chapter 8

'That's actually what I came to talk to you about you see...'

'Clarke here is a fighter and has a good chance of wakeing up in the next few days' I heard the nurse say

'I can see there's something else' Anna said

'First we did a blood test and we are happy to say that she is your child Anna congratulations.. Second I did a test to see if the father was the first or the second guy.. Well it was sky emm the second guy ' the nurse said

'Oh emm I'll -I'll be right back' I heard Anna say and then I heard the door slam

'Lastly clarke might not remember who anyone is when she makes up and that's all I'm sorry' the nurse said and I gears the click of her heals as she walked away

The room was quiet almost to quiet

'This can't be happening' I heard the mysterious boy said

That's was the only thing anybody had said for seemed like hours when Anna finally walked in

' guys she's my girl she is my little girl..' I heard her wisper ' and I might lose her'

'Anna who was the father' shat said


' who' I heard rowan and shay say

I felt my eye twitch... And my fingers started moving... So did my toes

Yes yes yes I thought I'm wakeing up

I tried to open my eyes but it didn't work I tried and tried and tried again until finally I felt it slowly open...

Both my eyes were open and I was looking at the faces if each person in the room I landed on a boy he seemed tall and adorable

My eyes suddenly looked at anna... My mum.. My family.. My chance at a new life...

'A-anna' I barly got out everyone's eyes darted to me they hadn't realized I was awake until now

She ran to my side and took my hand all of them were surrounding me tears of happiness on some of there faces

' I'm here baby girl I'm here ' anna said threw tears

An hour past and the happiness and joy died down. The boys name was Peyton of course.. Peyton Meyer

I hasn't realized what I was asking before the words escaped my mouth

'Anna whos my dad' I said looking away from her

Just then I heard loud footsteps comeing quickly down the corridor

I hide under my blanket as a first instinct but someone a boy.. No a man pulled them down

' clarke' he said

I just looked scardly from anna and back to him

' yes that's me ' I answered my voice shakeing

He engulfed me in a hug I was still confused who was this person. I couldn't see his face clearly because He had shades on and was wearing a beanie

'Who are you' I said looking at anna and him wanting one of them to tell Me

' he's your dad' I'm skylar ' and and him said at the same time

' skylar astin' I said unsure and he removed his shades

It was him... I ran... Out the door... Down the corridor ... To the bathroom..

'Clarke.. Clarke ' I heard someone shouting after me but I kept going in to the bathroom and into one of the stalls

It was to muchto handle I broke down in tears.. The three of them shay anna and Skylar knew u was born yet none if them ever decided to take me away from that wretched place

I heard the bathrrom door open and soft voice say my name... It was peyton

' go away ' I said threw my tears

' come hear Clarke tell me what's wrong'

' no you don't understand '

' try me ' I hears him say and I smiled I opened the stal door and went straight in his arm and continued to cry uncontrollably into his shoulder

'They know who I am pey they knew I was born yet they still let me live and suffer in the stupid adoption center ' I said crying

He pulled away a bit and looked into my eyes

' they loved you clarke they still do Skylar just flew down here from Canada when he realized that you were here after anna told him you were his child .. Anna hasn't been back to her home for ages. They love you clarke and so do i ' Peyton said blushing and looked away

I moved his face back to look at me.. Then I leaned in and our lips touched it was amazing his mouth tasted like mint and chocolate

I pulled away and looked down

' sorry I didn't mean to' I said

' look at me clarke'

I looked up and he kisses me again this time it was short but sweet

' I really Like you Clarke I have since the minute I laid eyes on you' he said his arms wrapping around my waist

' you have omg really yes.... I mean I really like you to '

' are you feeling any better ' he said seriously this time

' ye I guess it isn't really there fault they had jobs and were really young'
I said smiling looking into Peyton's eyes

'You do realize your in the girls bathroom right' I said laughing

He laughed back and leaned down and kissed me again

' will you go out with me clarke '

' yes yes yes ' I said hugging him

We walked slowly Hans in hand back to my room when we got there I pulled my hand from his opened the door and I went and hugged anna and Skylar who were both standing talking quietly by my bed

' I'm sorry'

So that just happened so what so you guys think... I updated early because I got that idea and had to write so the next update will be at 600 reads love you guys xxx

