Day 20. T - Token

For reasons unclear. I make Ocs for a singular part of a story and forget I ever made them.


Kaede handed Himiko and Maki something. It was in a gift bag. They flipped the bag in their hands looking at it more. It looked suspicious. They both look back at her.

"Why are you giving us this?" Maki raised the bag up higher to her chest. Himiko rocked it side to side, "I don't understand."

"A token of my appreciation! I wanted to show you that, I love you, in a platonic way!" Kaede smiled and placed her hands behind her back, "So I gave you gifts to show that."

Himiko lowered her bag, "Nyeh, but we don't have anything to give back."

Kaede waves her hands, "No no, it's fine, I don't want a gift. I just wanted to give you guys a gift."

"That's suspicious." Maki bluntly said, "Did Kokichi have anything to do with this? If he did I'll kill him." Himiko nodded, "I'll place an all-your-money-is-monopoly-money curse on him."

"What? No." Kaede stepped back a little. She felt a little hurt that they thought the present was going to be weird or a prank. She scratched her cheek, "I don't understand why you think Kokichi ever talks to me." She placed her hand over her mouth, "He just stares at me whenever I talk to you alone, Himiko. It's scary. Whenever he talks to me it's passive-aggressive but it seems normal. He doesn't act like this for the others." She said in a whisper.

Himiko tilted her head, "You aren't lying, I used my magic on you." Maki sighed, "Kaede doesn't seem like the type of person to lie."

Kaede smiled, "Great, now, open it!"

They did as they were told. The tissue paper was removed from the bag to reveal the gift that was inside. They paused as they looked at the gift. They were confused.

"Take it out!"

Himiko took hers out first, "It' as a stuffed plushie?"

Kaede nodded excitedly, "A token of my appreciation like I said, I asked our senior who can make plushies to make stuffed plushies of us!" Kaede pulled something behind her back and showed hers, "Look, I have one too!"

Maki looked at hers and back at Kaede, "How much did this cost?"

Kaede grinned. She tilted her head and closed her eyes, "He wanted an autograph and good seats for my next recital, he was a pretty big fan of my piano work. So I know I have people outside my class who are fans."

Maki's palm was flat, her doll laying on her, "I didn't know there was an Ultimate that could make stuffed animals, seems like a waste of talent."

Himiko pointed at Maki, "It does, but then," She lifted up her doll next to her cheek and smiled, "I look so cute as a doll."

"You do Himiko, I knew he was going to do a great job." Kaede bent down, placing her doll next to Himiko's. The blonde looked up, "Come on, Maki, your doll has to be in the group huddle too."

Maki blinked for a moment and gritted her teeth, "You can't be serious. I got a doll that I didn't want, now you want it in the doll group huddle."

Kaede's eyes went wide. Maki didn't want the doll? But it was a gift she wanted to give her. The pianist looked down, "If you don't want your doll, I'll give it to Kaito."

She blinked once again, "Kaito?"

"Yeah," Kaede stood straight up, "He saw the dolls and wanted yours so he can have a memory of his classmate, I said no. But, you don't want yours, so I'll-"

Maki immediately walked next to Himiko and stuck her arm out with her Maki doll. She placed it on Himiko's doll on the other side, "Group huddle."

"That's the enthusiasm!" Kaede placed her doll back in its original position, next to Himiko's doll, "Now this is for the token of our friendship!"

"I hate this."

"Nyeh, but aren't we friends, Maki-roll. You should accept this friendship."

Maki rolled her eyes and groaned, "Whatever. Dolls of ourselves are a token for our friendship."

"Now you're getting it!" Kaede raised her doll higher into the air, "Friendship!"

Himiko and Maki did the same, "Friendship."


Day 20/30 complete!

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight.🔦
