Day 6. F - Folklore

Folklore was hard but I came up with something at least. I also needed a Folklore to involve 3 people and I think I did well.


Here's a story. From a folklore made by me called...Kaede and the Two Bears.

Kaede, far from home, was lost in the woods. Her unknown environment made her wary. There has to be a place to stay in the woods or at least some people to direct her out of this confusing place of green.

She walked further into the forest. It may be for the worst as she was even more lost than where she was earlier. It was pointless, she had no idea where the exit of the woods was.

'It's hopeless, I'm never going to get out of this forest.' The blonde sighed in defeat. She's going to die out here if she doesn't get any food soon.

Then something amazing happened. She smelled an aroma. The aroma of food. Her eyes went wide, there were people in the woods, she would just have to follow the scent of food.

She walked in the direction of the scent going closer and closer to a house. Just a random house in the woods. Kaede walked slowly to the house, approaching the wooden door. She stood at the door contemplating if she should knock on an unknown door in the woods.

It's the woods, it could be a murder's hut. This could be the last thing she could see before she dies. That wouldn't be a good idea anyhow.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No answer. She stood there for a few more seconds before knocking again. Maybe someone thought it was in their imagination so they ignored it. No answer again.

"Hello? I'm lost in these woods and I need help to find an exit." She decided to say to attract the people who were inside.

Her stomach rumbled, she was hungry. What is she going to do about her hunger problem? She gripped the doorknob and twisted it.

"I'm coming in if you don't mind." She opened the door open and walked through the door into the house.

The female looked up at her surroundings. There were two of everything in this house. Two chairs, two dining chairs, everything. But something else caught her eye. Two bowls of porridge on the table.

She walked up to the table, the wood on the floor making a creaking noise. It looked unreal. There was ready-made food on the table in front of her. All she had to do was eat it and she wouldn't be hungry anymore.

She shook her head no. She couldn't just eat two people's food without their permission. That goes against moral codes. Even if they went on a walk to let the food cool.

Kaede moped in defeat. She doesn't want to eat something that isn't hers even if she's hungry. She is not that kind of person.

She even wished to sit down after walking for so long in the forest. Her legs were tired. But the two chairs present aren't hers. She might even break one of them, this would be terrible. That chair would come out of her wallet.

This was a terrible place to find. Everything in this place. She might as well leave.

"What are you doing in our house?" A person asked the blonde. Kaede froze, someone came into the house before she was able to leave.

"Nyeh, I think she's lost." Another person said.

Kaede turned around, "I'm sorry, I came here to look for instructions on how to leave this forest because I was lost and I found this place. I didn't do anything I promise, please don't…" She looked down at the two people. Well, they don't look like people, they had ears and a snout. Their hands looked like paws, " me."

The two human-like animals glanced at one another, "We aren't that kind of bear. We don't eat humans!" The brunette bear said, "In fact, we were out to let our porridge cool enough so we can eat it."

"Us bears are sensitive you know."

Kaede looked to the side, "I...see." She looked back at them, "What's your name?"

"I'm Himiko Bearmeno, the Ultimate Bear Mage!!!" She introduced herself and reached both her arms into the air. Kaede nodded and looked at the other bear to listen for her name. She sighed, "I'm Maki Bearkawa."

'So their last names both have bear in it, isn't that a little much?'

Kaede's stomach then grumbled. She placed her arms around her stomach and blushed a little, "I-I'm so sorry, how embarrassing." Kaede shifted to the door with Himiko and Maki watching her.

"Where are you going?"

"Out, I should've never intruded on your house. I'm very sor-"

Himiko walked up to her, "We barely get visitors anyway. When we do they're scared to even talk to us. You're the first person to not run away. You even asked for our names."

Kaede stood straight up and looked at the two bears. Maki played with her hair, "Why not just join us for dinner, it's getting dark anyway. We'll guide you out of this forest tomorrow morning."

Kaede walked back into the house, "As long as it's okay with you then I'm fine with it."

And so Himiko and Maki let their kind human stranger into their home. Even though they were bears, Kaede accepted them for who they were.

The next day they led Kaede out of the forest back to civilization. But every once in a while Kaede comes back to visit the two bears. They even end up becoming friends on the end. The bears didn't mind the human coming around to their home. They at least had company in their home.

And that's the end of this tale...the tale of Kaede and the Two Bears.


Day 6/30 complete!

Let me tell you the next chapter is going to be one of my favorite things to write.

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight!🔦
