Chapter 37

I woke up by daddy and i decided i am going to go for a run. I went to my room and got changed into sweat pants,hoddie and my running shoes.

I walked out and went and check on bella and austin, i saw them still asleep so i went downstairs. I grabbed some food and i left a note for them to say i was going for a run.

I ran out the door and ran into the woods. I ran for a while then i had a sharp pain and i fell and rolled down a little hill and i stood up on four paws.

Wait what? FOUR PAWS! I looked at myself a little and saw i was a big wolf, I looked around and i saw a guy and i wimpered, he said," hey it alright everything will be fine."

I nodded and he shifted into a wolf same size as me," it ok just follow me i'll take you to the pack and it will be ok."

He ran i followed and we got to this little house and he said," my name is Jacob by the way, i'll get sam."

I thought," who is sam?"

Jacob," he the pack alpha."

I nodded and he went and shifted back and ran into the little house, a few min later some guys and two girls came out. One guy said," think of being human and you'll shift back, but you will be naked."

I shifted back but i had my cloths on. They looked shocked the guy said," wow we are not able to keep our cloths when we shift but you can, by the way i am sam."

I smiled and said," hi i am rachel."

He nodded and said," the guys are, seth,paul,quill,embery,Jacob and me, the girls are leah who the only girl werewolf till now, and emily my wife."

I smiled and told them hi, sam sat me on a seat and cut my hair shorter and he said," i giving you a tattoo for the packs symbol."

I pulled him closer and whispered into his ear," um.. I'm pregnant will the ink effect my baby."

He's eyes widen and shock his head no. I nodded and he did the tattoo. It looked cool, i got up and walked around and said," i better get back home, where are we exactly?"

Seth said," forks, Washington"

Isaid," what! I live in L.A."

Jacob laughed," we ran here from there, it doesn't take long when. We run in wolf form."

I said," ok, can i go home now, my dad must be wondering where i am.''

Sam said," we will come with you, your dad might want expiation from why u got your hair cut and the tattoo."

I nodded and we shifted and we ran all the way back to my house. We shifted back when we were close to the house

I said," stay outside the house i'll call you guys when needed."

They nodded, i went into the house and saw daddy and my uncles on the couch, uncle kendall notice me," what happen to you?!"

Daddy looked at me shocked and a little mad, he walked to me and said," what did you do to your hair! What is that a tattoo?! Your so much in trouble, you better expain now."

I yelled," sam! Come in now!"

Sam came through the door and smiled, i said," tell my dad please and tell him what happen with my hair and the tattoo."

He nodded and explain everything to my dad how it was in my family blood that i an a were wolf and how this is going to be for my life.

Dad calmed down after and sam said," i gotta get back to the house and i'll come see you somethime."

I nodded and hugged sam," thanks for everything sam."

He hugged back then he left, for the rest of he day we watched movies.
