[EP 2] Where am I?

Joong had woken up to a strange place. He wasn't in front of his house anymore. It was a vast land with no building in sight. 

"Mae!!" he shouted. He continued to shout each of his siblings' name but none of them were around. He felt like he was walking for hours before he came upon a historical looking building in front of him. 

It looks like a Wat (temple). Was it a temple? 

That's when he saw him. He couldn't believe his luck when he saw Dunk standing there and playing with his umbrella as if he was waiting for someone.   

"Dunk!!" he shouted. Joong didn't give him time to respond when he rushed over to hug him. He was surprised when Dunk pushed him away.

"Who are you, sir? I'm sorry to say I don't know you. How do you know my name, if I may ask?" He wondered why Dunk spoke in such formal language. Dunk's confusion made Joong confused. He felt hurt from Dunk's act. How could his faen say he didn't know him? 

"What are you playing at, Dunk? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you filming? Is that why you have to act as if you don't know me?" What he said made no sense to Dunk. Dunk was still looking at him in confusion with no recognition in his eyes. It wasn't long before Joong saw another familiar face that he hope would clear the air.

"Pond! Tell me this is all an act. You guys are filming right? Where's the camera crew?" Joong looked around for the camera crew but saw no one. They were the only people around. 

"Who are you, sir?" Pond too had looked at him in confusion.  

"That was my exact response, Pond. I'm glad I'm not the only one. This man claims to know me too but I have not met him in my life. Have you lost your way, sir?" Dunk asked as he stood beside Pond. Joong was panicking internally. He didn't know what was happening. Both Pond and Dunk had looked at Joong curiously. Joong hoped that this was not what he thinks it is. He had watched and been in too many movies and dramas to guess what is happening.

"What year is this?" he asked as he dreaded the answer.

"1885." Pond answered without a hitch. Joong stumbled at his answer.  Both Pond and Dunk reached out to support him. 

"I think it is best we bring him to my house. We'll work a way out from there." Dunk suggested to which Pond agreed. 


Apparently, Dunk came from a noble family. His house was huge for this era. 

"Brother" Dunk greeted his eldest brother. 

"Phi Win" Joong gasped. Win raised his eyebrow at Joong. 

"Forgive him, brother. We met this confusing one a few moments ago. We are trying to figure out how to get him help. He's dressed like one of those foreign traders." 

Win gave him a once over before nodding his head and heading out. 

"Come sit, confused one. What shall we call you?" Dunk gestured to Joong as they sat on the cushion placed on the floor around a small square table. 

"Joong." Joong whispered. He was spook out as he wondered how he travelled back in time. 

"Where are you from, Joong?" Pond continued to ask. 

"Grung Thep (Bangkok)" both Pond and Dunk looked at him in confusion. They acted so alike the Pond and the Dunk that he knows. They even react and respond the same as them. It made it difficult for him to hold himself back. He started spilling what he thought happened. Dunk had patted his back in comfort as he started tearing.

"What kind of sorcery is this? or do you think it's the act of the gods?" Pond started speculating. Dunk laughed and shook his head at Pond's theory. Dunk couldn't help but notice Joong's scared look.

"Don't mind Pond, he is usually very eloquent and good with words. He can even charm a bird to his hand if he wasn't scared of them. Your story must have stumped him. I do agree though, we could seek help from a shaman to see if there's a way out of this. Maybe they have a better idea on how to approach this." Pond nodded. Dunk always knew what he was thinking instinctively without him putting it into words. Joong noticed the odd soft smile that Pond was giving Dunk. Force and Book had come in before he could ponder on it. 

"Phi Force? Phi Book?" They were as confused as the rest of them. He saw Phi Off and Phi Gun strolling in as well. They were all looking at him questioningly. Dunk tried to explain to them once again.

"He's a lost foreign trader. He's having some trouble that Pond and I think it would be best to bring him to the shaman." The four of them nodded.

"Force and Book will accompany you over. It's better to go with your brother and your brother in law, luuk (son). " Dunk had nodded and smiled at Gun. Joong was surprised when Gun called Dunk his son. Apparently Off and Gun were Dunk's parents? Either Force or Book was Dunk's brother? 

"Wait for us, there's one more thing that I need to settle before we go." Dunk had nodded with a smile as Force and Book went off. Joong had looked at Pond and Dunk for a moment. He had tried to name people from GMMTV to see if they all existed in this world. 

Apparently Phi Tay and Phi New were Pond's parents. Fourth is Pond's brother. He is married to Gemini. Phi Jimmy was Pond's cousin. Phi Namtan is Dunk's cousin and the list goes on. It seems like most of their colleagues from GMMTV were either part of Pond or Dunk's family or they were a neighbour in the village. Phi Tha was the village chief. 

"What about Phuwin?" Pond and Dunk shook his head.

"There is no one by the name of Phuwin in this village." Joong was confused by Dunk's answer.

"No one with my name, Joong either?" Pond and Dunk shook their head in synchrony. Joong was so confused. Everyone existed but them. He didn't know what it meant. But he needed to find a way back. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Not everyone in GMMTV is in this timeline that includes Phuwin and Joong, just to make it clearer.

It you are wondering how can Pond and Dunk in this timeline be so trusting, yes it is possible. I've heard of stories from elders who talked about stories of others from 1920s to 1940s...Stories that were passed down... they really were that trusting and friendly that time. They  would easily take strangers in, house them and help them. Nothing is ever too absurd...  

How are you liking it so far? 

I think I may be completing this by Monday/ Tuesday. Like it really is a short short series.. kinda like "the Stranger in the Snowy Forest" short. 6-8 EP... Longer EPs though since I'm making it short. 
