[EP 5] They found out anyway

Tay was starting to get a little suspicious of his son, Pond. He was always gone for days without letting them know where he was going. He only lets them know when he will be back. It wasn't for work. He was somewhere in the village but he didn't know where.  

"Hin, where is Pond?" 

"Where he usually goes when he's back, out." New didn't think too much about what Tay said as he laid out the food. 

"Do you think Pond is seeing someone secretly?" Tay voiced out his thought as he ate. 

"Why would he need to do it secretly? It's not like we would disapprove of anyone he likes." New thinks that Tay was thinking too much once again. But Tay wasn't willing to let it go. Fourth had walked in at the right moment.

"Fot, do you know where your brother went?" He was about to answer before he remembered that Pond had wanted it to be kept as a secret. He quickly shrugged instead. Tay narrowed his eyes as he eyed Fourth suspiciously. 


 "Paaw is starting to suspect, we should warn Phi Pond straight away" Fourth whispered harshly to Gemini.

"If you go now, Paaw would probably follow you and he would find out for sure." Fourth sighed at what Gemini said. 

"Then what?" Fourth felt helpless in helping his brother. 

"We sit and wait. I don't know why Phi Pond is adamant that Paaw don't find out. He clearly loves him. He practically throw heart eyes at him the moment he sees him." Unbeknownst to them, Tay and New were listening in on their conversation. New had quickly pushed Tay away from the door before they find out.   

Tay was stumped as to why his son would hide this from him.

"Tay... You're making me dizzy." New complained as Tay was pacing back and forth when they reached their bedroom. 

"Why would Pond hide this from us?" It didn't make sense to Tay at all. 

"Did you ever say anything to Pond to make him overthink? Did you ever disapprove of something he mentioned? Maybe he hinted at you that he liked someone and you disapproved?" New kept throwing ideas out there. Pond was Tay's son in this area. Both of them tend to overthink to a point that makes him dizzy. 

"No, I don't think I ever said any word of disapproval. You would have been the first to know if he hinted at liking someone." Tay tried to remember his recent conversation with Pond but there was nothing that would make him hide such an important information in his life. 

"We could test him and see?" New suggested. Tay just hope New's idea don't backfire. Nothing has ever gone according to plan in their books.   


Tay had waited patiently the next time Pond came back from his business trip. He tried to be patient as New thought it was best and waited a few days. 

"I think we shouldn't wait any longer. I'll talk to him during dinner." New nodded his head. Pond had sat down for dinner along with Fourth and Gemini. Tay didn't know why he was nervous. New had nudged him. He nodded

"Son, how has things been going?" He decided to take things slow by asking a common question. 

"Everything is good, the business is doing well." Tay had not expected Pond's quick and direct answer. He used to elaborate and talk with so much energy that he wondered how he would stop him. Tay decided to take the plunge

"Are you seeing anyone recently?" Pond looked stunned for a moment. Every cell in his body told him to tell them but the fear in him took control. He shook his head. 

"Maybe I should introduce someone to you then, you are of age." New looked at Tay as if he wanted to strangle him physically. Tay could practically hear him asking if he was seriously taking this route. None of them noticed that Pond was clenching his fist. 

"No, I would appreciate if you didn't. I'm sorry, I think lost my appetite." Pond left the table. Tay and New were bickering at this point. 


Pond had waited until sunrise before he left to find Dunk. Dunk had ran straight into his arms when he saw him. He had kept away longer this round when Fourth had mentioned that their parents were starting to suspect. 

"The Jumpol kid?" Pond was surprised to hear his Paaw's voice behind him. He truly didn't expect his Paaw and Pa to be right behind him. Pond noticed how quickly Dunk had untangled himself from him. He could see his brain working a way out. Joong's words echoed in his mind. 

He would do anything to make you happy.    

"Khun Paaw, Khun Pa. Nice to see you. It's just a misunderstanding, I-" Pond had stopped Dunk before he denied their relationship. The idea of it hurts him and it would hurt Dunk more to say it. Joong's words echoed in his mind. 

Don't let your sunflower wither away.

"Yes, Paaw, Pa. It's exactly what you saw. We're in a relationship and I love Dunk." Pond had held on to Dunk's hand as he spoke. Dunk's eyes widen when he heard Pond's confession.  Both of them looked towards Tay and New, waiting for their reaction.

"I don't understand, son. Why would you hide this from us? Both of you were peas in a pod from the moment you've met. I wouldn't be surprise if you were more than friends." New had nodded excitedly. He had been placing a bet with Tay for years. He couldn't be more happy. 

"Because of you, Paaw. You didn't want any of us to mention the Jumpol name." Tay's eyes widen at what Pond said. 

"When did I say that?" he whispered to New loudly. New was cracking his brain as he tried to remember. 

"Ooh, cham dai leow ( I remember now)!! You did. 2 or 3 years ago, Pond was happily sharing about his time with Dunk and you went "Don't you ever mention the Jumpol family ever again!" But none of us know why." Pond nodded his head frantically to acknowledge what his Pa said. It really wasn't all in his head. 

" I did?" Tay still couldn't believe he said it but when New and Pond answered "Yes, you did!" without a beat. He knew it had to be the truth. 

"But why was I angry?" New shrugged at Tay's question.

"Paaw, are you telling me, you weren't angry at them all these while? That I can be with Dunk?" Pond looked hopefully towards Tay.

"Of course, you can be with Dunk. You were with him the moment you laid eyes on him. I still don't remember what I was angry about" New rolled his eyes. He knew his husband was forgetful but he had never come upon a person who had forgotten a grudge he held. That person just had to be his husband. 

"Papii, did you break Tay's art pieces?" All of them were surprised to see that everyone from Dunk's family was actually looking at the drama unfold along with Joong. 

"Of course not, do you think I'm as clumsy as Tay?" Off huffed. Tay wanted to retort but New's look said it all. He knew it was a lost cause. He had to admit he was clumsy. 

"Are you still angry at us, Tay?" Gun asked innocently

"You know I would never be angry at you, Gun." Tay went over and gave him a hug before Off shooed him off. Pond and Dunk looked on as their parents went into the house bickering but yet laughing like old times. Dunk's sibling followed after them. They shook their head and laughed at how weird their parents were. Pond had leaned his forehead against Dunk as he sighed in relieve.

"No more secrets." Pond whispered. Dunk nodded his head with a smile and his eyes close. He was afraid of getting emotional if he were to look at Pond's eyes. He wasn't surprise when he felt Pond's soft lips on him. It started out slow with Pond sealing his apology for making Dunk wait this long but it got more heated as Pond poured everything into the kiss- all of longing, his love, and his passion for his sunflower. Pond was practically devouring him by the end of it. 

Joong didn't know if they would be happy if they knew that everyone was looking at them, especially their parents.

"They look good together, don't they?" New asked softly. Tay nodded as he rested his chin on his shoulder.  Off and Gun couldn't agree more. 

"Who won the bet?" New asked as he looked towards Tay, Off and Gun.

"None of us bet against them so all of us won?" the four of them laughed.  


Joong had mixed feelings about what he saw. He was glad that Dunk in this timeline finally found his happiness but yet there was this heavy feeling in his heart. He missed his Dunk. He wants his Dunk. He needed him. He promise he will never take him for granted again. Tears slide down his face as he forced himself to sleep, dreaming of his time with his Dunk.    

A/N: kinda sorry for the video dump. Just couldn't choose so you just pick what you wanna watch and go to the next para. You can watch all if you like🤣🤣


Added scene:

"Gun... I think I remember now... I really did break one of Tay's prized art piece 3 years ago and it was one of its kind." Off confessed at the dead of the night in their bedroom. Gun wanted to strangle his husband so much for causing all the heartache in their youngest son but he loves his husband too much. They were lucky that Tay had forgotten about it but they still needed to take precaution. Hopefully he will never remember it. He couldn't hold in the frustration in his next words. 

"Papii!! Don't you ever mention it. Not to New or any of the kids." Off nodded shakily. If Tay were to remember, Off will never hear the end of it. He tried to comfort his sulky husband, hoping that he will forgive him. Perhaps Tay's clumsiness had rubbed off him that day. He was never ever clumsy to begin with. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I don't know why but this came to mind. Just thought of adding a little comedy to it. 🤭🤭

what do you think? 

I think this series will end tomorrow. It really is a short series 🤣🤣  
