[EP 3] Pond and Dunk are...

Joong was surprised that Phi Pompam was the so called shaman. 

"Aah.... a friend from another world... or is it from another time? things aren't clear here... You are here for a reason." Joong had waited in anticipation for Phi Pompam to continue but he had stopped at that. 

"And? how do I get home, phi?" Joong asked anxiously. 

"You'll get home when you get the answer you are looking for. That's why you are here." Phi Pompam answered as a matter of fact. Was that even an answer?! Joong could feel his anger rising due to his panic. He felt Dunk's hand on his neck. Dunk always knew how to cool him down. Even if this Dunk didn't know him. 

"Thank you Phi Pompam. You were of great help." Dunk wai-ed towards Phi Pompam before helping him up. Pond and Dunk decided to show Joong around the village along with Force and Book to cheer him up. Dunk had dragged Joong to all the different stalls in the market with great enthusiasm. Dunk was still the same foodie who introduced different interesting food to him. He had made him laughed despite the distress that he was in. He felt that all was good with his faen by his side. Even though it was a different version of him, he was essentially the same. 

Pond and Dunk were relieved that Joong was in a good mood by the end of the trip. Joong was surprised when they had arranged for Joong to sleep with Pond. He was also a guest at the house. 

"Don't worry, my friend. You will have the room to yourself. I'll be back in the morning." Joong had nodded in confusion. True to his words, Pond had disappeared from the room in the middle of the night and he appeared back in the room by the next morning. They had breakfast together before Pond hugged Dunk goodbye. He needed to leave the village for work. He would be back the day after.  Joong had shadowed Dunk for the day and he was captured by the serious side of Dunk. Force and Book witnessed as Joong followed Dunk like a lost puppy. Win had looked strangely at him but he had his signature smile. Joong could sort of see the resemble between Win and Dunk, even Book and Dunk. 

Win had held it in for days but he could no longer hold in his curiousity. He may look harmless but he was starting to get worried for his brother. Dunk was the youngest in the family and the most innocent one. He looked towards Force and Book so they get the hint and investigate into it. Force had promptly nodded his head. 

"Dunk said you were a foreign trader. what exactly do you trade?" Joong was surprised by Win's question. Dunk did not anticipate that at all, he had wondered how he would answer. Pond had came back right at the moment when he asked. He had looked at Dunk in panic. Dunk was about to answer on Joong's behalf but Win had held his hand up to stop him so he may listen to Joong's answer.  

"I trade... skills. Mainly for theatres. I dance, sing and act." All of them look at him in confusion. 

"Like this." He sang the song no worries by LYKN while dancing to the moves he practiced before he went to Paris for the YSL event. 

Dunk had clapped excitedly when Pond tried to imitate his moves. Pond had gotten the hang of it in no time. Apparently, Pond's love for dancing transcends lifetime. Dunk had cheered for Pond like he usually does that had Joong smiling. Dunk's cute clumsy attempt had them all laughing. Joong was starting to think that it was possible for him to stay here even if he doesn't find his way back. He would court Dunk once again if he needed to. It was beginning to feel like home.   


Joong couldn't help but be curious when Pond left the room in the middle of the night once again. He had quietly followed him only to realize that he was sleeping in Dunk's room. He wondered why he needed to be sneaky about it. They were best friends after all, weren't they?

Joong couldn't really understand what was different in the relationship between Pond and Dunk in this lifetime. They acted like they usually did, there was nothing different compared to the Pond and Dunk in his lifetime. That was until one night, he saw them kissing underneath a tree under the moonlight. He was surprised when Book was beside him, quietly observing without disapproval. 

"None of us know why Pond felt the need to keep their relationship secret. Dunk had already told all of us and we don't see any harm in it. Pond is good for him. His smile is always brighter when he is around. But Dunk plays along with him anyway." Joong could feel the blood rushing to his ears at what Book said. 

Pond and Dunk is in a relationship?!


Joong had quickly retreated back to his room after what Book revealed. He couldn't stop pacing the room.

Dunk is with Pond, Dunk is with Pond!!

Joong was mentally shouting at this point. He didn't dare to voice it out, afraid that he would cause a commotion in the household. The possessive part of him wanted to own Dunk from this lifetime but yet he couldn't be selfish. This wasn't his Dunk. He would need to return to his time at some point so there was no point for him to push this notion only to leave Dunk in despair after.

His longing for his Dunk grew stronger after what he learnt. Memories of him spending time with his Dunk flashed across his mind. 

He wondered how he was doing. The tears starting coming as loneliness creeped in. His determination to return back to his timeline grew ten fold.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: A little late since I was busy watching snippets of the HK fanmeeting. Feels so scandalous publishing this on Joong's birthday😅😅 I'll see if it's possible to add it in the series... praying that the youtube gurus upload some edit before I publish tomorrow. 

I don't think this would come to a surprise to anyone since I had to put the warning far ahead of time. Biggest spoiler of all but I had to since I'm afraid of getting burned.😅😅 

Funny by yet sad EP. what do you think? 
