Chapter 17

I woke up to someone shaking me, i open my eyes and i saw that it was uncle Kevin, uncle kendall brother. i asked him," what are you doing here uncle kevin?"

he said," your daddy called me and asked me to bring you home and watch you till you go to the austin and ally set because the taping of the show today is running longer than expected."

i said," oh okay can i go see them to tell them bye please."

he said," sure ." he picked me up off of the couch and then he put me on his hip and we made our way to were daddy and the others were. i saw them talking to each other and i looked at uncle kevin and he smiled at me and then i yelled," DADDY!"

he turned and notice it was me and uncle kevin put me down and i went to daddy and he picked me up and kissed my check and he placed me on his hip then he said," why you here baby girl i thought that you be on your way home now."

i said," i want to come and say good bye."

he said," okay."

i asked him, " can i go to the set with my scooter?

he said," sure but be safe."

i gave him a hug and then he past me around me to my uncles and ii hugged them, then i was in uncle kevin arms again, then he started to walk away i said," bye."

they said," bye."

uncle kevin and i went to his car and we made our way home in no time.
