Write what you know

I've heard people say that this is bad advice because its limiting. But I disagree. The only way you could be limited by this is if you have a) no life experience or b) no imagination.

I think it's only possible to write well about something that you have experience in or you can image really well. That's why my story works because I can imagine what it's like for my characters to do the things they do. And I have experience with the things that they have like friendship and being bullied or teased.

I don't know what its like to have powers but I do know what it's like to know you just did something cool and creative (my drawings always get praise) so I can imagine that someone with a lot of power will be really prideful and then feel ashamed and not tell anyone about it if they lost their powers. (Like Valorie the Queen from my book.)

If you have no idea what its like to be bullied well then how could you write about it? You either have experience or you DO. YOUR. RESEARCH. If you don't know something you LEARN!

And that's what I like about this rule 'write what you know' because you can always know more.

But I still say its much better to have experience. 
