Crying blood, bleeding tears//Chp 2

It was the next morning, I didn't see Grayson in bed so I checked around the house.

"Grayson?!?!" I say as I look around.

"I'm in the kitchen." He yells as I hear him from downstairs.

"Ok I'll be down in a sec." I yell back.

I looked in the mirror and saw the scars I got from last night I got some makeup, the scars still looked noticeable but not that noticeable. I went downstairs and saw Grayson cooking breakfast, Grayson hadn't cooked in so long I forgot he knew how to cook.

"Hi babe." I say as I get on my picky toes and give him a kiss.

"Hi. You hungry?" He asks as he puts the eggs on a plate.

"No." I say

"What?" He says as he roughly puts down the pan on the stove.

"What's wrong?" I say confused.

"Did you just say no to me?" He says walking up to me with anger on his face.

"You asked if I was hungry and I said-" I say

Grayson grabs me by the neck, before I could
finish my sentence.

"You never listen, do you bitch? I told you to never say no to me and that's exactly what you do. Now you are going to be punished for that." He says. I kept trying to push him off of me but he wouldn't budge. He brought me to the living room and he kept beating me up and kicking me.

-5 mins later-

Grayson had went to his closet to get ready for work and I was just silently crying on the floor, why did he keep doing this to me? I was still laying on the floor crying as Grayson bent down to me and kissed me.

"I love you." He says.

And then he left. I waited for him to leave to check my face, I went to look in the mirror and I was so shocked by the way my face looked which just wanted to make me cry even more. My lip was busted, I had a black eye, I had a bloody scar around my eyebrow, and a bunch of cuts. I was just staring at my face until I heard a bell at the door. I was so shocked because no one ever comes to visit. I went downstairs and opened the door and it was Ethan. Ethan's face expression looked like he was concerned. Before I could tell Ethan he could come in he already did.


"..." I keep quiet.

"Please don't tell me what I think your about to say." Ethan says with his fingers pinching in between his eyebrows.

I stay quiet even more.

"Y/N?!?! Please don't tell me Grayson did this to you?" He says holding me by the shoulders.

I still don't answer him.

"Answer me Y/N." He says looking into my eyes.

"Yes he did." I say, hesitantly.

"Omg Y/N. Y/N pack your things your coming home with me. I'm not leaving you with Grayson." E says.

"He's going to change Ethan." I say.

"No he isn't, cause then if he dosen't one day he is going to call me and tell me your dead. No Y/N i'm not having it." E says sitting on the couch.

"Trust me he is going to change." I say, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Fine if you don't want to come home with me then I'm not leaving." E says while laying back on the couch.

"Fine." I say.

-5 hours later-

The door knob was jiggling and I knew it was Grayson. I was getting scared I didn't know what hew was going to do.

"Hey babe I got you- What is Ethan doing here?" Grayson says with a concerned look on his face, as he puts his stuff down on the counter.

"What the hell man? Why the fuck are you abusing Y/N?" E says, as he gets off the couch, slowly walking over to Grayson.

"Listen Ethan it's none of your buisness of what I do with my wife. What i do with my wife is my buisness." Grayson says, sternly.

"Wow man you are such a pussy you can't give me an explanation." E says.

"I'm the pussy?" Grayson says.

"Yeah you are. That's why Y/N is coming with me." E says as he puts his hand for me.

"No the hell she's not." Grayson says as I grab E's hand.

Grayson grabs E by the collar and throws him down. E gets back up and tackles Grayson on the floor. Grayson gets on top of E and throws punch, after punch. E pushes Grayson off, trying to catch his breath. Grayson walks to the closet and pulls out a shoebox, that has a gun.

"Get the hell out before I shoot you with this gun." Grayson says as he points the gun at E

"You wouldn't kill your own twin would you?" E says.

Grayson raised the gun to the ceiling and shot it.

"Try me." Grayson says, as he points the gun back at E

Ethan slowly walked to the door and left. Grayson put the gun back in its normal position.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Grayson asks me sternly, as he angrily holds me by the chin. I kick him in the nuts, causing him to groan. I get off the couch and run up the stairs. I get to the bedroom and try to lock the door, but Grayson pushes it open before I can lock it.

I was scared of what Grayson was going to do to me. His face was screaming of anger. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the bed. He started kissing me on the neck and on my lips. I already knew what was going to happen so I just let it and silently cried.
