
At the end of every story there is a change. You don't just go back to the status quo something must be altered in the world you've created. These are all the changes that can happen at the end of your adventure.

> characters learn new things and develop

> the villain is killed or redeemed

> someone is taken away from the story somehow, it could be death or something else

> the characters go some place they haven't gone before – the journey continues elsewhere

> the main character finds love

> the mc gets out of their shell and/or is finally accepted

There's plenty of other changes you can have at the end and I'd like to hear some from you.

The idea is that there is an evolution at the end of the story even if it only takes place over the course of a week, something drastic must happen. That's what we're here for – to read about these changes.

One of the oldest stories in the world 'The tortoise and the hair' even though nothing major happens still has a change. After the tortoise wins the animals realise there's more to a race than speed. It's about having an iron will and persistence. 
