Writer's Block

Writer's block can be defined as a) when a writer has run out of creative material or b) when a writer doesn't know how to continue their story.

I spent my whole childhood not having creative enough material until I turned 12 and got the idea for the characters in my first book. And I often spend days trying to figure out the appropriate way to continue my story. I even rewrote one of my books twice.

So I definitely get writers block.

The way to combat A level writer's block (the first one I mentioned) is to expose yourself to creative ideas. Read books, watch tv, find things that interest you and you will inevitability come up with something inspiring.

To combat B level writer's block (the second one I mentioned) you might have to reread everything you have written so far and then decide what is the best possible decision for your characters to make next.

Or you could just take a little walk, clear your mind and come back to it later.

You could also use this opportunity to work on other projects. If you don't know how to finish one story then continue another. That's what I did when I couldn't figure what was next for the fourth book in my series. I wrote something different.

It's called The Living House wanna check it out?

If you've got any other ideas leave them in the comments to help other people out.
