chapter 1

Clarke. What no way your the real Anna Kendrick

Anna.yes in the flesh are you a fan

Clarke. Yes I am but if my leader in my adoption home found out he would take everything I have of you away

Anna. Omg that's so unfair what's your adoption center named

Clarke.mountain view do you know it

Anna. Mountain view... Clarke.... I have to go

Clarke.okay bye

And with that she was gone I told robyn and Kellie she looked really surprised when I said mountain view

About an hour later Marie called saying that there was someone here who wanted to talk to me so I said good bye to the girls and left

As I walked back to the center I thought more and more about the whole anna Kendrick thing and I rememebered she had left her kid there 13 years ago

When I arrived back at the center Marie looked frightened and upset I then noticed the tall figure sanding at the information desk

No.. It couldn't be the tall figure turned around and I ran to my room and locked the door trying to put as much space as possible between me and him

His name was Paul he was the first person who properly adopted me and him and Hus wife Chloe were so nice until one night Chloe was in a car crash and he started to hurt me and I ran away.

I came back here and told someone and the guards were called i thought it was all over.

I lay on my bed thinking and I drifted off to sleep

Hey guys I'm so sorry i havnt updated in a while i havnt had my phone I'm so sorry that this chapter is probably crap sorry

