Chapter 21

we walked into the dressing room and ross said," we got you clothes to change into for the scene."

i said," okay i will get changed into them." ross gave me the clothes and went out the door of the dressing room, when i was done i open the door i saw ross there and i said," hi."

he said," hey, ready to go?"

i said," yes, can i have a piggy back ride?"

ross said," sure, get on." he bent down and i got onto his back, I put my arms around his neck and put my legs around his waist and he held onto my legs, then he started to walk.

We made our way to the set and when we arrived there we saw the others and we walk to them and I waved and they waved back. Noah said," Rachel ready for your first acting gig?"

I got off of Ross back and said," yes I am."

The director said," guys were back get to you places."


( A/N this is just a fictional part of Austin and Ally I made it up)

I walked into sonic boom and I saw Austin talking to ally and I went to them and I said," hey Austin."

He said," hey babe." He hugged me and I looked at ally and said," hey ally."

She said," hi angel how is everything?"

I said," great," then dez and Trish came in sonic boom and I waved to them and and said," hey guys."

They said," hey angel."

Trish said," are you going to watch Austin preform tonight."

I said," of course I never would miss it for the world."

Austin said," that's my girl." He gave me a kiss on the lips and we pulled away from each other and Austin said," let'a go."

He grabbed my hand and we made our way to the stage that they put in the food court and Austin got on stage and said into the mic." Thanks for coming and now here is not a love song."

He played and that was it.


The director cut, we are done for the day good job guys, you can go home."

We lined up and we took a bow in front of the crowd and they clapped. Ross and I went back to the dressing room and got change, then we made our way outside and I went my scooter and I turned to Ross and said," I love you and I will se you in two days."

He said," why two days?"

I said," cause of Christmas silly." He made a O shape with his mouth then nodded. He kissed me and I got onto my scooter, Ross steeped back and I started it and I waved at Ross and he did the same, then I was on my way home.

When I got home I said hi to everyone and gave them a hug and I told them I was going to bed and I went to my room and got changed and made my way into my bed and I fell asleep.
