Dick, My Dear

Chapter 4: Dick, My Dear

I hadn't noticed where I had been stepping and slipped at the part where it goes deeper into the swimming pool. I flayed my arms but to no use. The more I tried to swim upwards to the surface; the deeper I sank in the water.

My state of panic and shock did not help and I was running out of breath but still had not made any progress in reaching up. I tried to move up by kicking my legs and snatching at the water as if to pull myself up but I couldn't swim.

A moment later a figure in white appeared in the blurry water. It reached me and something wrapped around my waist and pulled me upwards. I let it not knowing what else to do.

A moment later I finally took in a deep breath, after my panicked state. I looked at the figure that still held tightly onto me. It was Mr. Ambrose.

'Now why do you think I had been telling you to get out Mr. Linton?' Mr. Ambrose asked with dark green eyes. I might have gotten out from drowning but it seemed that I had started drowning into his eyes.

'Really,' I asked, 'this close to my body and you prefer the title "Mr." unlike what you called me earlier before I fell?'

'I don't know what you are talking about Mr. Linton.' He said leaning dangerously closer.

'Of course you don't.' I said pulling his lips to mine.

I kissed him pulling him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his build. I pulled him as if I would never see him again and that thought alone made me kiss him fiercely.

His other hand went up to the back of my neck, tilted it, and pulled me in for a much deeper kiss. The water reached him till his waist. Darn his height! No wonder it had been easy swimming ashore.

Oh really? It has nothing to do with the muscles you seem to be clinging on to rather tightly?

Oh shut it! I am clinging on to nothing! If anything I am leading this knee-bending kiss!

I explored the shirt that clung onto him tightly. We both fought to take over the kiss. We clashed like two stars. One lava hot, and the other Cold. His arms pulled me up from my waist. I wrapped my legs around him and held on to his beautifully sculpted face. My fingers wandered to his hair.

The water was helping a lot. Me holding on to him was much easier and I could concentrate on the kiss. But after a while we both got a bit...wild.

I tried opening his shirt buttons, it was getting in the way of my destination. I was able to push off his shirt but he stumbled trying to keep us upright.

"You will drown us both." Mr. Ambrose mumbled pulling back.

"I think we already have." I mumbled back pulling him closer with my legs.

He kissed me back with as much ferocity and time went by and so did we. Literally.

We drifted slowly nearer to the edge of the pool and next thing I knew we somehow ended up out of the water and right next to it.

On the ground.

Now I know nothing about what was going on and where it was headed but I am pretty sure that it wasn't supposed to happen here...on the ground...next to a pool.

That didn't seem to be stopping any of us though. The complete opposite in fact. I lost some clothing...or what was left of it, and Mr. Ambrose lost some as well.

I would've preferred to continue but something clicked in my mind. 'How did you find me?' I asked suddenly pulling back.

'My men told me your...whereabouts.' Mr. Ambrose replied looking down at me with dark eyes, cool as ever.

What had I been asking him again?

How he found you, you dolt. Get it together! You are a feminist! He isn't the only one who gets to look cool and collected!

How can someone look cool and collected at a time like this? I thought as I looked him up and down. 'Why?' I asked him.

'Because I asked them to.' He said.

'Did we have to go somewhere?' I asked confused. If we did, then what are we doing here? Not that I am complaining. I can be where ever I wanted. It is my choice as much as it is his.

'No.' He said. I waited for him to add more. Surprisingly, he didn't. Great. Do I really have to voice my confusion. 'Then why were you looking for me?'

'Does a husband really need a reason other than missing his significant other?' Mr. Ambrose asked leaning dangerously closer.

'I don't know Dick my dear, you tell me.' I said grinning up at him mischievous.

'Don't call me that!' Mr. Ambrose hissed at me.

'I don't know what your talking about Dick.' I said back laughing. He pulled me and I met him going closer as well.

This had been a lesson I had been waiting to learn. One, I actually enjoyed.


Dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Anyone else who wants a lesson much like this one? ;)

I hope you enjoyed.

The last chapter will be here soon enough.

Yours Truly,

Lady Jolly ;)

