
Chapter 66

The next morning, Ling Mu was dug out of the quilt by Qiu Zhenyang.

He was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes, and the unspeakable part of his body and the bitten gland in the back of his neck still hurt a little bit. He really wanted to skip class!

Like a personal nanny, Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu out of the soft bed, took him to the bathroom to help him brush his teeth and wash his face, then went to Ling Mu's room to find his clothes and helped him put them on. People were carried downstairs for breakfast.

All in all, after charging last night, Qiu Zhenyang is refreshed and able to do anything!

"Come on, eat breakfast quickly and go to class. We've missed half a month of classes, and we can't miss the rest." Although Qiu Zhenyang is a scholar, he has to listen to the lectures normally in order to get high marks.

After barely finishing breakfast, Ling Mu was almost awake, but his expression was still a little dull.

Qiu Zhenyang found a pheromone and put it on the back of Lingmu's neck. Although he liked the smell of his own pheromone on Lingmu's body, the smell that was too strong would not only attract attention, but also cause trouble to other AOs. So it still sticks well.

In the morning, the course of mecha attack and defense theory was taken. Originally, Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu did not choose this course, but because of the game, the two became interested in mecha gradually. They submitted an application for transfer a few days ago. Today I can have a class with Qiu Zhenyang and the others.

The offensive and defensive theory class was held in a very large classroom. Yuan Chenyu and Zhuo Hang arrived first and reserved seats for Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu.

Seeing the two coming in from the classroom door one after the other, Yuan Chenyu immediately stood up and waved to them: "Qiu Zhenyang, Ling Mu, here!"

Qiu Zhenyang raised his hand to show that he saw it, and then followed Ling Mu to the back.

"Come on, give the two of you a seat, you..." Yuan Chenyu and Zhuo Hang sat next to each other, the purpose was to save a seat for them, but just as he was about to get up and let them sit together, Ling Mu He sat directly between him and Zhuo Hang, and took his arm and sat down again.

Yuan Chenyu's heart skipped a beat, turned to Qiu Zhenyang in horror, pointed at Ling Mu's hand holding his arm and said, "It was he who moved first, I didn't touch him, you can see clearly!"

How possessive Qiu Zhenyang is ! Qiang and the others had already understood it. They said that they went out to play yesterday. When Yuan Chenyu had finished drinking the juice, he wanted Ling Mu to pour some for himself, but Qiu Zhenyang stared at him for a long time.

Seeing Yuan Chenyu's cowardly look, Zhuo Hang couldn't help but bow his head and smirk.

Qiu Zhenyang was helpless for a while, so he could only sit down next to Zhuo Hang: "Am I that scary? Okay, sit down and have a good class."

After that, he took out his notebook and pen from his bag and gave them to Ling Wood handed it over. The latter lowered his eyes and shoved his notebook over with a blank expression, still ignoring him.

Zhuo Hang quietly leaned into Qiu Zhenyang's ear and asked, "What's wrong, making him angry?" He

spread out his notebook and prepared, Qiu Zhenyang squinted at him: "Take your legs, don't squeeze him."

Zhuo Hang: " ..." He was really full and had nothing to do, so he went to inquire about Qiu Zhenyang's gossip.

Speaking of which, Ling Mu's anger was not because he was completely awake while walking on the road. In retrospect, who was the culprit who made him sleepy today.

Now that Ling Dang is no longer living in the dormitory, Qiu Zhenyang is even more reckless. In order to make his future study and life easier, Ling Mu seriously warned Qiu Zhenyang not to do that thing again.

Qiu Zhenyang protested violently, saying that it would be at least twice a week, and no matter how little, he would not want to talk to him.

In short, it is impossible not to do it. For the sake of his own sexual life, Qiu Zhenyang decided to protest to the end!

"I heard that you rented the milk tea shop to a senior?" Zhuo Hang remembered that Yuan Chenyu had told him about this in the morning, and asked Qiu Zhenyang before class.

"Well, I'm going to start preparing for the game later. I probably won't have time to go to the milk tea shop. Originally I was going to close it, but I think there will be a lot of people protesting, so let's keep it open for now. It's fine for someone else to manage." Qiu Zhenyang turned his pen in a bored manner, looking at Ling Mu from time to time.

Zhuo Hang nodded deeply: "Indeed, although there are many shops in the commercial street that try to imitate your fried chicken and milk tea, none of them can imitate the essence, and the taste is far from yours. If you suddenly The shop is closed, I am afraid many people will collapse."

Qiu Zhenyang shrugged noncommittally, the milk tea shop now has many loyal customers, many people order fried chicken milk tea at his house almost every day, and I don't know how much fat I have gained... ...

While the two were talking, the teacher came in from the door of the classroom and started the class.

Qiu Zhenyang also began to listen attentively. This game is rich in content and also tests the player's operation and mind. He has to learn more about mechs in less time so that he can be at the top.

It was only after one morning's class that Ling Mu was stunned to ignore Qiu Zhenyang, which made the latter extremely depressed.

When he left the classroom, Qiu Zhenyang followed Ling Mu, trying to fight for his own welfare, but was blocked by an omega who suddenly appeared.

Now Qiu Zhenyang has a headache when he sees other omegas, for fear that they will come to him to confess to him.

But to Qiu Zhenyang's surprise, the person this omega was looking for was Ling Mu.

"Lingmu classmate, can I ask you something?" The omega was a little embarrassed, with a petite appearance and a cute smile.

Ling Mu knew this person and remembered that his name seemed to be Guan Tang, and he was in the O3 class as well. Because of his character, his classmates would hardly talk to him. Only this Guan Tang came to talk to Ling Mu from time to time. Even if he didn't get any response, he wouldn't be pessimistic. He would continue to look for him next time.

After thinking about it, Ling Mu nodded and followed him.

Qiu Zhenyang watched Ling Mu just leave like this, holding his breath in his chest and couldn't let it go.

Yuan Chenyu, who hadn't left, sneered in a disgraceful manner: "Hehe, it seems that only Lingmu can make you shriveled. Look at you now, you look like a grudge."

Qiu Zhenyang retracted and looked at Lingmu's back . Looking at his eyes, Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "I'm happy in it, okay, what qualifications do you have to watch my jokes, a single dog, in-depth translation of your behavior should be called envy, jealousy

and hate ?" Yuan Chenyu pursed his lips and cried at Zhuo Hang: "He despises us as single dogs!" Zhuo Hang

immediately raised his hand and made a stop: "Don't, he's talking about you, not me, I have a new one. My girlfriend, I handed it over yesterday, sophomore beautiful senior, we have to go to lunch later."

Yuan Chenyu: "..." Has

he been abandoned by his good brothers one by one?

In the end, Qiu Zhenyang went back to prepare lunch, Zhuo Hang went to the appointment of the beautiful senior sister, and the single dog Yuan Chenyu could only go to the commercial street alone with her head down, ready to go to Qiu Zhenyang's milk tea shop to have a big meal, to comfort herself. .

"What's the matter?" Ling Mu looked at Guan Tang in front of him and asked indifferently after finding a corridor with no people.

Guan Tang said embarrassedly, "Can I ask you a favor? My boyfriend is a game fan. I wanted to make an appointment for the game Qiu said on the live broadcast, but there were too many people to make an appointment. He is very depressed every day now, and he is always thinking about it in class, so I just wanted to ask you to see if I can get a place for my boyfriend?"

Ling Mu raised his eyebrows: "You should look for this matter. Qiu Zhenyang."

Guan Tang immediately denied and said, "That's not good, as an O with a boyfriend, to ask an A with a partner, this matter will not affect well!"

Seeing his resolute appearance, Ling Mu sipped He pressed his lower lip, but said nothing.

It was rare for an omega to carry it so clearly. It seemed that the omegas he had met before were all too unreasonable. When they saw Qiu Zhenyang, they all lost their souls and wanted to jump up.

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Mu said again: "I don't know very well about the game reservation, so I may not be able to help you."

Guan Tang immediately folded his hands and made a plea: "Classmate Qiu loves you so much, try it out. Just tell him, I feel that as long as you speak, he will definitely agree!"

Guan Tang is a melon eater, and Qiu Zhenyang is a man of the school. Basically, he has eaten all the melons about Qiu Zhenyang. He was more aware of the importance of Ling Mu in Qiu Zhenyang's heart. The difference between AO is indeed worth noting, but the more reason for finding Lingmu is that Guan Tang feels that he may not agree to find Qiu Zhenyang, but if he goes through Lingmu, Qiu Zhenyang will definitely agree!

He believes that he is usually friendly to Ling Mu, so the other party should agree to this kind of request, right?

As a result...

"You should still look for him." If it were normal, Ling Mu might agree because of his acquaintance, but he is still angry with Qiu Zhenyang at the moment, so he doesn't want to do anything else." Head down."

Guan Tang: "..."

He was wrong, Ling Mu is a lot harder than Qiu Zhenyang! ! !

Thinking that she and Ling Mu have been in the same class for so long, but the other party is still so inhumane, Guan Tang couldn't help being a little frustrated: "I thought you had a good relationship, so you could be regarded as a friend, sigh..."

"Friend?" Ling Mu's eyes were a little confused, and he felt very unfamiliar with these two words.

In the past, he also had friends, but that was when his father was still alive. At that time, his personality was not as rigid as he is now, and he also had two friends who went home together after school every day. It's just that all this changed after his father's death. His mother's attitude made him more and more withdrawn, and his only friends gradually lost contact.

By now, he hadn't made friends for a long time.

That's not right, now because of Qiu Zhenyang's relationship, he can be regarded as friends with Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu. But the nature is different, their genders are different, there are too many differences in many places, the friend he needs most, maybe it should be like... this omega in front of him?

Seeing Ling Mu staring at him, Guan Tang tilted his head: "What's wrong?"

Ling Mu suddenly remembered the time when the military training started, when Qiu Zhenyang gave him water, and many people ridiculed him. Tang stood up to speak for himself, and even quarreled with Lin Nuo.

At that time, although Ling Mu thought it was annoying for them to quarrel, it was undeniable that the fact that Guan Tang spoke for him did cause some waves in his heart.

Guan Tang's hand swayed in front of Ling Mu's eyes. It was because he had been silent for too long, which made Guan Tang a little strange.

"I'll help you get a place for the internal test," Ling Mu grabbed Guan Tang's dangling hand and put it down, "Just treat it as a favor from your military training."

"Military training? favor?" Guan Tang was stunned for a moment. It wasn't until Ling Mu walked away that he remembered, "Oh! It turned out to be that time! My God, I thought he forgot, but he still remembers it now."

Guan Tang, who had received the promise, went happily. Looking for my boyfriend, I was thinking happily on the way, this Lingmu is a good person~

Chapter 67

As soon as I opened the door when I returned to the dormitory, the smell of the food hit the inside, instantly giving people a warm feeling of home.

After Ling Mu went in, he closed the door, walked to the sofa and sat down, with one hand around his chest and the other on his chin, thinking about how to tell Qiu Zhenyang about Guan Tang's request for him later.

After a while, Qiu Zhenyang came out of the kitchen with two plates of dishes. After seeing Ling Mu, he said in surprise, "You're back?" "You do

n't want me to come back?"

Keep you by my side..." Qiu Zhenyang laughed while talking, suddenly met Lingmu's dangerous eyes, and quickly changed the subject with a light cough, "It's just that you don't usually have any friends, it's rare for an omega to find you, I feel like It 's good."

Ling Mu was a little puzzled: "What's good?"

Putting the plate on the table, Qiu Zhenyang wiped his hand on the apron: "It's good to have friends, even though you are as good as me now. I have a husband, but you can't even have a friend in your life. Maybe because of various reasons, you have never had a friend in the past, but there will always be in the future. As long as you are comfortable with someone, you can be a friend."

Comfortable? Ling Mu thought back, although it was really annoying every time Guan Tang came to talk to him, but to be honest, he didn't hate it, even though he didn't pay much attention to him every time, he didn't take the initiative to drive him away.

It should be comfortable, right?

"However, you have to pay attention to making friends. You have to judge whether the other party really wants to be friends with you, and what the other party's character is like. Otherwise, there will be a lot of problems in the future." Qiu Zhenyang had many friends in his previous life, and of course he also had some friends. I have had a lot of "bad" friends who ran away after borrowing some money. However, it is difficult to identify after all, and it takes a long time to get along to understand the person of the other party.

"Okay, don't think too much, let's eat first." Qiu Zhenyang took the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen, filled some more rice, and called Ling Mu to eat. I can't remember the matter of making friends. Naturally, those who have fate can be found quickly. If there is no fate, I can't squat.

Also, it is useless to think too much, Ling Mu is no longer tangled, and gets up to eat at the table.

Just after taking two bites, Qiu Zhenyang couldn't help but ask, "So what did he say to you?"

Ling Mu put a chopstick of sweet and sour fish in his mouth. He lowered his eyes and said, "He asked me for the qualification for the game's internal test." "Internal test?" Qiu Zhenyang was speechless, "Then why didn't he

talk to me directly?"

It's enough to say no in front of him, as for pulling Ling Mu away.

"He said he wanted to avoid suspicion, and he felt that it was unlikely to tell you directly. If you pass me, the success rate will be high." Ling Mu looked up at Qiu Zhenyang, "So do you give it?"

Qiu Zhenyang felt amused and said helplessly: " He is quite smart. Indeed, there are not many qualifications for internal testing, and it will not affect the game if it is released casually. However, if you come and ask me, I will definitely give it. When will I not follow you?

Ling Mu immediately climbed up the pole: "Once a month." "

Pfft—" Qiu Zhenyang almost spat out a mouthful of rice, and hurriedly swallowed two mouthfuls, "No, no, once a month, I will suffocate to death!" Xiao Mumu, you can't be so ruthless, you are also very comfortable when you are so..."

"Are you an idiot!" Ling Mu's cheeks were flushed, and he could not wait to hit him with a chopstick, how can this guy easily do anything? Say it!

Besides, comfort is comfort, but he is also the one who suffers the next day!

Qiu Zhenyang pursed his lips: "I'm not talking nonsense, you are obviously very comfortable, you always hug me and hum, and every time you reach the innermost point, you will sensitively stretch your waist and grab my back and scream, your voice is so nice! "

Fuck you, Qiu Zhenyang, you are dead!"

Before taking a few bites of the meal, Ling Mu had already run over and grabbed Qiu Zhenyang's ear and dragged him desperately! This guy didn't lock his mouth. He knew how to restrain himself before he was completely marked, but now he has completely turned into a stinky hooligan, and he wants to tease himself all the time!

Qiu Zhenyang cried out, wanting to cry without tears, enjoying his wife's "love".

It's really that his wife is so tempting, that he couldn't help but want to play dirty jokes to see his blushing look. Woohoo, it's too difficult~

The result of teasing his wife too much is that Qiu Zhenyang went to class hungry in the afternoon.

At the end of a class, Qiu Zhenyang's stomach had already sang the empty city plan for ten minutes. His voice was loud and clear, making the students around him laugh. He couldn't hold back his laughter during class.

As soon as the get out of class was over, Qiu Zhenyang slumped on the seat and looked at Ling Mu reluctantly.

After all, it was his own alpha. Ling Mu was also upset by his pitiful eyes, and finally told him the conditions: "Three times a month."

Qiu Zhenyang touched his stomach, and there was a long "gu" inside. It's miserable, but its owner still won't let it go: "Twice a week."

Regarding the condition of the little brother, it must not be allowed!

Ling Mu glared at him through gritted teeth: "Then go hungry!"

He turned around angrily, staring at the book absentmindedly, but after a while he smelled a nice perfume approaching.

Looking at the snack bag handed in front of him, Qiu Zhenyang looked up at the girl with beautiful long hair and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Well, it's been a long time since you heard your stomach ringing. You must be very hungry, right? I happen to have some food that I bought at noon, so why don't you put this pad on your stomach first." The girl held the snack bag with one hand and the other with the other. He stroked the hair next to his ear, revealing a long, white and smooth neck.

Qiu Zhenyang was about to refuse, but he glanced at Lingmu's reaction first.

The latter didn't seem to hear anything, and kept his head down reading the book.

Qiu Zhenyang sighed in his heart, it seemed that he still had a long way to go to expect Lingmu to be jealous.

Thinking of this, he raised a bright smile at the girl and said euphemistically, "Thank you for giving me something, but I can bear it for the time being. You should keep it for yourself. There are still three classes in the afternoon. Maybe you'll be hungry when."

Qiu Zhenyang, with hair like ink, eyes like night, and facial features like carvings, Qiu Zhenyang, almost the moment he laughed, made the girls couldn't help but want to scream!

The girl glanced at Ling Mu next to him, her heart overcame her conscience, and continued to be diligent: "It's okay, I still have food over there, you can use it first!"

Qiu Zhenyang raised his eyebrows, it seemed that he refused too much. So gentle. He cleared his throat and was about to speak harshly when suddenly another hand stretched out in front of him, holding a fruit the size of an apple.

The hand was fair and slender, the fingers were slender, and the pink nails were round and neatly manicured, quite familiar. As for why they were familiar, it was because Qiu Zhenyang helped Ling Mu fix them while he was sleeping, and every finger had experienced his gentle gaze.

Qiu Zhenyang followed his hand and looked over, Ling Mu still stared at the book, just said: "I got it from the refrigerator, I like to eat it or not."

"!!!" Qiu Zhenyang took the fruit in Ling Mu's hand in shock. Xiao Mumu usually doesn't have the habit of bringing things to class to eat, so today is this... for himself! Qiu Zhenyang instantly felt that he was floating, and his eyes were filled with pink bubbles.

When the girl next to her saw it, her face suddenly froze.

It was not until the preparation bell rang that Qiu Zhenyang noticed that the girl was still standing beside him. He took a bite of the fruit in his hand, the sweet and sour taste was great, and said to the girl with a happy face, "Thank you very much, but no need, my wife brought me something to eat, oh!

" A voice that changed its tone was due to the sudden stomping on his foot, and Qiu Zhenyang continued to bite the fruit happily and in pain.

Seeing that the girl was dejected, bit her lip and was about to leave, Qiu Zhenyang said again: "Also, Lingmu is my omega, even if he doesn't bring fruit today, I won't eat what other omegas give me."

For a while, the atmosphere was awkward, the girl took a few deep breaths, and finally managed to stabilize her mind and turned her head back: "I'm sorry, I don't know what kind of relationship he has with you."

"Really?" Qiu Zhenyang tilted his head and smiled. But with a hint of chills, "That really misunderstood you." After the

girl left, Qiu Zhenyang continued to nibble on the fruit in his hand.

To say how many people in the school don't know about his relationship with Ling Mu, I'm afraid it's less than ten percent. Not to mention his own attention, just the previous live broadcast with Cheng An'an has already exploded in the school, not to mention school classmates, many outsiders know about it.

Furthermore, the girl looked at Ling Mu with an obvious guilty conscience, and she must have known their relationship.

Knowing their relationship, but taking the initiative to be courteous, is nothing more than looking down on Ling Mu's identity, feeling that such a big Qiu family will not really let Ling Mu become Qiu Zhenyang's wife.

This is not what a few people think, but what most people think.

This is also what Qiu Zhenyang gradually discovered, the big difference between Interstellar and his original world. Because there are too many such examples, more people do not respect other people's love relationships, and they only think that they are good enough and can easily ascend to the top. This is what Qiu Zhenyang has always been worried about.

But it doesn't matter, as long as their Qiu family admits Ling Mu, as long as his heart is as strong as a rock, there will be no possibility of shaking their relationship.

After eating a fruit, Qiu Zhenyang threw the core into the retractable trash can under the seat, then wiped his hands with a tissue, and turned to look at Ling Mu: "Are you jealous?"

"I think you are full and want to be beaten?" Ling Mu squinted at him and sneered, "Why, you like long hair? I see you staring at that long hair for a long time, you like it? Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm a male O, so it's impossible to grow hair. "

Hearing this unusual tone, Qiu Zhenyang's expression collapsed.

Cold sweat started to break out on his forehead, and he quickly explained: "No, no, I just thought that the hair was suitable for mopping the floor, don't you think?"

Ling Mu: "... Ha!"

Chapter 68

After the class, Qiu Zhenyang sorted out his schoolbag and left the classroom with Ling Mu.

But not long after they went out, the two were stopped by Guan Tang.

"Ah, how are you! Hit, excuse me!" Guan Tang seemed to be running over from another classroom, probably out of breath for fear of not catching up with them.

Qiu Zhenyang already knew his name from Ling Mu's mouth, so he greeted him kindly: "Guan Tang, hello."

It was the peak of class, and there was a lot of people, so they found a corner with no people. Because Guan Tang didn't say that he wanted to talk to Ling Mu alone this time, Qiu Zhenyang also followed.

"Well, I'm here to ask about the qualifications for the internal test..." Guan Tang smiled at Ling Mu, his eyes full of hints.

Ling Mu squinted at Qiu Zhenyang and said nothing.

The latter couldn't help laughing, and said generously to Guan Tang: "Okay, you have found the right person, scan your boyfriend's terminal code for me, and I will send him the qualification code for the internal test."

Guan Tang happily He quickly swept his boyfriend's terminal code to Qiu Zhenyang. After confirming that he had sent it, he couldn't hide the excited expression on his face. He took Ling Mu's hand and said, "You guys are so kind, I'll treat you to dinner. Let's have dinner! I'll pull my boyfriend over then, thank you very much!"

Ling Mu was holding hands by Guan Tang, his expression was a little uncomfortable, and he wanted to refuse.

As a result, Qiu Zhenyang was one step ahead of him and agreed directly: "Yes, then thank you."

Guan Tang agreed with the two of them on a time and place, and then ran away happily, unable to wait to share this joy with her boyfriend .

Ling Mu turned his head and asked Qiu Zhenyang, "Why did you agree to come down?"

The classmates in the corridor were almost gone by now, Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu's hand and explained, "Didn't you ask me about friends at noon? I took a look at it for you, this Guan Tang feels pretty good, and increasing your relationship through eating is also a way to make friends."

Ling Mu pouted: "Didn't you say that you have to make good judgments before you can make friends?"

"Yeah, isn't eating a process of getting to know each other?" Qiu Zhenyang squeezed Ling Mu's hand, "Anyway, at night I went with you, if you think others can't do it, just leave, it doesn't matter."

Since Ling Mu doesn't know anything about these things, it is necessary for Qiu Zhenyang to help him make some deletions.

Going back and putting down the schoolbag, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu simply went to the gym to do some exercise. The two of them usually pay attention to fitness, so Lingmu's physical strength and endurance are much better than the average omega.

When it was almost time for the agreed meal, the two of them went to their rooms to take a shower and changed their clothes, and went out together.

When Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu arrived, Guan Tang was already standing in front of the store.

"Ah, you guys are here, I've already booked a private room inside, come in first!" Guan Tang welcomed the two of them in with a smile, but after they entered, he glanced anxiously at the time on the terminal and went out again. After looking around a few times, he followed.

After entering the private room, Guan Tang first handed the menu to Ling Mu: "I'm sorry, my boyfriend was delayed by some things, and he will probably be a little late. You order first, he should be able to arrive when the food comes. Just order whatever you want."

Ling Mu nodded indifferently, pushed the menu towards Qiu Zhenyang, and motioned him to watch it together.

However, Qiu Zhenyang has always been uninterested in Interstellar food, so he just ordered a dish with a relatively normal name, leaving the rest to Ling Mu to order. Ling Mu only ordered one and then pushed Guan Tang back. He was really used to eating Qiu Zhenyang's dishes, and he wasn't much interested in these foods.

Guan Tang saw that the two of them only ordered two dishes, and said a little surprised: "Is the food in this restaurant unpalatable? Why don't we change another one, anyway, there is still time, don't worry."

Qiu Zhenyang immediately said: " No, no, we just don't know the taste of this store, and we're afraid of hitting a thunderbolt, so you can help us order the rest."

Ling Mu nodded, picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water for Qiu Zhenyang, and then poured himself a glass. When he was about to put down the kettle, he thought about it and took Guan Tang's glass and poured him a glass.

"Ah, thank you!" Guan Tang was a little flattered. It was because Ling Mu used to feel too inhumane, which made Guan Tang too shocked by the occasional closeness.

After Guan Tang generously ordered a few more dishes, the three of them began to wait for the dishes to be served. In the middle, Guan Tang has been looking for topics to liven up the atmosphere, Qiu Zhenyang will chat along the way, and although Ling Mu doesn't talk much, he has been listening carefully to them.

So far, Qiu Zhenyang is quite satisfied.

In the end, until all the dishes were served, Guan Tang's boyfriend still didn't come.

Although neither Qiu Zhenyang nor Ling Mu mentioned this matter, Guan Tang felt very embarrassed. It was originally that he invited people to repay the guests, but now it is rude to let them wait on an empty stomach!

After talking about a topic, Guan Tang couldn't help but use the excuse of going to the bathroom to call her boyfriend.

"Achen, where have you been?" Guan Tang suppressed her anger and asked angrily.

An impatient voice came from the opposite side: "What's the hurry? It's almost here, just a minute or two."

Guan Tang tried to control his tone and said as gently as possible: "If you really can't make it in time, don't come, let's eat directly and let them I'm embarrassed to wait so long."

"What's the embarrassment for? Don't you just say it for a minute or two, wait, hang up.

" .

But no matter how angry they are, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu still have to let them know. After Guan Tang went back, he said that his boyfriend was coming soon, and greeted them to eat first.

"It's alright, let's eat with him." Qiu Zhenyang has always been patient, but Ling Mu is obviously starting to be unable to wait. Just now Guan Tang was about to leave when he went to the bathroom, but Qiu Zhenyang forced him to tell him. Just sat down again.

In the end, another ten minutes passed.

"Yo, the dishes are ready, I'm dying of starvation, hurry up and eat!" Guan Tang's boyfriend finally arrived late, and he sat down and started to eat.

Guan Tang quickly grabbed the man's arm to prevent him from moving. After winking several times, he turned around with a smile and introduced, "This is my boyfriend Nie Chen, the senior of our sophomore year, Ah Chen, this is Qiu Zhenyang and He Lingmu , they gave you the qualification for the internal test of "Machine Warfare"!"

Nie Chen swallowed what was in his mouth and carefully looked at Qiu Zhenyang for a while.

Originally, Qiu Zhenyang's expression was quite friendly, but the other party's eyes didn't seem to be kind, and his mouth gradually dropped, and his eyes became indifferent.

"Qiu Zhenyang, isn't it? Oh, as expected of a rich man, he was able to make games independently after he was in college, but I just don't know if the game is good or not." Nie Chen raised his glass, reluctantly as if he knew it, raised his head and took a sip. And do.

Guan Tang didn't expect him to say such a thing, so he couldn't help kicking him several times under the table.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he has a very low EQ and always talks nonsense!"

Guan Tang was still thinking about helping Nie Chen, but the other party didn't appreciate it: "What nonsense? I'm just describing objective facts, as for the game. Is it okay, I have to wait until I have played it before I know it, why, I haven't told anyone yet?"

Qiu Zhenyang has always been very personable, and since this person is Guan Tang's boyfriend, he just smiled and was ambiguous. He said, "Nie Chen is right. Whether it's good or not will only be known after playing it."

Ling Mu and Guan Tang both sensed the smell of sex between the two of them. The latter was so anxious that his forehead sweated. The former ignored him at all and just ate silently.

However, after just two bites, he couldn't take it anymore. After eating Qiu Zhenyang's dishes for a long time, it was really hard to accept these.

Therefore, Nie Chen was the only one eating happily at the dinner table, and Guan Tang was also tasteless. After poking his chopsticks in the bowl several times, he didn't eat much.

When Nie Chen had finished about half of the dishes on the table, a call came in. He answered the phone while eating, and turned on the speakerphone for convenience.

"Brother Chen, didn't you agree to play games? Why haven't you been online yet?"

A groaning voice that made one's skin crawl came from the terminal, Ling Mu's hand shook, and the chopsticks fell on the ground with a bang. on the table. Qiu Zhenyang took a sip of water, wiped his mouth with a tissue, crossed his arms on the table and looked at Guan Tang, and found that the other party's face turned pale, and his eyes became obviously dim.

"I'm eating." Nie Chen replied without anyone beside him, and he didn't forget to keep eating vegetables in his mouth.

The girl on the other end of the phone was a little unhappy when she heard the voice: "Is brother Chen accompanying her boyfriend? Oh, really, how can someone stick to their partner so much, it's just for a meal, why is our game important tonight? Brother Chen, if you don't come, you can't blame us if you lose~"

Guan Tang was so angry that she seemed to want to grab the terminal and argue with the woman for a while, but Nie Chen held her down.

"I see, come here soon, you all go online and wait for me first."

After saying this, Nie Chen hung up the phone, and then lowered his head and ate the dish he had put in the bowl before.

Guan Tang couldn't bear it anymore, frowned and asked Nie Chen in front of Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu, "Don't tell me you really want to leave?

" Mouth got up: "I have left beforehand, you guys eat slowly."

"Nie Chen, stop for me! Do you know the meaning of tonight's meal? If someone is willing to give you the qualification for the internal test, will you return it with such an attitude?" Although Guan Tang is petite and cute, her aura It was quite intimidating when it came up, and the voice was several degrees higher. If it wasn't in the private room, I'm afraid it would attract the attention of many people.

But Nie Chen didn't eat his way: "Are you annoying, say something, go."

He didn't even have the patience to explain, and just left Guan Tang here.

The door was pulled, and the room fell silent. Guan Tang sat down again, looking downcast and distressed.

Ling Mu suddenly opened his mind for some reason, and pushed Guan Tang the tissue next to him, signaling him to use it.

"Thank you..." Guan Tang took out a piece of paper and blew her nose very loudly, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect this to happen, if I knew earlier, he wouldn't be allowed to come here, why don't we just eat. Qiu Zhenyang tapped his finger on the table twice: "

Although it's not good to say these words based on the relationship we have only known each other for a while, I still advise you to see clearly and not get too deep."

Ling Mu was more direct: "What do you like about him?"

Guan Tang sighed helplessly, with memories in his eyes: "I am a person who likes to play games, but because players are generally unfriendly to omegas, I am very in the game. It's hard to hold on. I was scolded for a while and I almost retreated. Later, after I arrived at the Interstellar Academy, I was introduced to the school's game club. Cai, I've been with him every time I come and go."

This experience was really... unexpected.

Qiu Zhenyang raised his eyebrows and decided not to say anything.

With Nie Chen's disturbance, the meal could no longer be eaten, so Guan Tang went to settle the bill after eating some hastily.

Chapter 69

When preparing to say goodbye outside the store, Guan Tang asked Lingmu for the terminal number.

Ling Mu did not refuse, and gave him the terminal number directly. Guan Tang was a little surprised, but also a little excited. He squeezed his fist and said, "I thought you would consider whether to give it or not."

Ling Mu was puzzled: "What is there to consider?"

"I just feel that you may not You would be willing to be my friend, after all, you seem to be unwilling to deal with everyone." Guan Tang thought for a while, and came up with such a sentence.

Ling Mu couldn't refute, he didn't want to pay attention to others. Remembering that he was always talking to him this semester, Ling Mu suddenly asked, "You must have a lot of friends, why are you always pestering me?"

Qiu Zhenyang was quite relieved to hear it, but Ling Mu's words almost He made him vomit blood, and said quickly, "The way you asked is wrong, you should ask him what is so special about him that attracts him, so he has the idea of ​​making friends with you."

Ling Mu raised his eyebrows: "Oh , isn't it?"

Guan Tang listened to the conversation between the two, and immediately laughed, and said enviously, "The two of you have such a good relationship~ Actually, I understand what Ling Mu means, mainly because I think you are cool, and you and I Daddy's personality is very similar, and it makes me feel very kind!"

Ling Mu's expression was a bit indescribable.

Just when Qiu Zhenyang was about to say goodbye and leave, Guan Tang suddenly received a call. He glanced down, and it was Nie Chen who called.

Although what happened just now made him very angry, Guan Tang still answered the phone: "Hey, what's the matter? If you want to apologize, just admit your mistake while I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll forgive you right away."

While listening, Qiu Zhenyang took off his jacket and put it on for Ling Mu. This guy was too hot to go out without wearing a jacket. Qiu Zhenyang felt that the weather might be cold at night, so he brought a thin jacket out. Just put it on him.

Just when he listened to Guan Tang's words and felt that if Nie Chen apologized now, it would be a little bit conscientious, but the other party's words caused him to be full of disgust.

"What apology? You give me the money first, there are new props to buy. Our club has finally climbed to the top three, but we can't fall down just because we can't afford a prop. You are also one of the members of the club, you have to Do you know how to contribute?"

Guan Tang's expression instantly collapsed, and there seemed to be infinite grievances in his eyes.

With an "oh" sound, he frowned and lowered his head and pressed the terminal back and forth until he had sent the money before he asked Nie Chen again, "Have you received it?" The

other side said "I received it", and then continued. No thanks, just hung up the phone.

Qiu Zhenyang looked at him staring blankly at the terminal, sighed inwardly, and asked him, "What's the matter with the money? Does everyone in the club have to pay?"

Guan Tang shook his head: "No, Everyone doesn't have much money. My parents do a small business, so I don't have much money. Besides, my skills are poor, so I can't help you any more, so I can only do some money. It 's over."

Qiu Zhenyang was speechless when he heard this, but Ling Mu said, "Don't you think they use you as an ATM?" It's

direct and hurtful enough.

Hearing this made Guan Tang feel even more uncomfortable, with a shriveled mouth and a pack of tears in his eyes, which would not fall.

"I advise you to break up with him sooner rather than later, wouldn't this kind of man be kicked and kept for the new year?" Ling Mu pulled the coat Qiu Zhenyang put on him, and was not interested in continuing any longer. He said goodbye, turned around and left. .

Qiu Zhenyang could only leave him one last sentence: "If you have any difficulties, welcome to find us and leave first."

He waved his hand away, leaving Guan Tang standing alone, sighing and sighing for a long time before calming down a little. He walked slowly to his dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory, Qiu Zhenyang went to the kitchen to simply cook something, and the two of them shared the meal.

After eating and drinking, Ling Mu nibbled the fruit on the sofa and asked Qiu Zhenyang, "Why doesn't that kind of person care about Tang Tang?"

"I don't know if you ask me about this kind of thing. Or does he like that Nie Chen very much?" Qiu Zhenyang is not a person who likes gossip, and his relationship with Guan Tang has not reached that level yet, so he has no qualifications to investigate.

"If you're really curious, you can ask yourself. Don't you have Guan Tang's terminal number now? I'm sure he'll be happy to chat or something." Qiu Zhenyang guided Ling Mu to take the initiative to make friends. But Guan Tangxing is a very suitable person to be friends with Ling Mu.

However, Ling Mu was obviously not as active as Qiu Zhenyang thought. After a little pondering, he chose to refuse: "No, whatever, it's annoying."

Qiu Zhenyang: "..."

Well, Xiao Mumu has such a bad temperament and is annoying about everything. . It is also fortunate that he was chasing and beating Ling Mu so fiercely that he did not have a chance to breathe.

Seeing Ling Mu go back to his room, Qiu Zhenyang followed, but before he could enter the door, he saw the door panel slammed shut in front of him with a bang.

Also locked.

Alas, another night without a wife.

Before the contact with Guan Tang went further, the game cabin sent by my grandmother arrived first.

It happened to be Sunday, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu stayed at home directly, ready to get acquainted with them first.

Because they have the highest authority in the game, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu can directly enter the game before the internal test starts.

There are two kinds of game cabins, one is a custom model, and the other is a normal model. The normal model is larger and fits most players' bodies, while the customized model can be made according to the different requirements of each player. Come, relatively speaking, it will be more comfortable, and of course more expensive.

"After entering, look for room 005 and start the game together." Qiu Zhenyang said to Lingmu before entering the game cabin, and then they all connected to enter the game.

At the moment of connection, Qiu Zhenyang felt sleepy for a while, then closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, it was a completely different world.

His consciousness appeared in the form of a human on a bright and wide ground. The land could not see the end at a glance, only countless hanging doors standing not far away. Each of the floating doors looks very thin, but once they are opened and entered, automatic matching will begin, or the room number will be entered for team games.

Qiu Zhenyang looked around, Ling Mu was not here.

He didn't hesitate, and walked directly to a nearby door, the door opened automatically, and Qiu Zhenyang walked into a ray of light.

"Please enter the room number or select a random match."

"005." After Qiu Zhenyang said the room number, the surrounding scene immediately changed, forming a room the size of an ordinary living room. There are sofas and chairs in the room. Although they are all virtual, this game will scan the human body to calculate the physical strength and mental strength of the player, which is counted as part of the game talent settings, so taking a break can also improve some endurance.

Qiu Zhenyang walked to the sofa and sat down, clicked on the game instructions, and began to read.

These explanations are basically provided by Qiu Zhenyang to the technical team, and the person in charge has also talked to him in detail. Looking at these instructions now, they are indeed clear enough to be understood.

"Machine Warfare" is similar to the MOBA game in Qiu Zhenyang's previous world. It uses a planet as the game venue, and a total of 20 players are divided into two teams to play the game. Each player controls a character in one of the teams, earns gold coins by eliminating aliens, and then buys equipment in the virtual mall. Destroying the mothership of the opposing team is the final victory condition.

The game background will be slightly different because of the choices. Each team of ten people will have a map selection after entering the game. At that time, the system will randomly select one of the maps selected by everyone to play the game.

Qiu Zhenyang roughly scanned the instructions, and Ling Mu also came in at this moment.

He looked around the room curiously. After all, he didn't play games, so he was curious about this mode.

"Come on, come over and read the game introduction first. I'll team up with you to play a game later. Just listen to me and I'll show you." Qiu Zhenyang greeted Ling Mu and sat down, then called out Dynamic introductory video, projected onto the walls in the room.

Although I haven't played the game, the video explanation is clear, and Ling Mu has a general understanding after watching it once.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Zhenyang confirmed the mode and started a man-machine competition.

In the team mode, you can choose whether to turn on the voice or not. After Qiu Zhenyang turned on the voice, he instructed Ling Mu: "You come with me first, temporarily serve as my assistant, and I will take you through it."

Qiu Zhenyang chose the role of the marshal, the highest-ranking player in the team. Existence, as for Ling Mu, it is his adjutant, in short, an auxiliary position. There are still two fixed scouts left, and the other six characters can choose to be guards or assault soldiers. There is no limit to the number of single types.

In the early stage, if you want to improve the economy, you basically rely on aliens and some alien bosses. While explaining, Qiu Zhenyang led Lingmu to drive the mecha slowly to explore, and the rest of the mecha robots were carried out according to the various tasks assigned by Qiu Zhenyang.

When the level reached 10 and all the mecha's moves were unlocked, Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu to start a sneak attack.

There are two scouts in the team. They drive the lightest mechas, which are fast and stealthy. They can also fly, which is easy to find the location of enemy members and track and mark them.

Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu to ambush a marked enemy assaulter first. After he was equipped, he cooperated with his teammates to take down the three opposite assaulters. When the scouts were on the road, they were directly killed by the robot teammates directed by Qiu Zhenyang. The next two guards could not resist without the cooperation of the assaulters, and the game ended without the marshal and adjutant of the other party arriving.

After the fight was over, Ling Mu was still a little confused.

Although he is not familiar with the game, just a simple man-machine game made him nervous, excited, and excited!

The great thing about this game is that all the means of attack and defense, and even the combat effects, are within the technical scope allowed by the Interstellar Military Department, and the various methods are very different from the mechas in the school. Closer to the real battle scene!

For Ling Mu, this is what he wants to experience the most!

"One more time?" After returning to the room, Ling Mu still couldn't calm down, and even made another request to Qiu Zhenyang.

"Okay, you can play as many rounds as you want." Qiu Zhenyang smiled dotingly, "You can do anything as long as you like, but...that twice a week?"

He winked at Ling Mu, his expression rippling.

Originally, Qiu Zhenyang was only habitually teasing him, and he didn't hold out much hope, but what he didn't expect was that this time, under the temptation of the mecha, Ling Mu actually nodded and agreed!

At that moment, Qiu Zhenyang almost thought that he was dazzled, and he confirmed again: "You agree?"

Ling Mu frowned and looked at him: "Didn't I nod?"

"I'm not afraid that I'm hallucinating because of my expectations. Well, I can rest assured if you give me a certain answer!" With Ling Mu's nod, Qiu Zhenyang felt that his whole body was getting hot, not to mention playing games, even if he was really on the battlefield, he was enough!

The energetic Qiu Zhenyang rolled up his sleeves, ready to show off his skills!

"Come on, your husband, I will last forever, and you will be successful in 100 games!

" The little angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 1 cream pudding;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of the eighteen eight; 1 bottle of Xiaozhu, CpopQueen;

thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 70

Because "Machine Warfare" scans human body data to calculate the player's physical and mental strength, this game can be regarded as breaking the rules and can destroy some of people's bad impressions of the game.

After all, many people stay in the game cabin for a long time because of playing games, which can easily lead to physical problems. And the setting of "Machine Warfare" can make everyone pay more attention to physical fitness and pursue a healthy body for a better gaming experience.

Qiu Zhenyang knew that this might seem cumbersome in the eyes of many players, but he was not afraid that others would abandon the tour.

Because, this is an addictive game that you can't stop playing!

Originally, according to Ling Mu's idea, he planned to practice until dinner time in the evening, but he couldn't play for more than three hours. A game lasted for almost an hour, and he only played four games in total, and when he came out of the game cabin, he was still not satisfied.

"Don't be discouraged, we usually do more exercise together to strengthen our physical strength, and the game time can be extended." Qiu Zhenyang comforted Ling Mu and walked downstairs to the living room with him, thinking about what to do in the evening.

As a result, Ling Mu directly grabbed his arm on the stairs, stood on the steps one step higher than Qiu Zhenyang, looked at him reluctantly and said, "Why don't you look tired at all?"

Qiu Zhenyang was stunned for a moment. He could n't help laughing: "Because I'm an alpha, an alpha would have a lot better physical strength than an omega."

Ling Mu was very dissatisfied with this statement: "My physical strength is also very good."

Crawling and rolling, if it wasn't for physical strength and running fast, I don't know how many times I would have been beaten to death by those alphas who were not looking for trouble.

Qiu Zhenyang didn't expect this, but he felt deeply about it on the other hand, nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, my wife's physical strength is really good, I think it's incredible that you survived that week. What!" The

flirting king Qiu Zhenyang made Ling Mu's ears turn red in one sentence, the latter pretended not to hear using the ostrich strategy, and ran downstairs and quickly escaped.

Although they missed lunch time, the two who were immersed in the game just now didn't notice that they were hungry, and now they feel it after coming out.

Qiu Zhenyang made some simple meals with the fastest speed. Ling Mu is not a picky eater. As long as Qiu Zhenyang cooks it, he has never disliked it.

After lunch, they lay down on the two sofas in the living room to relax.

The weather is getting colder, and now the air conditioner is hardly turned on, and the windows of the dormitory are opened to let in the natural wind.

The overly comfortable environment made both Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu feel sleepy. The temperature belonging to the sun was brought in by the soft wind sporadically. The hair on Qiu Zhenyang's forehead was swayed, and the corners of Ling Mu's shirt fluttered gently. All so quiet and beautiful.


is less than a week before the day of the closed beta. As long as there is free time this week, Qiu Zhenyang will almost always bring Ling Mu into the game. I have to say that Ling Mu does have a good talent in mecha. After a week, he has almost been able to keep up with Qiu Zhenyang's pace, and he can even lead his team's small offensive mecha by himself to face the local adjutant.

Qiu Zhenyang also let Ling Mu play the role of the marshal a few times, and found that his overall situation and arrangement are in place, and he is a good leader.

It's just that it's always boring to play just the two of them, so they're all looking forward to the closed beta at 8:00 on Saturday morning.

After finally waiting until the night before the start of the service, the two of them set an alarm clock to avoid accidentally oversleeping.

bell bell bell -

When the alarm clock rang, Ling Mu flicked in Qiu Zhenyang's arms and opened his eyes instantly.

"Qiu Zhenyang, get up..." He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, his sour body movements a little stiff.

The people on the side didn't want to open their eyes, they frowned and hugged the waist of the person in their arms, then pulled them back, hugged Xiangxiang's soft wife and rubbed hard.

Ling Mu was thinking about starting the server, and pushed Qiu Zhenyang's face indiscriminately, trying to pull himself out of his sturdy arms: "Get up quickly, it's half past seven, get something to eat and go to the game, the internal test will be launched today. There should be a lot of convincing people."

Last night, Qiu Zhenyang pestered him to do it for a long time, if it wasn't for Lingmu's insistence that he could only do it once, Qiu Zhenyang might have tossed him until the morning!

But even so, this time, the torture was extremely unbearable, and Ling Mu now deeply regrets that he actually agreed to Qiu Zhenyang's conditions.

"If you don't get up again, next week's subscription will be cancelled!" After finally getting up from the bed, Ling Mu yelled at Qiu Zhenyang before returning to his room to wash and dress, which immediately woke people up. Qiu Zhenyang yawned and sat up. He casually took a vest at the head of the bed and put it on his body, and went to the bathroom to wash with his messy hair.

He moved quickly, and when Ling Mu went downstairs, Qiu Zhenyang was already preparing breakfast.

"This is the sandwich I prepared last night. It's already hot. I'll heat the milk."

Because he was worried that he would not be able to get up this morning, Qiu Zhenyang prepared breakfast for today after having eaten last night.

Ling Mu also entered the kitchen, took out two fruits from the refrigerator, and peeled them next to Qiu Zhenyang. Because Lingmu had the experience of cutting knives and fingers before, Qiu Zhenyang later bought very safe kitchen utensils for Lingmu to use when he wanted to do it. For example, a fruit-cutting knife has complete protection measures, so even a novice who knows nothing will not be hurt.

The two prepared breakfast together, then brought it to the living room and finished it together.

"Okay, it's almost eight o'clock, let's play the game." The two of them were not slow to eat, and it was almost time to start the server after the solution was over.

They each went back to their rooms, opened the game cabin to enter, and waited for the game to start.

At the same time, tens of thousands of players entered their game cabins and waited in various places in the capital star where the internal test of "Machine Warfare" was launched.

At eight o'clock, the game officially opens!

"Welcome all players to the game world of "Machine Warfare", please do real-name authentication first, choose basic player information, and choose game settings."

Everyone filled in their information, took a satisfactory game name, and then chose the appearance. Changes have also been made, with most opting not to reveal their true looks and true gender.

"Dear players, please choose random room or room designation after entering the option door. There will be a preliminary instructional video when entering the room later."

According to the command of the system, everyone chose random after entering the option door. After all It's the first time I've played this game, and I don't have the awareness to form a team.

Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu still entered the same room. There was also a live broadcast machine in the room. Qiu Zhenyang operated the live broadcast and started the live broadcast on his own platform. Because this time is basically equivalent to publicity, and it is also to let everyone have a preliminary understanding of the game, so Qiu Zhenyang chose the official account of "Machine Wars", and he will set up a separate account for Lingmu in the future.

Because Qiu Zhenyang made high-profile propaganda during the live trial of the trial, many people came to watch today when the internal test server was launched.

Considering that everyone was probably still in the game description, they waited a little while to match up. But despite this, the time to wait for a match is almost ten minutes long.

After finally matching people, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu were shocked at the same time, eagerly waiting to enter.

After the game started, Qiu Zhenyang was about to open the voice to discuss with everyone about his role as the marshal, but the voice hadn't been opened yet, and the marshal had already been chosen by one of them in seconds.

He raised his eyebrows, there is no marshal to take the adjutant.

As soon as the idea came out, the adjutant was chosen.

Qiu Zhenyang: "..."

In short, when Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu were silent, the marshals, adjutants, and assault soldiers were all selected, and there were two fixed scout positions left, and none of the guards.

"There are no guards to shield the mothership, are you going to use your body to build a city wall? Didn't the game description read well?" Ling Mu was angry, and immediately exploded.

As soon as he opened his mouth, someone immediately came up: "What kind of guards do you want? You haven't played any other games, brother, with me as a marshal, you can't lose."

Another commando player sneered: "This game is really It's disgusting, you still choose your own characters, is it interesting to fight fast, but you have no strength."

"Who are you calling a rookie? I'll let you see the strength of the eight-year-old players of "Spark" later!"

Even the adjutant mixed in. Come in: "A group of idiots, all talking big."

In short, before the game started, everyone started mocking each other...

This situation appeared in the live broadcast, and a lot of barrage appeared in an instant:

[Why is this game like this? of? Such a strange pattern. ]

[Go away, trash game. ]

[I feel very interesting! Look and say. ]

[These people are really ugly, they mock others for a few pounds and a few taels, low burst! ]

Qiu Zhenyang couldn't see the situation in the live broadcast room, but he was a little speechless in the face of such a situation. He knew that this situation would not only happen to him, it should appear in most of the opening games. After all, everyone is used to the mode that the system assigns characters randomly, and sudden changes will definitely bring discomfort and some conflicts.

But there is no need to change anything, and things will definitely change over time.

The game started with everyone's ridicule. Because Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu took on the role of scouts, their attack and defense power were very low, but their speed was fast enough. The two chose two different routes, and at the same time turned on the room voice and began to exchange information.

The game of "Machine Warfare" is based on a small planet, but because the speed of the mecha is extremely fast, it basically only takes three or four minutes to walk the entire map.

In the process of groping forward, Qiu Zhenyang cleaned up all the strange beasts along the way, and bought equipment with full of virtual coins in his pocket. Although these players have read the game instructions, they obviously do not agree with it. They are limited to their previous game cognition and play the game in their own way.

Qiu Zhenyang was actually too lazy to talk, but remembered that he was currently broadcasting live and had to attract players. After thinking about it, he should still be a commentator.

"In the map, these alien beasts are all useful. Destroying alien beasts or the opponent's small offensive mecha can earn virtual currency to buy attack, defense or attribute bonus equipment. What I have now is a scout. Character, attack and defense attribute land, but the advantage is that it is fast and has high perception, which is suitable for tracking the whereabouts of the place."

As he spoke, an enemy assault soldier appeared in his eyes.

Qiu Zhenyang first explained to the audience in the live broadcast room according to the conventional methods of scouts. After speaking, he used his speed to approach, and then used his superb fighter to take away the opponent's head.

"If the scouts have no financial support in the early stage, it is not recommended to confront the assault soldiers." He said coolly, and then continued to move forward.

At this moment, the barrage has exploded:

[My God, the action just now is so handsome! ]

[This game is so realistic, the operations and movements of those mechas just now are as good as the real ones! ]

[As expected of the young master of the Legion family, he has the right to receive support from the military. You must know that "Spark" has only obtained the privilege of requisitioning the shape of the mecha. These offensive or defensive operations and pictures are not within the scope of authorization! ]

[My God, even the scouts can play so well, I regret not making an appointment for the beta test now! ]

[Me too! Can't wait to play the game! ]

Just relying on one head, Qiu Zhenyang has already moved the audience's emotions.

And when the staff, following Qiu Zhenyang's previous instruction, released an additional Lingmu game screen from the live broadcast perspective, the entire live broadcast room exploded.

[Anchor: Ling Mu...is that Qiu Zhenyang's omega? This operation? ? ? ]

[My God, he's so strong, he's also a scout, right? He's no slower than Qiu Zhenyang in killing the enemy's assault soldiers! ]

[This is the first time I've seen an omega that is so good at playing games... is it fake? ]

[So handsome, so handsome! Woohoo, finally O has breathed out for us, all A and B are optimistic, not all O's are good at playing games! Please eliminate prejudice! ]

[What are you yelling about, that person is just too naive, this omega will still have to crawl later. ]

[+1 for removing prejudice! This O is my new idol! ]

Just like that, before Ling Mu didn't know it, his handsome operation had already made him the idol of many omegas.
