Dastardly Waters

 Chapter 2: Dastardly Waters

I strode back to my room as I thought about my brilliant idea. When I moved around the corner, I crashed into something soft.

It was a maid holding towels. At least that is what I figured out after I rubbed my derriere and got up to help her and apologize.

She apologized back profusely and told me it was all her fault. We both parted ways as I had my important mission to get back to. But I immediately came to a stop when I remembered what I had planned. I turned back around and eyed her apron.

I called out to her, 'Stop. Wait just a moment.' She stopped and turned around eyeing me curiously.

I gestured to her apron, 'Can I borrow that?' I asked her. She looked down at her apron and looked back at me in my dress. Her brows furrowed in confusion.

I realized her thoughts must be running wild and before they could go any further, I added, 'No no. It's not what you are thinking. It's just that...I have a girl with me...who...always makes a mess when eating. Yes, that's it, so...can I have it? Please.'

She immediately put down the towels and handed it to me, 'Here you go Ma'am. Should I pick it up later ma'am?' She asked.

'Yes, thank you. As I said, borrow. Be on your way and don't think too much, please. Yes thank you, indeed.' I rambled out to her as I walked away hurriedly.

I reached my room and immediately started with my plan. I took off the dress and jewellery. I had a feeling that when Mr. Ambrose meant no damage to them, it included water, so I should definitely not use it.

That didn't stop me though. Oh he was going to regret everything he had me go through. Who said women are weak? Ha! Would someone weak do what I was doing?

I stripped down to my chemise and since it was thin I wrapped the apron around me under it. I wasn't wearing a corset to the pool. Not if I planned to drown. Besides, what would Mr. Ambrose do without me?

A moment later I stepped out in a shawl. My unmentionables were showing but it was better than what was hidden under the shawl. Absolutely nothing that is.

I went as fast as I possibly could. I didn't want to be stopped by anyone. Infact, the one. Mr. Ambrose could look for me if he really wanted to see me. Right now, I don't remember us having to do anything important.

I reached the pool and thankfully no one was there. Just as expected; the only lights there, were lamps on the wall. But it was enough for me to see which side was shallow.

I put my shawl aside and walked up to the edge of the pool carefully. I did not know how to do a foot stroke or whatever it was bloody hell called but that didn't mean I would not be able to enjoy myself in the shallow waters.

Nothing is better than a good refreshing bath. Oh wait! There is! A swimming pool!

I dipped my toes in the waters testing the temperature. I had read it being done by the heroines in the books.

The water felt fine and I was about to slowly lower myself in; when a thought struck me. This was the shallow part and I did like to have fun after all.

Without another thought, I stepped a few paces back and ran at full speed before I jumped into the water.

I swam up to the surface and sputtered out water. I had thought of holding my breath but blimey my toes lied to me. The water was freezing! I shivered. That is not how it should turn out! Not by me being iced to death!

Remember how Mr. Ambrose had to traverse the dangerous waters to shore when he had saved himself after the ship had sunk.

I gave a good shove to the water. Hmph! As if a little cold would bother me from having a great time. Ha! I'd show him! I would show him that even a girl could swim herself to safety if she wanted to.

I hesitantly took a step forward in the water. Apparently in the water, it was harder to move. Maybe that's why they swim around waving their feet in the water like madmen.

I pushed through the water trying to make myself float but realized I would drown if I tried. In the water, I leaned back slowly and lifted one foot up. Hesitantly, I raised the other. I felt like I was falling and flared my arms around, as if to catch something.

You dolt! You are in the water. There is nothing solid to hold on to here.

I picked up that much!

I righted myself up again and stood on my toes. Hmmmm...How was one supposed to float in these dastardly waters. I saw someone doing it when I had come before! They made it look so effortless!

I went to one side of the pool and held on to the edge. I tried to lay my body down flat on the water while holding the edge. Slowly but surely, my body was in a complete horizontal position.

Yes! I pumped my fist and immediately realized I should not have. I almost went into the water but grabbed onto the edge in time.

I floated again and softly shoved myself away from the edge. I floated away and away from the edge and realized I was getting to the deeper part and righted myself up again.

This wasn't half bad; I thought to myself. I moved around in the water when suddenly I heard footsteps approaching the pool.



Dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

How is this chapter?

I hope I made you laugh on Lilly's antics. She definitely knows how to express herself. XD

Another day another chapter. Hope you had fun.

Yours Truly,

Lady Jolly ;)


That is one beautiful view isn't it?
