Two bundles of happiness//Chp 12

So it was a boring day. Until I got up to go to the bathroom to go pee, like I do every five minutes. Until I felt my water break. I was in shock. I screamed Grayson's nam.


I heard him running down the stairs as fast as he could. As soon as his feet hit the ground his face was in shock also.

Grayson: Did your water break?

Y/N: Mmm hmm.

I walked slowly to the chair.

Y/N: Grayson, can you get the hospital bag?

Grayson started running up the stairs to get the hospital bag. He grabbed and we walked out the door to the car. As we were in the car rushing to the hospital, I was screaming in pain.

Grayson was safely rushing to the hospital. As soon as we got to the emergency section of the hospital, Grayson rushed to the other side of the car trying to get me out.

I wobbled into the emergency part of the hospital. And the doctors got me a wheelchair to take me into the emergency room. To get me admitted.

I couldn't believe I was going into labor at 7 months pregnant. I wasn't due for another 2 months. And the father of my kids couldn't be here.

Why did I have to go sleep with my husbands brother? If I hadn't done that, Ethan would be here right now going to experience the birth of his son and daughter.

We were in the hospital room for a few hours until the doctors told me I was able to push since I was 10 cm dilated.

All the doctors came in and told me to start pushing. My legs were opened and I began to push, big hard pushes. After a few pushes my baby boy was born.

Doctor: Baby A born at 2:14pm.

The doctor took the baby and gave it to the other doctor to clean him off and get him ready for me to see him.

Then the doctor told me to start pushing my baby girl out so I did. But something was wrong as I was pushing my baby girl out. The monitor was going high.

And I had to go into an emergency c-section. The doctor got the bed and moved me over to the emergency c-section room.

The started to cut at my stomach so I could meet my baby girl. Atfer 10 minutes my baby girl was born.

Doctor: Baby B born at 2:36pm.

They took baby girl cleaned her off and got her ready to see me. Then they finally gave me my babies on my chest.

They were so beautiful. I couldn't believe I gave birth to two beautiful human beings. I was filled up with so my happiness. Grayson was so happy even though they're not his kids. I couldn't stop crying and smiling. But they took the babies again to put them in the NICU since they're premature.

Grayson: I can't believe you did it!

I could tell he was still crying from his red puffy eyes. After all that I took a little nap.

~3 hours later~

So it was currently 5:36pm. I saw Grayson sleeping on the couch we had in our hospital room.

Since I was bored I went down to the NICU to go see my son and daughter.

Hi my little babies! They looked so small.

As I was thinking of names for them, it clicked.

Elijah Grant Dolan and Athena Jacklyn Dolan.

Just perfect for you guys.
