Sweet, Lovely Air!

Chapter 3: Sweet, Lovely Air!

Blast! Blast! A whole lot of Ka-Booms!

I need to hide! Bloody hell why don't they make walls in pools!

With no other place to go, I submerged myself into the water. I hoped the poor lights would do me a favor and hide me. I stayed down in the water and held my breath. I tried not to move as much but I needed to, so that I stayed submerged in the water.

Why can't the water just keep me down and bloody drown me. Just when I needed to die, the water keeps pushing me up to save me.

I had been under the water way too long and I was running out of breath. I couldn't see through the water, or hear for that matter, if whoever had come left or not.

My lungs started burning and just when I couldn't make it anymore, I burst out of the water trying to take in mouthfuls of air.

Oh sweet air, lovely air. Just how much I...missed...you...

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt, however, when I had a look at the tall, cold, granite standing near the edge of the pool. 'What...' the cold figure hissed slowly, 'are you doing, Mr. Linton?'

I back away from the edge slowly but came to stop when I realized that no matter how much that miser had a strong urge to strangle, he would not make his mint-conditioned coat, dirty in the process.

I stared straight into those cold eyes as I moved my hands back and forth slowly and tauntingly in the water, 'Why swimming, of course, Mr. Ambrose, Sir.'

'And why pray, tell me, are you doing such atrocious behavior?' Mr. Ambrose said looking like he would loose his anger any moment now or something else?

Anger, Ha! Well I'd show him. I am the one angry at him. Not the other way around. 'Well, because it is undoubtedly mad as hops, that's why.' I replied back grinning.

He made a sound of something between a beast and a wolf. I might have overstepped a few bounds...or not. 'Mad as hops!?! I do not pay you to do play roles. I pay you to...' He roared.

I interrupted him immediately, 'Play roles! You are telling me you do not pay me to do play roles!?!' I let out a very unladylike snort, 'I am falsely engaged to you, you blasted employer!'

'Mr. Linton!'

'Fine, you blasted employer, Mr. Ambrose, Sir!'

He glared at me silently. And a bit more in silence. Very much more in more silence. I pretty much ignored his presence and had started to play around in the water again.

I looked his way again and he still had a very cold glare directed my way. 'Are you going to move that granite head of yours and join me or what?'

'I am an English Man. I do not take part in such activities.' Mr. Ambrose said indignantly. 'And I am not asking you to be one, Sir. I am asking whether or not you plan to move, either towards me or away.' I replied raising my chin.

He looked at me in a way that I became much too familiar with in his employment. 'Oh hook it. It's not like I am showing my Crinkum-Crankum. See?' I said raising my feet up to float but then I immediately fixed myself upright when I had started to sink.

His dark pools of sea green eyes darkened even further. 'Mr. Linton!'

'Hey, you think me being in unexpressibles is much more convenient to your supposed English rules?' I asked smiling widely.

'That is only in my employment. And as for the supposed English rules, they don't apply to a Non-English Lady like you. Now, get out, right now!' He commanded.


'Mr. Linton!'

'Yes Sir?'

'Mr. Linton, I do not like to repeat myself.'

'I am not telling you to.' I said moving back away from him. 'Lillian, look out-...' Mr. Ambrose shouted but it was too late.

I fell in the deeper parts of the water.


Dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Well, well, well, What do we have here? Oh A cliffhanger is it?

I think Sir Rob The Meanie is rubbing of me isn't he? XD

That's all folks! ;)

Yours Truly,

Lady Jolly



Mad as hops: crazy or fun but I think you realized that! XD

Hook it: another way of saying "be off with you"!

Crinkum-Crankum: *clears throat*well if I were to mention the meaning...then...this wouldn't be PG-13 now would it? ;)

Unexpressibles: slang English way of saying trousers!


*sips tea and winks*
