Broken Heart//Chp 4

Ethan pulled up into the driveway and we got out the car. We entered his house and as soon as we got in there he was already asking questions.

"What happened?" E asks as he throws his keys on the counter.

"Please Ethan I don't wanna talk-" I say.

"Please Y/N. Just tell me." He says, caressing my face.

"This morning I was trying to escape, and before I could leave he caught me and beat me up badly. Then as we were watching Avengers, he went to the store and came with a woman." I say, trying to hold my tear back even more.

I was starting to breakdown and cry but before I fell to the ground Ethan caught me. I started crying into his chest. As I was crying into his chest we heard a loud bang on the door.

Ethan and I got up from the floor and Ethan made me hide in the upstairs bathtub. I heard Grayson downstairs going upstairs, I was getting so scared.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Grayson was yelling.

"I DONT KNOW!" Ethan yells back.

"DONT BULLSHIT ME!" Grayson yells, as I hear glass breaking.

I hear Grayson stomp up the stairs and slam open the bathroom door. He sees me hiding in the bathtub and pulls me out by the hair. Before Ethan can stop Grayson he pulled me out the house. Grayson threw me over his shoulders and opened the car door. He threw me in the car seat.

"You dumb ass bitch. I don't know why you thought that would be a good idea. So now that you made that dumb ass decision, your going to pay the price." He says.

I already knew what Grayson meant by that.

-3 months later-

It had been a while since Grayson has abused me.
Sometimes he would get aggressive with me, but over these past 3 months he's been doing better.

But over these past 3 months, i've been nauseous and not only that my period hasn't come. I haven't been thinking to much about it because my period has been irregular. I got a pregnancy test, just incase I could be pregnant.

I pulled out the white stick out in the box. I hesitantly look at and sit on the toilet. After I was done I put the stick on the counter and put the box over it, so I can be surprised once it gives me the results.

Maybe Grayson will actually change this time. Maybe we can become a family. Me and Grayson would always talk about having kids. I was nervous about these results though.

After 5 minutes, I pulled the box off the pregnancy test and there it was, the 2 lines. I grabbed the pregnancy and I fell to the floor. I was overjoyed with tears. This is the best thing that has happened to me in 2 years.

I got off the floor and wiped my tears. I went over to the bed and shook Grayson til he woke up.

"What the hell, Y/N?" Grayson asks as he moves his head to the other side.

"Look I'm pregnant." I said, trying to show him the pregnancy test.

Grayson quickly picked up his head and got out the bed. He slowly walked towards me, as I was up against the wall.

"You're pregnant?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"I don't want kids right now." Grayson says, with a stale voice.

"Well I do." I say.

"Are you talking back to me?" Grayson asks, as he gets closer to my face.

"No." I say

"There you go talking back to me. Since I'm not trying to argue with you, you aren't having this baby." He says.

"What do you mean I'm not having this baby?" I say getting closer in his face.

"You're getting a abortion." He says.

"No the hell I'm not." I say.

"Excuse me." He says, with a confused look written on his face.

"You know what Grayson this is the first time in the last 2 years I've actually been happy and you just wanna take it away from me. I don't care you can hit me for talking back to you. I don't give a fuck anymore. But just so you know if you make me get an abortion I will never forgive you." I say walking away.

I open the bathroom door and turn on the shower. I fully unclothed myself and enter the shower. As I
was taking a shower I felt something leaking down my legs, but it didn't feel like water, it felt warm and thick. I looked down and see a bunch of blood.

"GRAYSON!" I yell.

I rush out of the shower and quickly put my clothes back on. Grayson was shocked, he picked me up and gently placed me in the car. He drove fast as possible to the hospital a few minutes later, we arrived to the emergency room. We waited, waited, and waited. The doctor finally came back with the results, my ears couldn't believe what I heard.

"I'm sorry but you had a miscarriage." The doctor said, with a disappointed look on his face.

I started busting into tears, and so did Grayson. The car ride home was super silent. We finally got home and I bursted into tears again, Grayson was trying to give me a hug but I pushed him off.


"You better watch your tone, you weren't ready to be a mother anyways nor a wife." Grayson says.

I had a shocked expression on my face, I could just tell. I slapped Grayson and left a red mark on his face.

"YOU BITCH." Grayson yells, as he holds his cheek.

"You know what Grayson I fucking hate you, you ruined my life. You can never let me be happy can you?" I ask.

I walked away, went upstairs, and cried and cried myself to sleep.
