's not too late to go to school tomorrow.

Zhu Qin was even happier when he heard the words, stepped forward and grabbed Ling Mu's hand and said excitedly: "Come in, I specially got up early in the morning and made some breakfast for you to come back to eat. I usually don't cook, Ling Mu helps. How about I try my craft!"

"Mom's cooking must be delicious." Ling Mu said quite earnestly, with a sincere expression, without the slightest hint of false flattery.

Zhu Qin was stunned for a moment, and was amused by his appearance: "Hahaha, you are such a cute child!"

Seeing his mother pulling his daughter-in-law into the door, but leaving himself aside, Qiu Zhenyang pouted and followed in. . He didn't take anyone's jealousy, but felt that it was very good. The care and love that Lingmu lacked in some families could not be given by himself, and if he added his family, it would always be made up for it one day. .

Since the court session was at 1 pm, everyone was in no hurry.

Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu tasted the breakfast made by their mother and unexpectedly found that it tasted good. Before, Zhu Qin never entered the kitchen at all. Even if he was curious about how Qiu Zhenyang cooked the food, he would stand at the door of the kitchen and watch, even with a look of disgust.

Eating the glutinous rice cakes, Qiu Zhenyang couldn't help but ask his mother, "Mom, why do you suddenly want to cook? Once or twice is enough. If you cook it every day, wouldn't our chef be out of a job?"

Zhu Qin shoved another bun into Qiu Zhenyang's mouth: "It's not your father, whoever said other people's daughter-in-law cooks for her husband, why can't I know anything... How can I not! Obviously, I am also a top student who graduated from Interstellar Academy, and I have been involved in both pharmacy and economics. What if someone else can cook a meal, can there be something that is better than my son?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Qin He also proudly gave Qiu Zhenyang a thumbs up.

Qiu Zhenyang couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, I have inherited my mother's genes to cook delicious food. You are just too lazy to cook, not because of poor craftsmanship." On the

other hand, Ling Mu also nodded in cooperation.

Zhu Qin was delighted to be coaxed, and the face of Jiao Li, who could not see many traces of the years, was radiant.

After eating, Zhu Qin showed them the information Qiu Haolin gave her last night. All the materials are printed on paper, and above are all the procedures of Weng Li's interrogation, and even some pictures are attached.

The two looked at it carefully, and at the same time there were some confessions from Weng Quan.

Probably because of the arrest of the entire gang, Weng Quan and Weng Li were both disheartened and felt that they had nowhere to turn.

"Lin Zhiyuan looks decent, but I didn't expect to do so many disgusting things." Qiu Zhenyang frowned as he looked at it. Qian Quan has always been something that is easy to deceive people.

Especially like Lin Zhiyuan, he is the most ambitious of the three brothers who have the right to inherit the Lin family. The funds given by his father were not enough to support him to develop his grand career, so he took a risky step on the road of crime. He could have spent it peacefully, but in order to sit on his father's seat, he stretched out his minions and went to a dark place.

Ling Mu saw it very badly, and when he put down the information, he didn't really want to continue watching the crimes that Lin Zhiyuan had done.

He is just an ordinary person, even if he is with the unusual Qiu Zhenyang now, the life that the other party gives him is still the same as usual.

Because of the influence of the generational concept, the Qiu family is very open to many things, and because of this, they have been able to go on in the military field. Of course, in the generation of Qiu Zhang, the originally low-key Legion family has attracted much attention because of the strong economic strength of the Zhu Qin family, which is one of the reasons why their Qiu family is famous.

"If you don't want to watch it, just stroll around at home. We will finish our lunch early and go to the court together." Qiu Zhenyang saw Ling Mu's resistance and suggested it thoughtfully.

Ling Mu was about to raise his head to say something, when suddenly he met Zhu Qin's meaningful eyes.

Ling Mu: "..."

This look is very similar to Uncle Zhang's look at him when he was flying before. Ling Mu's whole body stiffened, he didn't know what went wrong.

Qiu Zhenyang didn't see Ling Mu's answer, and when he looked over, he noticed his mother's strange eyes, and asked with a bewildered face, "Mom, what are you looking at?"

Zhu Qin turned around, pretended to cough twice, and rushed Qiu Zhenyang winked and said, "You're true, didn't you realize that Ling Mu's body is full of your pheromones? It's understandable that the young man is energetic, but remember to stick a pheromone sticker for him when you go out!"

At this mention, Qiu Zhenyang was instantly stunned, and slapped his head suddenly: "I'm going, I forgot!"

Yesterday was basically at home all day, and because Ling Mu was carrying his own pheromones, It was very familiar to Qiu Zhenyang, so I forgot about it. He is not a person from this world, he is not very sensitive to pheromones, and sometimes he is particularly slow, so it is no wonder that this kind of error occurs.

Ling Mu's face also blushed instantly, and he got up and went upstairs to the room that Zhu Qin had prepared for him. He remembered that there was still a pheromone sticker in it, and it was just right now for emergency use.

No wonder the classmates who passed by when they went out for a walk were far away from them, Ling Mu thought it was just a coincidence, who knew it was the reason!

After going back to the room, Ling Mu immediately took the pheromone and posted it, and Qiu Zhenyang also followed, closed the door and took the things in Ling Mu's hand, walked behind him and said, "I'll help you post, you I can't see it myself."

After carefully sticking the pheromone on the gland, Qiu Zhenyang poked Lingmu's back embarrassedly: "I will remember next time, I was wrong, Xiao

Mumu !" Always smiling, seemingly enthusiastic but indifferent, and only when facing Ling Mu, can't help but act like a spoiled child. The point is, this guy is handsome, and it's really useful to act like a spoiled brat when he admits his mistakes!

At least Ling Mu was angry now, but when he saw that he was wrong, he couldn't get angry.

"No next time." Ling Mu gave him a warning glance, and the latter nodded again and again.

The two were tired and crooked in the room for a while, because Ling Mu had just lost face, and now he didn't want to go down to face Zhu Qin, so Qiu Zhenyang simply stayed in the room with him.

When lunch was ready, Uncle Zhang came up to call someone, and the two of them went down together.

After lunch, the group of three took the aircraft to the Supreme Court of the Stars.

Originally, Lin Yuhan's case was not tried in the Supreme Court, but because Lin Zhiyuan's case was revealed, the smuggling case has become the biggest focus now, so Lin Yuhan has also been transferred to the Supreme Court.

When they got off the aircraft in front of the court gate, the three people were surrounded by reporters from various media as soon as they came out.

Fortunately, Zhu Qin had foresight, and contacted Qiu Haolin in advance to ask him to bring someone out to pick them up. Therefore, before the reporters blocked them, several people were surrounded by soldiers brought by Qiu Haolin, and the reporters had no way to break through. The layers of defense of the soldiers went to harass Qiu Zhenyang and others.

Following Qiu Haolin into the courthouse, there were already many people sitting in the seats on both sides.

In Lin Yuhan's case, Qiu Zhenyang was the plaintiff, so he calmly walked to the plaintiff's seat and sat, Ling Mu sat with him, and Zhu Qin sat in the auditorium.

They waited in their seats, and soon, Lin Yuhan walked in through the side door with shackles.

Long time no see, Lin Yuhan is too thin to be human. As soon as he entered the door, he stared at Qiu Zhenyang, his eyes full of resentment and hatred seemed to be turned into reality, which made people feel chilling.

Qiu Zhenyang smiled lightly, with sarcasm in his eyes and hidden anger: "Long time no see, Lin Yuhan, you look more like a lunatic now.
