Day 3. C - Committment

Before you read I would like to say that I gave up on this chapter. I couldn't come up with a clear story and then I noticed it was 4:00 pm and I was getting tired so I rushed it.

And yes I didn't post yesterday because my phone was taken.


Kaede placed a box on the table in front of the other two. Himiko and Maki looked at the said box and looked back at the pianist who was standing there grinning ear to ear. 

Maki lifted an eyebrow while looking at the plain box. She only sighed and slouched back in her chair. It looked like she was uninterested in the content.

Himiko also seemed to be uninterested in the box as well. Not wanting to waste her MP on anything that seems too exhausting. She also doesn't want anything to do with the box.

The pianist's smile faded, "Why do you guys look so uninterested?" Kaede bit her cheek, "I need help with this." She pointed inside the box.

Maki sighed and leaned on the table, "What's in the box?"

"I'm glad you asked!"

"You made me ask-"

"They're goodie bags if you attend my piano concerts." Kaede smiled, "I make at least some for the people who come early to see me." She put her hand in the box and held up an already finished bag, "See, this time I put some checkered cookies and a tiny card appreciating them for coming."

Maki cringed, "But why?"

"Why not, they're my fans and showed up to my shows. They're committed to going early to get the best seats to see me play. Some I even know by name." Kaede then patted Himiko's and Maki's heads, "And we need teamwork to get this done in time! For my committed fans!"

Himiko's eyes twinkled and looked up at Kaede, "I'll help, I also have committed fans I'm glad to have. Even If I'm low on MP now I shall use the rest to help you with this!" Himiko's mood spiked hearing about fans. She seems to be willing to help if it has anything to do with fans.

The brunette cringed and slumped further in her seat, "For committed fans? Why? They paid for the show to see the you play. You don't have to waste your time making gifts for them."

Kaede reached her hand in the box to grab an unfinished bag, "Fans give us the encouragement to keep going." Himiko turned her head towards Maki, "You may not know it but even you're a committed fan yourself, Maki."

"Doubt it." Maki replied. Kaede nodded, "Oh yeah. You always come to both our shows and shows. Even staying longer than you should. You're our number one fan and don't even know it. A fan would waste their own personal time for something they love, and that's a committed fan."

There was a silence in the room as soon as Kaede said that. Maki seemed to be thinking about something. Or maybe if that statement is true.

Maki looked up at them, "Do I get a bag if I help?"

"Yeah, you are coming to my piano concert, number one fan."

And so Maki, the committed fan she is, and Himiko helped Kaede with her goodie bags for her fans coming to her concert.


Day 3/30 done!

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight!🔦
