
Chapter 56

Although it is still a working day, the Cross City is still crowded with people, and there is an endless stream of customers.

Qiu Zhenyang first took Ling Mu to eat something, and then started to visit the clothing store.

"Take a look at this one, there are a few that look good for you." Qiu Zhenyang pulled Ling Mu into a high-end brand store, took a brief look, and then asked the clerk to find some small suits for Ling Mu to try.

Ling Mu looked a little restrained. Even when his father was there before, he had never stepped into such a high-end brand store, so he pursed his lips and looked expressionless the whole time.

After Qiu Zhenyang watched him enter the fitting room, he sat on the sofa outside and waited for him. The store is not small, but not many customers come in to see it. After all, even if it is placed here in Cross City, this brand is big enough. The clerk brought him coffee and biscuits with a smile, and the service was very good.

"Qiu Zhenyang, come here."

Suddenly a small voice came from the fitting room. When Qiu Zhenyang looked over, he saw Ling Mu's blushing face sticking out from the fitting room, looking at himself as if asking for help.

"What's wrong?" Qiu Zhenyang asked as he stood up and walked over. He made a "no" gesture to the clerk who came over to check the situation, and he blocked the edge of the door. "What's the matter?"

Ling Mu bit his lower lip. , opened the door a little more, and dragged Qiu Zhenyang by the neckline and pulled the person in.

"How do you wear it here? Why is it different from normal clothes?" Ling Mu was only wearing trousers at the moment, with a white shirt over his upper body, and there were several long white straps inside the clothes. The store clerks here are all female betas, and he was embarrassed to call it, so he could only ask Qiu Zhenyang to help.

Although Xingxing's clothes are generally the same as Qiu Zhenyang's previous world, some small details are still different. The aesthetics of the people here are somewhat different from those of the earth, so there will be unique points in the production of clothes. Especially these high-end brands, each of which may be different.

Fortunately, Qiu Zhenyang had a memory of these, so Lingmu opened his hands and held them flat, while he lowered his head and helped him put it on while explaining to him. After he finished putting on the top, Qiu Zhenyang even helped him put on the pants. Ling Mu obediently let Qiu Zhenyang help him during the whole process, which gave Qiu Zhenyang a perverted sense of satisfaction in his desire for control.

"It's so cute." After wearing it, Qiu Zhenyang lowered his head and kissed Xia Lingmu's lips as a reward.

"Tsk, can you restrain yourself outside!" Ling Mu was about to go crazy, he opened the door and kicked Qiu Zhenyang out. He blushed and stood in front of the mirror, arranging things, ignoring the person who was about to kiss at every turn.

Qiu Zhenyang lightly patted the ashes on his legs, suppressed the sweet smile at the corner of his mouth, and prepared to go find some more clothes for Ling Mu to buy together. But when he turned around, he suddenly found a familiar person not far away.

Cheng Anan.

"What a coincidence." Cheng Anan smiled and greeted Qiu Zhenyang first. There is also a female omega beside him, who looks to be in her early forties. She looks somewhat similar to Cheng Anan, but her eyes are timid and her expression is not natural, as if she is very timid.

Qiu Zhenyang knew without guessing that the woman should be Cheng An'an's mother.

He nodded at Cheng An'an as a response, then turned his gaze to Ling Mu indifferently, and found that he also saw Cheng An'an. Compared to Cheng An'an's smiling face, Ling Mu's expression was very direct, and he looked away almost immediately as if he didn't recognize him. In terms of human relationships, he rarely pretends to be condescending. Cheng Anan and him are bound to be incompatible just because of one Qiu Zhenyang, so there is no need to make superficial efforts.

"Don't worry about him, let's take care of us." Qiu Zhenyang took another suit that felt good and stuffed it into Ling Mu's hand.

Ling Mu continued to try on clothes, and Qiu Zhenyang went back to the sofa to wait for him, bowing his head and brushing his terminal. But after a while, the sofa beside him sank, and another person sat.

"You brought Ling Mu to buy clothes for a birthday party, right?" Cheng An'an's voice was still soft and soft, Qiu Zhenyang had torn his face with him before, but this guy seemed like nothing had happened.

Qiu Zhenyang pressed his right leg onto his left, and folded his arms in an uninteresting "en" sound.

Seeing him like this, Cheng Anan chuckled: "Are you still mad at me?"

This sounded too intimate, Qiu Zhenyang frowned and looked at him sideways, feeling uncomfortable.

"After everyone quarreled over me in the research class before, you ignored me." Cheng Anan smiled bitterly, her expression a little sour, "Anyway, we have been friends for a year, Qiu Zhenyang, Why are you being so wary of me all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?"

"Is it interesting that you still ask me this now?" Qiu Zhenyang thought it was ridiculous, so he picked up a biscuit and put it in his mouth to chew it. As a result, I was almost spit out in public by the unpalatable taste, so I could only swallow hard with a dark face.

Cheng An'an's expression was a little hurt. He lowered his head and brushed the strands of hair scattered on his straight cheeks, took a deep breath and said, "I know it's my fault that I didn't accept you before. I'm just too emotionally wary because of family problems. , so I haven't dared to take that step, and I apologize to you."

"Whatever you want, your apology is your business, not to forgive is mine, anyway, there will be no intersection in the future, don't think about it as soon as possible. That's it." Qiu Zhenyang stood up impatiently, walked directly to Ling Mu's fitting room, and simply stood outside the fitting room and waited for him.

After Ling Mu tried a few pieces, he couldn't say whether he was satisfied or not. He didn't know much about them. Qiu Zhenyang was quite satisfied, he just waved his hand and covered all the pieces he had worn.

"Hey, why do you buy so much? Your birthday banquet is only for one night, right?" Ling Mu firmly grabbed Qiu Zhenyang's hand to swipe the card. These sets of clothes cost nearly one million yuan. That's not buying at all. It's a waste of money!

Qiu Zhenyang lowered his head and gestured to kiss him, but Ling Mu hurriedly let go of his hand like an electric shock, and jumped away.

"Hahaha, don't be so nervous, I don't really want to do that. Ah, why don't you prepare clothes first, they will always be useful in the future. If you accidentally get any stains at the banquet, you should change them immediately. Ah." Qiu Zhenyang took advantage of the gap between Ling Mu's jump, and directly gave the card to the clerk and asked her to take it and swipe it, but Ling Mu didn't have time to stop it.

A store clerk laughed and teased the two of them: "You guys are in such a good relationship. It's rare to see alphas and omegas of your age come to buy clothes together. Most of them are alphas themselves.

" There are quite a few, but because of the particularity of gender, there are not many AOs who really come together because of love. Most of them chose to get married in order to ensure the genetic perfection of their offspring, so what the clerk said was not groundless.

Hearing that someone affirmed their relationship, Qiu Zhenyang immediately raised his chest proudly: "That's it! Xiaomumu and I are so in love with each other, can our relationship be bad?


The clerk was even happier when he saw this, and talked a lot with Qiu Zhenyang.

After carrying the clothes out, Ling Mu glared at Qiu Zhenyang several times helplessly.

Thinking about the money, he might not be able to earn it for a lifetime of work, and Ling Mu felt distressed!

"Okay, don't think about it, let's go and look at the ties. The ties in the store just now weren't very good-looking. I'll take you to a store that specializes in ties." Qiu Zhenyang naturally took the bag from Ling Mu's hand. , and then put on his own hand to hold it, humming a song and walked into the street.

When the two returned to Qiu's house after shopping, Qiu Zhenyang had no less than ten bags in his hands, and together with Ling Mu's hands, there were almost fifteen. Lingmu was tempered by Qiu Zhenyang. Although the latter accommodated him in many ways, he would use various reasons to temper Lingmu when it was really decided. In the end, he had the final say.

After the day's shopping, the two of them basically reviewed the course and went to the mecha building to practice their hands in the next few days.

Ling Mu inherited his father's advantages and is very talented in mecha. Although he has no foundation, he learns very quickly. According to Shao Ming, in the same age group, I am afraid that even Alpha may not be able to make such a big improvement in Lingmu in such a short period of time.

A few days later, the two went to school for mid-term exams.

With Qiu Zhenyang's guidance, Ling Mu's exam went very smoothly.

After the two-day exam, the results came out soon, and everyone looked at the score sheet transmitted to the terminal with expressions of joy or worry.

"I'll go, Qiu Zhenyang, do you want to be so perverted, the first in the six courses? How did you take the test?" Yuan Chenyu sat with everyone in the milk tea shop, looking at Qiu Zhenyang's name hanging on the top, his face twisted, as if he didn't Get to know him generally.

Qiu Zhenyang shrugged: "I took the test with my brain."

Although Yuan Shi's grades were also very good, he definitely didn't have Qiu Zhenyang's grades. After Xueba Qiu Zhenyang crossed over, with his extremely smart head, he directly won the first place in various disciplines, which was really dazzling.

Zhuo Hang patted Qiu Zhenyang on the shoulder: "Now you are going to be more famous in school."

Ling Mu brought four cups of milk tea to the three of them, then sat down at the table and began to check the grades.

"How did you do in the test?" Qiu Zhenyang paid more attention to Ling Mu than his own grades, but they did the devil review for this test.

After looking at the score sheet, Ling Mu smiled slightly and turned it to Qiu Zhenyang.

"That's right, the average score is more than 75, and there are no failing subjects. You did a good job, you deserve to be my target!" Qiu Zhenyang's eyes narrowed with joy, and he was obviously more excited than when he knew that he had passed the exam first.

It was rare for Ling Mu to show his happiness obviously. He didn't expect that with Qiu Zhenyang's help, his progress would be so great!

Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu looked at each other, and both of them shrugged helplessly.

This guy only has his own wife in his eyes.

"By the way, thank you for helping me open the store during this time. Come to my birthday party the day after tomorrow. I will definitely entertain you." Qiu Zhenyang thanked his two partners. Because milk tea shops are very popular in school, Qiu Zhenyang is not at school. It was Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu who helped open the store every day. Fortunately, the process of making fried chicken and milk tea is all the work of robots, and it's quite easy for them to just collect money.

"Small meaning." There is nothing to thank for helping my brother.

Qiu Zhenyang took a sip of milk tea, remembered one thing, and then said: "Also, the game thing I told you before has already been settled. My grandmother will help me, and she will support the technology. If the two are interested, hurry up and prepare the funds and join the shares directly."

Qiu Zhenyang will naturally not forget the matter of bringing the brothers together.

"I'll transfer it to you tomorrow." Zhuo Hang was very optimistic about Qiu Zhenyang's project, and he agreed very readily. Yuan Chenyu also said that the funds would be available soon.

After a brief chat, Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu directly home. Interstellar Academy has a one-week vacation after the midterm exam, and students can come and go freely on campus, so they don't need to ask the counselor for a vacation this time.

After two days of preparation, Qiu Zhenyang's birthday party finally arrived.

The author has something to say: The next chapter starts to do things, and Cheng Lucha comes with a big move~

Chapter 57

"You're dressed well today!"

To celebrate the birthday of the little grandson, grandfather Qiu Ting and grandma He Ya arrived at Qiu's house early.

Qiu Ting is the honorary marshal of the Federation. He is strong and healthy, and he is not angry and arrogant. After retirement, he has been living in the country with his wife, but he has always been in touch with his family.

"There are so many people here today, if I don't dress better, wouldn't I be embarrassing for our family?" Qiu Zhenyang hugged his grandfather affectionately, and then helped grandma take off her hat and hand it over to the housekeeper, taking care of her half-white hair. hair.

"Why didn't grandma dye her hair? Although it looks good now, dyeing it in other colors is more refreshing." Qiu Zhenyang felt distressed when he looked at grandma's white hair. He now completely regards himself as a member of the Qiu family. Now, in the face of these lovable and lovely family members, the relationship has become deeper and deeper.

He Ya was an ordinary-born little woman, gentle and gentle, not fighting or robbing. Thanks to her grandfather's devotion, she loved her for most of her life.

Grandpa and grandma also came downstairs at this moment and warmly welcomed the two in-laws.

"Yangyang is right. I'll take you to dye your hair tomorrow. Isn't that red-brown color popular now? Let's make one together and go shopping pretty."

Grandma and grandma have a good relationship. Together they are like a pair of little sisters, completely forgetting the grandfather and grandfather. However, they also have entertainment programs, which are good choices for fishing or rock climbing.

"Yangyang, go up and see if Xiaomu is well, someone will come in a while, remember to bring him with you to greet the guests." Grandma has a very good impression of Lingmu, and it can be seen that Qiu Zhenyang really likes it, so she has regarded Lingmu as a Grandson's daughter-in-law.

Seeing Qiu Zhenyang go upstairs immediately, she also shared Ling Mu's affairs with Qiu Ting and He Ya with a smile.

"Lingmu, are you ready?" Qiu Zhenyang knocked on Lingmu's door, and glanced at the time on the terminal.

The door was opened from the inside, Ling Mu stood in the door with a tie in frustration, and a tutorial on how to tie a tie was still playing on the terminal of his wrist.

"Can't you tie a tie? I'll teach you." Qiu Zhenyang went in and closed the door, letting Ling Mu stand in front of him, then took the tie in his hand and started to move skillfully. He neglected this point. He bought a tie and came back immediately, without teaching Ling Mu how to tie it.

"Come around here, then tighten it up... that's alright, it's handsome!" Qiu Zhenyang helped him tie his tie, and by the way, he praised with a smile. He pushed the person in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and looked in the mirror, "How is it, do you think that you are radiant today?"

Ling Mu glanced at him in the mirror speechlessly: "What

did you say?" I think it's kind of unfamiliar. Ling Mu has never dressed so formally before, and has never attended a gathering between high-class people like this evening. Although he didn't say it, he was still a little nervous in his heart.

"Don't worry, you can just stay by my side tonight, and leave the rest to me." Qiu Zhenyang saw Ling Mu's thoughts and immediately patted him on the shoulder. In fact, he was also very nervous, after all, he only had the memory of the original body, but he had no real experience.

After smoothing the folds on Ling Mu's shoulders, Qiu Zhenyang stretched out his hand towards him: "Come on, go down with me to meet the guests."

Ling Mu looked at the hand that was stretched out towards him. The hand was wide and slender. In my arms, warm and powerful. He chuckled lightly, handed himself over to Qiu Zhenyang, and was led out of the room by him.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the single-family villa where the Qiu family used to entertain guests was already full of people.

Everyone was congratulating Qiu Zhenyang on his nineteenth birthday, and at the same time taking the opportunity to communicate with other people. There are not only the bosses of the military, but also the leaders of the five major consortiums of the Federation. Everyone wants to have a relationship, and there are many ways to make friends.

Ling Mu followed Qiu Zhenyang all the way to say hello. Because he was not good at words, he drank a lot to relieve the embarrassment. His cheeks were flushed, but his expression was still serious.

"This is your little grandson, yes, high-spirited, very like when you were young." Grandma didn't know when to come over with a man, the man was not young, with white hair all over his head, but he was full of energy. With a stern, eagle-like gaze, you can see that it is not a simple thing.

Qiu Zhenyang didn't need to think about it, he recognized that this person was the third consortium, the head of the Lin family, Mr. Lin.

"Hello, Grandpa Lin." Qiu Zhenyang greeted him with a decent and elegant smile, and his heart had already begun to play Xiao Jiujiu.

Grandma and Qiu Zhenyang looked at each other, took a sip of wine and said, "Old man Lin, we have a lot of cooperation projects between the two groups. I thought the relationship should be good, but unfortunately... It seems that I am wishful thinking? "

My grandmother has fully understood what happened to Lin Zhiyuan's family, and now bringing old man Lin here is also for Qiu Zhenyang's plan.

Sure enough, after hearing Ning Yun's words, Old Man Lin's eyes changed slightly, obviously he knew something.

"I've heard about the unfilial son's troubles. Dong Ning, I'm really sorry. It's because of my lack of discipline that I caused them trouble." After all, Mr. Lin has foresight, and the relationship between him and the first consortium There was a lot of cooperation, Ning Yun could not care, but they did not have the courage to let go.

Ning Yun put the wine glass on the plate of the passing waiter, folded her arms and her eyes were cold: "It's useless for you to apologize to me, it was my grandson and grandson-in-law who were hurt, they were polite and didn't bother. You elder, but now that I'm here, I have to ask for some justice for them."

Old Man Lin laughed and said, "It should be, kid, just say what conditions you have, and you will never shirk what you can do. The

corner of Qiu Zhenyang's mouth twitched slightly, facing this elder who was much stronger than himself in both style and momentum, he said without any timidity: "Actually, there is no requirement, I just hope that when I use legal means to protect my rights and interests, Grandpa Lin will It's enough to not intervene."

This doesn't sound very reasonable, but Mr. Lin has been in the mall for a long time, and he is direct and keen, and always feels that something is wrong. He maintained the seemingly friendly smile on his face and did not speak, but his eyes were shining.

He looked at Lin Zhiyuan, the third son who was socializing with the illegitimate son he had just recognized not far away, and sniffed out something in the privacy. It was obvious that the Lin Zhiyuan family had already had a bad fight with the Qiu family, but they still invited them this time, so it seemed that there must be a plan.

Seeing this, Ning Yun immediately spoke, showing a look of contempt: "Why, what I said just now doesn't count after a few seconds? I don't want you to do something treacherous, just to keep you from interfering with these juniors. Can't do anything in between? Your attitude is completely different from when I was talking about the project at the beginning." The

businessman valued profits, and Mr. Lin made a decision almost immediately.

Lin Zhiyuan didn't have much place in his heart. Neither of the two older brothers above him was better than him. In addition, Lin Yuhan was an incompetent grandson, and Mr. Lin had little expectations for this lineage. Now they are in trouble, and it is the Qiu family who has financial power that no one can shake. In order to protect the interests of the entire Lin family, Mr. Lin has only one choice.

After all, he only needs the best son to inherit the Lin family's family business, and Lin Zhiyuan will be out, but it will be a matter of time.

"Oh Ning Dong, I'm too old, I can't turn my mind all of a sudden, and I can't speak slowly? Hahaha, don't worry, little kid, I promise not to interfere in this matter, okay?"

Qiu Zhenyang grinned: "Then Thank you, Grandpa Lin."

Then he handed the old man Lin to his grandmother, and Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu to find Qiu Haolin.

"Brother, how are things going?" Qiu Zhenyang could take Qiu Haolin to the corner, but Ling Mu had been following him blankly, and he didn't understand what Qiu Zhenyang was doing.

Qiu Haolin looked at the message on the terminal and gave Qiu Zhenyang an "OK" gesture.

"The Federal Security Inspection Headquarters has received the news and is on its way to Lin Zhiyuan's house."

"Okay, let me know if you have any news." Qiu Zhenyang punched his brother and took Ling Mu away again.

Ling Mu's curiosity intensified. Taking advantage of the interval when Qiu Zhenyang took him to the long table to get some snacks, he couldn't help but lower his voice and asked, "What are you doing? Why did you mention the Lin family?

" He put the dessert in the dinner plate and handed it to Ling Mu. After he took it, he said, "Do you remember Lin Yuhan using a prohibited weapon when he was fighting with me?"

Ling Mu pursed his lips and nodded. Of course I remember, and even now I still have lingering fears about the scene at that time.

"And he hurt Ling Dang and injected you with a pheromone destroyer. You remember all these."

Ling Mu nodded again, he hated Lin Yuhan deeply, how could he forget these?

"I also remember it all," Qiu Zhenyang helped him sort out the crooked tie, his eyes lowered slightly, and his tone was soft, "and the reason why I have never asked Lin Yuhan to collect debts is because I want to kill him with one blow and make him forever. There will be no day to turn over!"

With Lin Yuhan, and the grievances with the Lin family, Qiu Zhenyang has been suppressing and patient. It's not that he doesn't want to take revenge, it's that he is looking for the best time to give Lin Zhiyuan's family an absolute hit.

After all, the Lin family is protected by Mr. Lin. If he takes action rashly, Mr. Lin might intervene. But now the arrival of the grandmother has become a decisive role. The pressure from the first consortium made Mr. Lin choose to stand by and watch it. In this way, it will be much more convenient for Qiu Zhenyang to make another move.

"Have you always been planning?" Ling Mu was a little surprised, because Qiu Zhenyang had never discussed this matter with him. He was inexplicably dissatisfied, and felt unhappy that he was excluded from Qiu Zhenyang.

However, Qiu Zhenyang quickly grasped his emotions and held Ling Mu's hand holding the plate: "I didn't tell you because the exam was about to take place, and I didn't want you to worry about these things, and it's not too late to tell you now. All the operations don't officially start until tonight, don't worry, in a few days, everything will be different."

The reason why he invited Lin Zhiyuan to his birthday party was to facilitate the prosecutors to enter Lin's house and search for the contraband used by Lin Yuhan. Those things are not easy to get, and from the way he is skilled in using them, it is obvious that there are more than one or two in his hands. If Lin Zhiyuan was at home, it would be easy to hinder the prosecutors from doing business, so Qiu Zhenyang sent someone to send an invitation.

As for whether Lin Zhiyuan will come or not, he doesn't have to worry at all.

Lin Zhiyuan's father and two older brothers are here. As long as he is not stupid, he will definitely come. However, Qiu Zhenyang didn't expect that Lin Zhiyuan would bring Cheng An'an as well, and he expected Lin Nuo to come. As for Lin Yuhan, Lin Zhiyuan will never let him come, will it hinder Qiu Zhenyang's eyes?

Ling Mu felt a little better after some explanation. He put the plate in Qiu Zhenyang's hand and rubbed his flushed cheeks: "I'll go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

After washing his face in the bathroom, Ling Mu's head was clear. some.

He took out a tissue and wiped his face in the mirror, recalling what Qiu Zhenyang had said to him just now.

"Ling Mu."

As he was in a trance, a voice sounded behind him. Ling Mu looked through the mirror and found that Cheng Anan was standing behind him.

He was wearing a familiar suit, which was of the same brand as Ling Mu's clothes. Obviously, after Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu left that day, Cheng Anan also bought clothes from that store.

"Is something wrong?" Facing Cheng An'an, Ling Mu's attitude was always bad.

Cheng Anan smiled, with a helpless expression: "Why do you always have so much malice towards me?"

Ling Mu threw the tissue into the trash can, turned to face him: "Is it interesting to pretend like this, don't you hate me too. Cheng An'an 's

smile stagnated for a while, and then disappeared with the curvature of the corner of his mouth: "Yes, I hate you. You know that Zhenyang is with you to anger me, so why jump into this abyss?"

The author has something to say: Green tea has the ability to reverse right and wrong, but it doesn't matter, the face slap is coming soon~

The retribution of the Lin family is coming soon, will Cheng Green Tea's be far behind? Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-06-19 19:46:33~2020-06-20 19:50:15~

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Hell Erha 10 bottles; 7 bottles of Floating Life and Tired Guest; 2 bottles of werew; 1 bottle of Blowing Dream to Xizhou;

I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 58

Ling Mu showed an indescribable expression, and looked at Cheng An'an like a fool.

"What, don't tell me you never found out?" Cheng Anan sneered suddenly and walked up to Ling Mu, "That's right, based on your character, if you realize this, you will definitely leave Zhenyang, right? ?"

Ling Mu snorted out of his nose, ignoring him, turned sideways to leave.

"What are you doing, you have a guilty conscience? Ling Mu, you like being a mistress just like your mother, don't you?" Cheng An'an's voice was a little higher, his words were mean and angry, which was very different from his gentle and weak image in the past.

Ling Mu's footsteps stopped, his fists clenched.

He took a deep breath and turned around with contempt in his eyes: "Why Cheng Anan, you didn't accept him at first, and now you come to me to sow discord, interesting?"

"That's right, I did it wrong back then!" Cheng Anan sank. His face paled, his eyes filled with pain, "But if I accept him too early, a genius like Qiu Zhenyang will kick me out as soon as he finishes playing! What's the difference between you and me? Now that you're favored, he I treat you in every possible way, and when he gets tired of it, even if you cry and beg him, he won't look back at you!"

Ling Mu frowned and gave Cheng An'an a deep look: "It seems that you don't understand. Him."

"I don't understand? Ha, how could I not understand? These people are all the same! Have you done it with him now? In the next month, he will definitely kick you out!"

Listen to him Having said that, Ling Mu was disgusting.

"We didn't do it." He raised his hand and stroked his short, stubborn hair, his eyes a little more contemptuous, "And now I probably know the reason why Qiu Zhenyang gave up on you, after all, your thoughts are really hurtful enough. Someone hurt yourself."

Hearing Ling Mu say that Qiu Zhenyang hadn't touched him yet, Cheng An'an's face turned pale.

A mixed emotion called jealousy and regret kept growing in his heart, Cheng Anan felt that his head was dizzy, and he could no longer maintain his calm attitude. He never believed that Qiu Zhenyang had really given up on him. After all, Ling Mu and him were not comparable at all. Which alpha would choose him instead of Ling Mu. Even if there are perverts like Lin Yuhan, they are very rare, and Qiu Zhenyang is not.

But over the past two months, watching Qiu Zhenyang drift away, and his attitude towards Ling Mu became more and more real, Cheng Anan was already panicking. He looked at Qiu Zhenyang's doting on Ling Mu and heard about his deeds from other people's mouths. His unwillingness and regret grew sharply, and he was about to drive him crazy!

He once enjoyed Qiu Zhenyang's pursuit, but now that love is easily given to others, he can't stand it!

Cheng An'an's lips trembled, and his tone suddenly softened: "Ling Mu, give him back to me."

Ling Mu looked at him without saying a word, but told Cheng An'an that it was impossible with firm eyes.

"I lived with my mother for more than ten years, and finally someone like Qiu Zhenyang loves me and loves me. Why can't you be kind and give him back to me?" I admit that I was wrong, because I don't know how to cherish it, as long as you return him to me, I will do whatever you want!" The

bathroom was very quiet, and the music in the banquet hall outside did not come in.

In the face of the plea, Ling Mu's voice was very flat: "No one has an easy life, it's just that you like to sell miserably, I don't like it."

Cheng Anan's attitude of not entering the oil and salt gradually broke down, he glared at Ling Mu with gnashing teeth: "Qiu Zhenyang was chasing me one second ago, but the next second he's chasing you, it's already obvious, right? Why do you put your head in the ground and pretend you can't hear it, pretend you can't see it, the so-called love you get like this is really Will it make you happy? You are not worthy of him in any way!"

"Unfortunately, happiness is a matter between me and him, it's none of your business. If I don't deserve it, will you deserve it?" Ling Mu Really not in the mood to chat with him, and left with a cold snort.

In his eyes, Cheng Anan is not clear-headed, overconfident, and overly sensitive. He looks smart when he catches someone with a knife and stabs someone else.

When he returned to the long table, Qiu Zhenyang was facing the food on the plate with a disgusting expression.

Ling Mu: "..."

"Ah, sorry, what, this is really stinky." Qiu Zhenyang handed the plate to the waiter in fear, and quickly took Ling Mu to the outside courtyard to breathe, "That Futa dim sum is too delicious. It's smelly, really... how do other people eat it? I think they eat well."

Ling Mu looked at him speechlessly: "Except for the recipe you provided to the chef, other snacks have similar taste. "

Qiu Zhenyang was embarrassed and sighed helplessly.

There are a lot of people in the courtyard, because it was originally a place for banquets or parties, so there is also a large swimming pool in the courtyard. The season is approaching autumn, and it's night time again, and the water temperature in the pool is a bit cold, so no one goes down for a swim. Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu's hand and took a walk by the pool. Most of the people gathered here were young people who didn't like the social atmosphere inside. Seeing Qiu Zhenyang, he immediately greeted him: "Second Young Master, this is

your onega?"

It was officially announced, but Qiu Zhenyang took people by his side all night, and the relationship was already obvious.

Noticing that a lot of people around were looking at them curiously, Qiu Zhenyang grinned: "Yeah, I'll make an official announcement in a while, just wait."

Although Ling Mu was a little restrained, he was also working hard to cooperate with Qiu Zhenyang, right He gave everyone a stiff smile.

Cheng An'an's words still had some influence on him, Ling Mu felt Qiu Zhenyang's popularity more intuitively. He also finally realized that in love, there should be no shrinking back. Qiu Zhenyang's love is bold and public, and he should no longer be timid.

To strive to become a person worthy of him in every way!

Everyone is congratulating Qiu Zhenyang for finding his own omega. No matter what those people were thinking, at this moment, Ling Mu really felt the happiness of being blessed.

"Thank you." Ling Mu thanked everyone who blessed him, his smile became more and more natural, his face that used to be covered with frost for years was melting like the first snow, so warm that Qiu Zhenyang could not wait to kiss him in front of everyone.

"Good day." After everyone chatted and stopped paying attention to them, Qiu Zhenyang turned his head to look at Ling Mu with doting eyes.

Ling Mu lightly coughed: "You don't like it?"

"How can you! I liked it very much before, let alone now? You have done so much for me, and I will only be happier." Qiu Zhenyang took his hand and gently Rubbing, the corners of his mouth curved into a sweet arc.

"I'm really looking forward to going to court. I really can't wait to see those who hurt you get revenge. They must look great when they cry, right?" Qiu Zhenyang is in a good mood, and thinking of this makes me feel even better.

This sounded a bit perverted, but Ling Mu laughed out loud.

Yeah, how could it possibly be unhappy?

After taking a walk for a while, Qiu Zhenyang's condition was much better after being nauseous by the dim sum just now, and he was ready to take Lingmu back to the banquet hall again. But before they could leave, they heard a "pop" by the pool and someone fell into it.

The two looked back and saw that the person who fell into the swimming pool splashed a lot of water, and they couldn't see who it was. From the looks of it, that person should not be able to swim.

Qiu Zhenyang looked around. Because of the caretaker's negligence, no lifeguards were sent to guard the swimming pool. Several service staff had just gone to the kitchen to bring things, and there was no one who could go into the water to save people.

After all, it was his own birthday party. Qiu Zhenyang didn't want anything to happen. He took off his suit jacket and shoved it into Ling Mu's hand. He ran towards the drowning person and jumped into the pool.

Ling Mu walked over with his clothes in his arms, looked at him worriedly, and suddenly noticed the person standing next to the sinking point.

It's Linno.

Lin Nuo's face was obviously flustered, but he pretended not to care, and cursed in his mouth: "What qualifications do you have to enter the Lin family, you can't even swim, waste!"

Ling Mu's hand holding his clothes tightened, He had almost guessed who fell into the water.

Sure enough, after Qiu Zhenyang rescued the person, he immediately discovered that the person who fell into the water was Cheng Anan.

Qiu Zhenyang sat on the ground gasping for breath and brushed his soaked black hair backwards. Chi Shui glued his clothes tightly to his body, vaguely sketching a strong and perfect figure, making the few omegas who came to see the situation blushed. .

"Are you okay?" Ling Mu came over with his clothes in his arms, and was about to squat down to look at him, but Cheng Anan, who was rescued beside him, suddenly rushed towards Qiu Zhenyang.

The unsuspecting Qiu Zhenyang was tightly wrapped around his neck, and his slender body was embedded in his arms.

"Sure enough, you are still worried about me, aren't you?" The

sobbing sounded, and everyone around was stunned for a moment, and many people secretly looked at Ling Mu.

This is really ambiguous.

However, before Ling Mu could react, Qiu Zhenyang pushed the person away first.

"Have you got water in your head?" Qiu Zhenyang was about to go crazy, he immediately jumped up and brushed his chest and neck, as if he was about to brush off something dirty.

The butler had already heard the news. Looking at the soaked young master, he quickly said, "Young master, hurry up and change clothes with me. It's cold at night, so be careful of catching a cold!" The

butler didn't know Cheng An'an, so he said politely. : "This guest comes with me too, I will prepare clean clothes."

Cheng Anan rubbed his arms and looked at Qiu Zhenyang pitifully.

The latter didn't look at him, instead he spread his hands angrily at the water all over his body, and confirmed with Ling Mu: "Can I hug you when I get back from changing clothes? I'll never do such a stupid thing again."

The implication is that he regretted saving people without seeing it clearly, and the ghost knew that it was Cheng Anan.

Ling Mu glanced at Cheng Anan, who seemed to be standing beside him, and their eyes collided, creating invisible sparks. Ling Mu glanced at his mouth and hugged Qiu Zhenyang directly: "If you want to hug him, no one wants you to wait."

Qiu Zhenyang was stunned for a moment, and a pink bubble immediately appeared above his head.

Mom, Xiao Mumu is so good!

He raised his hand full of heart and was about to hug him back, but Ling Mu let go and pushed his chest: "Change clothes, I'll wait for you."

"Then your clothes..." Ling Mu hugged him just now. He had some water on his clothes.

"It's okay, I'll be done in a while, you can go." When the

evening wind blew, it was indeed a little cold, Qiu Zhenyang nodded and followed the housekeeper obediently. Cheng Anan followed Qiu Zhenyang and glanced at Ling Mu before leaving.

Those eyes were sharp and evil, revealing the dark radiance of madness.

The author has something to say: I will add more updates when I see if I can do it tonight. It seems that I have never given everyone an update on that day except for V. Hahaha, Shanxiu's children can't be hurt (T_T), if it's too late, I'll add more updates tomorrow. .

Cheng Lvcha's old jumping makes me uncomfortable, but he hasn't done anything serious enough to punish him, so he has to jump around for a while, oh.

By the way, the little cuties, can you accept Mumu beat Cheng green tea? It's a real beating!

Finally, today's Father's Day, I wish Marshal Qiu Zhang a Happy Father's Day! Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-20 19:50:15~2020-06-21 18:13:14~

Thanks to the little angel who voted mine: Cream Pudding 2 One;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of sex; 10 bottles of Wakaki; 5 bottles of coffee rice and cream pudding; 2 bottles of Blood Moon Xiu Fairy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 59

On the way to the room, Qiu Zhenyang didn't give Cheng Anan a look.

The two were like complete strangers, or even strangers, because even Uncle Zhang, the housekeeper, clearly felt the unpleasant aura coming from his young master.

He hated the omega he rescued.

"Sorry, Lin Nuo seems to be very unhappy about my being recognized by my father, so..." Cheng Anan explained to himself.

"You don't need to tell me this," Qiu Zhenyang kept walking, leaving only a broad and ruthless back for Cheng Anan, "It has nothing to do with me, I just saved a guest who fell into the water at my birthday banquet."

Cheng Anan bit . He pressed his lips together, feeling his chest rise and fall violently.

Seeing that he was in the guest room, Qiu Zhenyang went in and was about to close the door, but Cheng Anan suddenly stepped forward and held Qiu Zhenyang's hand holding the doorknob.

"It's been more than two months. How long are you going to ignore me? Qiu Zhenyang, do you really want me to despair to the end and choose to leave you?" Cheng Anan's eyes were flushed, and her sad and desolate appearance was distressing. .

The housekeeper opened his mouth, thinking about giving Cheng An'an the key to the other room, then turned around and left.

"You seem to be dreaming." Qiu Zhenyang felt that he was simply unreasonable. How blind must he be to have such an idea?

Withdrawing his hand, Qiu Zhenyang wanted to close the door, but Cheng Anan stepped forward to resist it with his body, as if he would not stop talking: "I don't care what you have done in the past few months, I have been waiting for you to turn back. Before It's my fault, I shouldn't be hesitant, I shouldn't keep hanging on you but not agreeing to you, will you give me another chance? You still like me, right?"

Qiu Zhenyang simply folded his arms and leaned against the door to watch He: "Which titanium alloy dog ​​did you see?"

Cheng An'an: "...You, since you haven't re-engaged with Ling Mu, doesn't that mean you still miss me?"

"Let me tell you, if I really like you, I won't go after Ling Mu." Qiu Zhenyang's expression was serious, and Cheng Anan couldn't believe it if he didn't want to admit it, "I don't know what kind of person you are. , but I will never do such a thing, insulting Lingmu." The

real feelings are all with cleanliness, with one person in the heart, and going to be with another person, it is an insult to the latter , that's real scum!

"Cheng An'an, the good days of the Lin family are just a few days away. Think about your future more. You can't have some brains if it's annoying..."

Qiu Zhenyang closed the door while thinking about it. An An didn't stop any more, just looked at the closed door and smiled bitterly: "It seems that you really don't have me in your heart... Then, you can't blame me, Zhenyang."

After closing the door, Qiu Zhenyang went to the bathroom first She took off her wet clothes and put on a bathrobe.

Although the room was not usually occupied, it was very clean. He was sitting on the sofa and opened the terminal on his wrist to debug, and sighed that it was indeed high-tech, and the waterproof effect was adequate.

After watching for a while, there was a knock on the door, it was estimated that the housekeeper came with clothes.

Qiu Zhenyang stood up and walked to the door to open the door, but before he could see it clearly, he was sprayed with an unknown spray on his face.

"What!" Qiu Zhenyang immediately ducked back, but it was too late. The mist was sprayed too much, and a lot of them were sucked into his nose.

He opened his eyes angrily and looked at Cheng Anan who was standing in front of him holding the spray and wanted to continue spraying. Qiu Zhenyang was really hot!

He suddenly picked up Cheng An'an's collar, gritted his teeth and roared: "What did you spray? Cheng An'an, do you want to die?"

The person in front of him didn't change his face, he threw the small bottle into Qiu Zhenyang's room, and smiled softly. "I advise you to hurry into your room, or if you do it in the corridor later, it won't affect you well, but I don't care..."

What kind of words are these tigers and wolves?

Qiu Zhenyang was about to vomit three liters of blood. He threw the person aside and was about to go to the doctor immediately, but as soon as the long legs took a step, he noticed a vigorous flame ignited in his body. The flames flew fast, but it burned Qiu Zhenyang's whole body in an instant. Every cell in his body was screaming and venting. He needed an omega, and he wanted it now!

"How about something that can put you in estrus, isn't it?" Cheng Anan got up from the ground, his smile gradually lost control, "Soon we will be able to blend in with each other, Qiu Zhenyang, you will realize how much you are Love me."

"Love... a fart!" Qiu Zhenyang's face flushed red, and blue veins protruded on his forehead.

His glands were swollen and hot, emitting pheromones uncontrollably. The corridor is filled with an increasingly powerful atmosphere, squeezing the air, filling every corner, and even tends to spread downstairs.

This is the pheromone produced when a top alpha is in heat, so powerful that it is terrifying!

Qiu Zhenyang seemed to have the illusion that he was about to burn up. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and tried to ignore the seductive fragrance beside him, and tapped a button on the terminal with trembling hands. That is the shortcut dial key, which can directly call Lingmu's terminal.

It's a pity that Cheng Anan quickly turned off the call just two seconds after the call was made.

He grabbed the terminal on Qiu Zhenyang's wrist, his breath was unsteady and his emotions were violent, he stared at Qiu Zhenyang in disbelief: "It's all this time, you still think about that ugly bastard? Now, no one can save you except me!

Cheng Anan shoved the person violently, pushed Qiu Zhenyang back into the room, and locked it directly .

If it were normal, Qiu Zhenyang would definitely not let him succeed, but now all the strength in his body is used to suppress the restlessness in his body, and he can't tell the strength to guard against Cheng Anan. It was the first time he knew that the estrus period was such a terrifying thing. He is now like a beast, and his rational part is gradually being eroded into a beast. Maybe after a while, he will really have no reason at all!

"Think about it for me... I'll kill you!" Qiu Zhenyang slumped on the ground and roared at Cheng Anan who kept approaching. He hated himself so much now, why did he invite the Lin family? Even if Mr. Lin would come out and get in the way, at most he would spend more time and energy, and he would still be able to destroy Lin Zhiyuan's lineage. Why on earth would he seek shortcuts!

But now it's too late to regret it, Cheng Anan squatted down and looked at him with a flushed face, her eyes filled with love.

"You're really awesome, just smelling this pheromone makes me unbearable...Why did I hang you in the first place? I can't even figure it out myself..." He stretched out his thin white hand and stroked it tenderly Looking at Qiu Zhenyang Junyi's cheeks, he was obviously driven to estrus by his pheromone, "But it doesn't matter, now, you are mine."

He leaned between Qiu Zhenyang's neck and licked the sweaty sweat emotionally. neck.

"You're courting death!!!" Qiu Zhenyang raised his head and shouted angrily, his face collapsed, this damn estrus imprisoned his whole body, and he could hardly bear it anymore!

Reason was rapidly diminishing, Cheng Anan thought it wasn't enough, knelt between Qiu Zhenyang's legs and offered the back of his white and tender neck.

"Mark me, let me smell your scent from the inside out..."

Qiu Zhenyang's eyes were bloodshot. The body seemed to be approaching consciously, and the lips involuntarily opened, revealing slightly sharp canine teeth, gently rubbing against Cheng An'an's glands.

An expression of enjoyment appeared on Cheng An'an's face, and he whispered softly, "Qiu Zhenyang, I love..."


The loud sound of the door being knocked open made the two people in the room startled at the same time, and the person standing outside the door was startled. He stared at the situation inside in a stunned manner, unable to react for a while.

"He's in a wrong situation," Zhuo Hang was the first to speak out, looking at Ling Mu, whose face was pale and hooded, "Zhenyang seems to be forced into estrus." Yuan Chenyu on the

side covered his nose tightly and nodded.

The two of them were brought to communicate with their parents all night, expanding their network of contacts. After finally getting a chance to breathe, they saw Ling Mu walking upstairs uneasy. When I asked, I found out that Qiu Zhenyang had called him and it only rang twice. He made a loud call, but when he called back, there was no response. So the two followed Lingmu up, but they smelled something wrong in the corridor, so they followed the pheromone to find the room and knocked open the door.

Looking at Qiu Zhenyang and Cheng An'an's actions, Yuan Chenyu said with a desperate look on his face: "It's miserable, no alpha can resist not marking in this situation, we're gone now, maybe we'll be lost because of estrus He'll beat him rationally!"

Zhuo Hang also frowned and looked unbearable, it's not that they didn't want to go in, nor that they were afraid of being beaten by Qiu Zhenyang, but that his pheromone was too strong and domineering, just standing at the door had already made him The two of them were all stiff and fearful, and they felt faintly nauseated. If they went inside, it would be physical and mental resistance, and they couldn't get in!

The two of them looked at Ling Mu at the same time, panicking in their hearts.

And the person standing at the door at the moment, his cheeks are tensed. Ling Mu walked in step by step, but he seemed to be dragging heavy shackles on his feet, and the picture reflected in his eyes made his heart hurt so much.

Yuan Chenyu watched worriedly, Zhuo Hang patted his shoulder, gritted his teeth and endured very hard.

Just when the two people's worries reached their peak, an unexpected situation happened.

Qiu Zhenyang in the room smashed his fist on the ground, and his hands were dripping with blood. He stiffened his body and pulled back, suppressing his instincts too much, which made the corners of his mouth bleed and became unconscious.

This action seemed to give Lingmu a signal, all the hesitations and hesitations disappeared in an instant, Qiu Zhenyang gave his heart a preventive shot, it was the best medicine called love and loyalty! Ling Mu's pace was no longer slow, but rushed forward, pulling on Cheng An'an's clothes and beating hard!

"Ah! Ahhh!" A

miserable cry of pain sounded in the room, and the dull sound of fisting to the flesh was horrifying.

Ling Mu's red eyes and cold face mechanically pressed on Cheng An'an and beat him. He had never beaten someone so hard before, as if he was going to beat someone to death, he was merciless!

After a while, Cheng Anan was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. There were bloodstains on his face, and there was no trace of his beautiful face intact, blood was soaked in his weakly open mouth, and many slipped down the corners of his mouth.

Ling Mu's fist continued, tears welling up in his eyes, but he couldn't hold back. If it hadn't happened today, Ling Mu might not have known that Qiu Zhenyang already had such a high position in his heart. . He can't wait to beat Cheng An'an to death, so that he can no longer appear in Qiu Zhenyang's world!

"No, he's going to have an accident like this!"

Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu were both in a hurry, they ran to the stairs and hurriedly called the hospital at the same time. Before they went upstairs, they had already found someone to notify Qiu Haolin, because they didn't know this would be the case, they didn't expect to find beta here, and they didn't even bother the other elders! I really regret it now!

Ling Mu had completely lost his mind. Cheng Anan, who was under him, went from screaming in agony to being weak, and gradually closed his eyes and passed out.

Even so, Ling Mu still did not stop his falling fist.

All worries, all anger, fear, resentment, pain, all turned into the power of the hands, non-stop!

"Ling Mu..."

His body stopped when he heard the murmur, Ling Mu raised his fist and looked sideways, met Qiu Zhenyang's eyes that had already started to sag, and the tears that had been unwilling to fall finally fell.

"It's not worth it..."

Qiu Zhenyang was almost at a loss for words. A normal estrus alpha wouldn't be in such pain. He felt like a needle was stabbing him all over his body, and the pain was unbearable. But even so, he still shook his head at Ling Mu with the greatest strength.

Killing him and ruining his future is not worth it.

Ling Mu burst into tears, staggered and ran over to Qiu Zhenyang and hugged him tightly.

"Mark me, don't hold back, you will die!"

Qiu Zhenyang breathed the scent belonging to Lingmu, and the body that had been resisting finally began to soften. But he didn't dare to move, so he could only say in an angry voice, "Wait for the doctor, I can't stand it anymore, I just marked it, I can't stop..."

Ling Mu hugged tighter, coming over and smelling Qiu Zhenyang's strong message When he was vegetarian, his legs were weak and he was about to enter estrus. It was just the strong hatred that supported him to beat Cheng An'an to half death. At this moment, he was crying: "Don't bear it, I am yours, you can have me at any time!"

These words made Qiu Zhenyang gasp for breath. With a bang, the reaction was suddenly strong!


Qiu Haolin finally arrived. He observed the current situation. Without saying a word, he came in and dragged Cheng Anan away. Before leaving, he left a sentence:

"Don't worry, I have other matters.

" Close, and all restraint disappears completely. The beast in Qiu Zhenyang's heart broke through the cage and slammed Ling Mu to the ground.

He leaned closer to Ling Mu's neck and couldn't wait to sniff it. The hot tip of his tongue chased after the seductive glands, and he bit down without hesitation.

Ling Mu snorted and hugged the person on his body tightly.

"Come on, I'll accompany you."

The author has something to say: I'm here,

thank you for voting for me during 2020-06-21 18:13:14~2020-06-21 23:23:22 Overlord votes or the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 38178100, 1 cream pudding;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Jiyuan;

thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue hard work!

Chapter 60

Although he agreed to accompany him, if Ling Mu knew that Qiu Zhenyang would toss him for a whole week, he would definitely choose to wait for the doctor to come!

Just three days after the estrus period, Ling Mu couldn't hold it anymore.

When his alpha was in heat, Ling Mu was also driven to enter the heat period, but generally speaking, the heat period of an omega only lasts for three days. After three days, they will be exhausted and need to rest. But who knows, from the first night to the morning of the fourth day, Qiu Zhenyang, like a perpetual motion machine, kept holding Ling Mu to ask for it!

"You stop...you, I can't do it anymore, Qiu Zhenyang!" The

room was in a mess, and the pheromones belonging to the two were intertwined and blended, extremely intense.

The slender big hand held Ling Mu's slightly thin palm, Qiu Zhenyang pressed against his back and licked the sweat, his voice was sexy and hoarse: "Good, I'm not well, I'll let you sleep again."

"One time . Fuck! Except for eating and going to the toilet, have you ever stopped? Why didn't you say that you will come again and again?"

Ling Mu was about to explode with anger, he grabbed the sheets and wanted to crawl to the side, but he was pressed down on the bed. The person on his body is too heavy, and he has been exhausted and has no physical strength, and he can't do it at all.

Three whole days! He was so tired that he couldn't even cry!

"I won't lie to you, I'll let you sleep this time..."

Qiu Zhenyang hugged his beloved omega and kissed him, grabbing his arm and turning him over gently, kissing Ling Mu crying in distress to red and swollen eyes. This kind of gentle touch can give omega a sense of security, and Qiu Zhenyang likes it very much.

Their first time was not perfect, because Cheng Anan made him unable to give Ling Mu a good memory. Although he tried his best to be gentle, the initial effect of the medicine was really hard to control. Although he tried his best to endure it, it also caused some damage to Lingmu.

But it doesn't matter, in the future they will have a second, third, nth time, and every time Qiu Zhenyang will give Ling Mu a better experience! He is confident that he can cover the imperfection this time, the future is still very long, and there are still many expectations in life! The same goes for the bed!

Ling Mu didn't have the energy to care about what Qiu Zhenyang was thinking.

Qiu Zhenyang's kiss was very gentle. He closed his eyes and gradually forgot the intensity before, enjoying it silently, and was about to fall asleep...

Watching his lover's long eyelashes fluttering, with traces of himself all over his body, he lay in his arms defenselessly, Qiu Zhenyang saluted immediately, his eyes were dark and deep, and the evil grip reached Ling Mu...

"En~... Qiu Zhenyang! Why are you coming in again! You bastard!"

Just like that, Ling Mu still didn't fall asleep. It was brought into a new round of intense sports.

On the seventh day, Ling Mu was paralyzed on the bed with his eyes blank, staring at the ceiling, not knowing what day it was.

"Come on, drink the nutrient before going to sleep." Qiu Zhenyang closed the door in a pair of loose sweatpants and came in, holding some messy things in his hand. His bare upper body was soaked with the fresh water vapor after taking a bath, and there were many messy scratches on his white and strong muscles.

Qiu Zhenyang sent a message to his mother immediately after the estrus period ended, asking her to prepare some things, and just went to open the door just to get some things. During this week of estrus, he asked his mother to send something every two days. In order to prevent Lingmu from becoming exhausted, nutritional supplements and water were necessities.

Ling Mu frowned and didn't want to pay attention to him. He simply closed his glasses and pursed his lips tightly without speaking.

Qiu Zhenyang smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed to pick him up and hold him in his arms. With one hand, he brought the nutritional supplement to his mouth and opened the lid with his teeth. With the other hand, he raised Ling Mu's chin with two fingers, The nutrient solution was brought to his lips and poured into his mouth little by little. The nutrient solution has a small mouth and is very convenient to drink. Otherwise, Qiu Zhenyang would definitely choose the direct mouth-to-mouth method to pass the nutrient solution...

Ling Mu closed his eyes and swallowed. He didn't know how many times he had done this kind of action this week, and he was completely used to it now.

After drinking the nutrient solution, Qiu Zhenyang wiped the corners of his mouth for him, then carried the person back to the bed and covered the quilt.

Just as soon as the quilt was covered, Ling Mu volleyed and kicked the quilt away.

"Hot." He muttered unhappily, turning over and lying on the bed with difficulty.

Now his butt is the hardest hit area, and it's uncomfortable to just lie down!

Seeing Ling Mu grinning in pain, Qiu Zhenyang touched his nose in a guilty conscience, picked up the ointment beside him, and carefully read the instructions above.

"Squeeze an amount of three to five centimeters into the palm of your hand, use the temperature of your palm to dissolve the ointment, then apply it to the wound, spread it carefully, and then..." Qiu Zhenyang read it out in order to deepen his impression.

"Can't you stop talking!" Ling Mu was about to explode, did this guy do it on purpose? Just look at it, you have to read it out!

Qiu Zhenyang suddenly fell silent, not daring to speak again.

The wife who has been asked for too much can't be offended...

After reading the manual, Qiu Zhenyang carefully knelt on the bed and pulled down Ling Mu's underwear. These underwear had just been put on shortly after Qiu Zhenyang helped him take a bath, and now they were taken off again.

Ling Mu was terrified, he stretched his hand back to hold down his pants, looked at Qiu Zhenyang with a warning, and said, "If you still dare to do it, I will beat you to death


The ground is amazing, in just seven days, he has spent all the trust value Lingmu had in him before! But seriously, I really can't blame him entirely. After all, the effect of the drug is too great, and he hardly had much control over the first three days. As for the next four days...cough, isn't he addicted to eating and can't bear to let it go? And as a top alpha, his estrus period is long, which is forgivable!

In any case, now that the estrus period has passed, Qiu Zhenyang felt very regretful when he saw Ling Mu's tragic state.

After another three days of rest, Ling Mu finally came back to life. This is due to Qiu Zhenyang's grandfather who personally prepared a lot of restorative medicines. As an excellent pharmacist, his grandfather was quite handy in researching various medicines. He learned that his grandson was equipped with a lot of various types of medicines after he entered the estrus period.

When the two finally walked out of the guest room, Ling Mu let out a long breath.

He really didn't want to step into this villa again!

"Let's go, go home, pack up and go to school tomorrow." Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu's hand and led him downstairs.

Except for the two of them who went back to take the exam in the middle, it was equivalent to taking more than half a month of leave in a row, and their schoolwork had fallen a lot. However, Qiu Zhenyang is a master of learning. He can make up for the half-month course with a lot of hard work, and he can also help Lingmu learn together.

When they returned to Qiu's house, their mother and grandmother were sitting in the living room drinking afternoon tea. They looked at Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu who walked in the door in unison, and laughed in unison.

Ling Mu twitched the corners of his mouth and shouted awkwardly, "Aunt Qin, Grandma Ning."

"Are you still calling me Aunt?" Zhu Qin pursed his lips, stood up, walked a few steps to Ling Mu, and held his hand in front of Ling Mu. He grabbed it from Qiu Zhenyang, pressed it in his hand and rubbed it, "Oh, you two have already reached this stage. Except for the wedding, the rest is almost the same. It's time to change your name and call me mom!"

Ning Yun also said: He came over and smiled: "Yeah, call me grandma in the future. If Yangyang dares to bully you, you will come and complain to me. I will definitely teach him a good lesson!

" At the same time, my heart is warm as spring.

He raised a big smile, brilliant to the extreme, as vigorous as his pheromone sunflower, full of longing for the future.

Qiu Zhenyang looked at him beside him, and was very happy, he didn't care that his mother and grandmother were facing Ling Mu.

"Okay, we're going to school tomorrow, let Lingmu talk to Lingdang first, they haven't seen each other for almost ten days, what about Lingdang?" Remembering that Lingmu hadn't seen his sister for a long time, Qiu Zhenyang immediately asked. .

"Lingdang hasn't finished school yet. What time is it? I'll pick her up in an hour." Lingdang went to school on the first day they were locked in the room, and now Lingdang goes to and from school by Zhu. Qin personally delivered. She always liked Ling Dang, and she also liked the task of picking up children like this.

Hearing this, Ling Mu immediately said: "I'll go later, auntie, er, mom... can you take me with you later?" Ling Mu's eyes brightened when he said this title, Although her cheeks were flushed, her eyes full of anticipation and joy could not deceive anyone.

"Of course, let's go. I'll take you there first, and let's take a stroll along the way." Zhu Qin wanted to exchange feelings with his daughter-in-law immediately, so he hooked Ling Mu's hand and went out.

Watching them leave, Qiu Zhenyang walked to the sofa and sat down, poured a glass of water and took a sip, and asked his grandmother, "Where's your grandfather?"

Ning Yun also came over and sat, face to face with her grandson: "He went fishing with your grandfather. Now, your grandma wanted to go out for a walk, so she followed. I think it's too sunny outside, so I'll just chat with your mother at home."

Qiu Zhenyang nodded and chatted about the business again: "Grandma, the game I told you about earlier. How's the project?"

Before going back to school for the exam last time, Qiu Zhenyang had already handed over the game plan to his grandmother, who immediately sent the information back to her trusted subordinates and asked them to start researching. As for the technical staff who developed the game, Qiu Zhenyang had an online conversation and selected them all, so everything went very fast.

"The rough model of the game has already come out. You can start testing it in a few days. I will send you the game warehouse to the school, and you can try it yourself." After all, it is her grandson's project, and Ning Yun is also very concerned about it.

At this moment, Qiu Zhenyang couldn't help but sigh at Interstellar's technology, the speed of making games is simply against the sky!

Although he chose a large production team of nearly 1,000 people in order to speed up the process, the interview alone made him almost collapse, but it is still very awesome that such a large-scale holographic game can be made in such a short period of time. .

"Okay, if you have any questions, just ask the person in charge of the team to contact me." Qiu Zhenyang felt very comfortable. Sure enough, in a family with such a background, it is really easy to do anything, just hand over an idea and plan. Everything that follows will be able to see results in the shortest possible time.

"By the way, grandma, what happened to Cheng Anan after he was dragged out by the elder brother that day?"

Qiu Zhenyang didn't worry about him, but understood the situation so that he could deal with the follow-up.

Speaking of this person, grandma's expression changed a bit. She clicked on the terminal's webpage to search for a message, and then handed it to Qiu Zhenyang: "You can see for yourself."

Qiu Zhenyang had a bad intuition . The zoomed-in and clear picture is exactly the picture where he bit Cheng An'an's gland that night and almost dropped his mouth!
